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Egyptian Armed Forces

Are you saying that the US army and marines are also poorly trained and equipped ? they have lost thousands of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan too.. that is why I think that this statement about the Egyptian army's training and equipment makes no sense..

US army doesn't apply compulsory conscription and give newly graduate students from civil colleges 45 days to train before sending them directly to urban warfare zones to fight highly trained and more experienced fighters expecting them to overcome suicide bombs, snipers and IEDs!

This is just one of many reasons that we keep having such heavy casualties!

What is written on it? and who's flag is that? أصلاً:enjoy:


It's a Chinese Type-92 and the solider with SA-18 is a member of our EADF
@ International Army Games 2017: Clear Sky competition that was held in Xinjiang, China early this year.

You can see many flags here!


BTW, they're gonna have to train and train A LOT with these new Ka-52's (and I'm sure they will anyway) to check all systems and make sure all the bugs are taken care of.

I'm bringing this up because this just happened 2 days ago in Russia, Ka-52 attacks a fisherman. Cause of misfire? "Weapon's control circuit failure." Look at that speed and destructive power of either the 30mm cannon or rockets.

Guys... what about a (Second) FREMM frigate ??? Are we gonna order more FREMMs or any other good frigates soon ? And what about the 2 additional GOWIND corvettes (4+2)? There was news few months ago about negotiations between Egypt and France about (12 Rafale Fighters, 2 GOWIND corvettes and 2 other ships, and 12, or may be 24, NH Helicopters, among other weapons I guess)... Is this deal still being in negotiations ?

Also... Did Egypt ACTUALLY received any MIG-29M fighters yet ? And did we really order, or expected to order soon, any SU-35 Fighters ? ONE last questions... I think that the number of Frigates in the Egyptian Navy, after the last FREMM Tahya Misr officially joined the Navy, should be 11 Frigates... 4 Oliver Hazard perry class, 2 Knox class, 2 Jianghu class, AND 2 KONI CLASS...But I found that some resources are excluding the 2 Koni class frigates, bringing the total number of Frigates to 9 only... Have they officially gone out of service ?

Sorry for all these questions :-):-):-)
Too many questions indeed! :)

Guys... what about a (Second) FREMM frigate ??? Are we gonna order more FREMMs or any other good frigates soon ? And what about the 2 additional GOWIND corvettes (4+2)? There was news few months ago about negotiations between Egypt and France about (12 Rafale Fighters, 2 GOWIND corvettes and 2 other ships, and 12, or may be 24, NH Helicopters, among other weapons I guess)... Is this deal still being in negotiations ?

Nothing has been confirmed yet.

Also... Did Egypt ACTUALLY received any MIG-29M fighters yet ? ......

It's just a matter of time before seeing the new MIGs in EAF.
The news that circulated the web last year did mention that EAF was scheduled to receive the first MiGs in the first half of 2017. So, they could be already in service!

Regarding the weapon systems that come from Russia, China and other suppliers no ceremony is expected to take place unlike we have been doing with the systems that been received from USA and France! (i.e today with ENS AL FATEH F-971)

... did we really order, or expected to order soon, any SU-35 Fighters ?

"Expected" is more accurate!

.......But I found that some resources are excluding the 2 Koni class frigates, bringing the total number of Frigates to 9 only... Have they officially gone out of service ?

Sorry for all these questions :-):-):-)


It's an ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) frigate.
I don't think Egy navy can afford to decommission it.

Also, you may check this thread"
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Sorry for all these questions :-):-):-)

Those are great questions, no need to apologize at all. Ask all you want and if someone wants to answer they will or won't. :-)

Su-35? Those would average about $90 million per aircraft without any support of any kind. By the time you add all the necessary "stuff" it would probably be close to $100-$120 million per. For that number, I hope they find a way to buy more Rafales instead. Or at least accept the option for the additional 12 you mentioned to bring the number to 36 (3 squadrons). Then buy more MiG-35s to add to the 50 they already committed to, that way they're only increasing the current platforms they already have and not introducing yet another monster fighter. That's just my opinion. :-)
Raising the flag of Egypt on the ENS AL FATEH F-971 in the port of Lorion, France

LOL It's LORIENT, mate! Which with an added apostrophe,
fittingly spells The East, L' Orient ! Masr is east of France?

And it's no coincidence either. It was the building of a ship
there in 1669 to go commerce with India, the Soleil d'Orient
or Sun of the East, that stuck with the workers enough for
them to name the yard the same including living quarters :
with the practical contraction meaning The/ Orient, L'Orient.

As the place churned out boats and great boats since, the
choice of name is well suited even though the original ship
sank somewhere around Madagascar in 1681, a mere 10
years after launch.

Sorry for rambling but history is such a common treasure,
I hope you don't mind.

Great day all, Tay.

Finally, with troops in Sinai!!

Let's hope the terrorists don't get a hold of this crazy new weapon the Russians just came up with! :lol:

Normally I wouldn't post these types of sat images of critical military installations, but realizing these pics are already all over the internet anyway and I'm curious since there really isn't an official list of the quantity of Wing Loongs in the Egyptian army, but here we see at least 4 on a tarmac that hosts 6 obvious spots and possibly another 3 outside a separate hangar. Wiki just lists Egypt as an operator but doesn't say how many. Anyone know how many Wing Loongs in the Egyptian Army?


Guys... what about a (Second) FREMM frigate ??? Are we gonna order more FREMMs or any other good frigates soon ? And what about the 2 additional GOWIND corvettes (4+2)? There was news few months ago about negotiations between Egypt and France about (12 Rafale Fighters, 2 GOWIND corvettes and 2 other ships, and 12, or may be 24, NH Helicopters, among other weapons I guess)... Is this deal still being in negotiations ?

Also... Did Egypt ACTUALLY received any MIG-29M fighters yet ? And did we really order, or expected to order soon, any SU-35 Fighters ? ONE last questions... I think that the number of Frigates in the Egyptian Navy, after the last FREMM Tahya Misr officially joined the Navy, should be 11 Frigates... 4 Oliver Hazard perry class, 2 Knox class, 2 Jianghu class, AND 2 KONI CLASS...But I found that some resources are excluding the 2 Koni class frigates, bringing the total number of Frigates to 9 only... Have they officially gone out of service ?

Sorry for all these questions :-):-):-)
Egyptian navy does not and has not operated Koni's
Yes, and then you look at the rest of the page and you see the individual ships of this class produced and none of them ever ended up in Egyptian service .....

See 'exports' here: http://russianships.info/eng/warships/project_1159.htm
See: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/1159-list.htm
See: http://www.deagel.com/Fighting-Ships/Project-1159_a002838001.aspx
See: http://www.navypedia.org/ships/russia/ru_es_delfin.htm
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