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Egyptian Armed Forces





The first shot of one of the Egyptian alligator "Ka-52 Alligator" helicopters from inside an Egyptian air force base after its last delivery, before the installation of its parts that are disassembled when shipped from Russian Russia to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

^^ Man that is such a beautiful aircraft! That camo scheme suits it very well. Can't wait to see more of the naval camo MiGs. The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the undercarriage blue. It's a bit too "perky blue" lol. I would've liked to see it painted in a bit more subtle color like they painted the FLIR & EW pod on the engine nacelles in that very light, bluish/gray color. It looks more like the sky than that bright blue. Other than that, what a beauty.

You can see the gold tinted canopy very nicely in this view. With the air refueling probe on these MiGs and the Rafales, the EAF should seriously consider investing in a pair of IL-78 air refueling tankers. With everything they're buying lately and the two new batches of fighters with refueling probes, it would make a lot of sense.
Russian Helicopters (part of the Rustic Group) have made another batch of Ka-52 helicopters..
The press release said the second batch of these helicopters for the foreign customer had already been manufactured.

At the end of his meeting with the Egyptian pilots, Rogozin proposed to name "Nile Crocodile" as an export name for the Egyptian version of the helicopter "Ka-52"..

At the request of the Egyptian pilots, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia participated in a test flight to see the possibilities of the Egyptian export version of the Russian helicopter "Ka-52".



The Egyptian version got heavy modifications different from its Russian counterparts..

The Egyptian crocodile version has been designed to include corrosion-resistant materials (specific to the marine version), and have an enhanced reinforced body design. It is equipped with a new chassis with Braces and wheels designed to increase the weight of the helicopter at take off.


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Helmet with visual tracking and lock on targets by "SURA-M"

You can tell from the original picture when it was first uploaded (even without clicking and enlarging it) that the pilot's helmet had some type of HM system since it looked quite different from the rear-seater's.
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French newspaper says Al Fateh Gowind 2500 corvette will be delivered to Egypt in 10 days.


So cute.. low profile stealth..

Construction of the second corvette began in Alexandria Shipyard in April 2016 and will be completed by the end of 2017 and will enter service with the Egyptian Navy in 2018.

The third and fourth corvettes will also be built in the Alexandria Shipyard and are scheduled to enter service with the Egyptian Navy in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

So cute.. low profile stealth..

Construction of the second corvette began in Alexandria Shipyard in April 2016 and will be completed by the end of 2017 and will enter service with the Egyptian Navy in 2018.

The third and fourth corvettes will also be built in the Alexandria Shipyard and are scheduled to enter service with the Egyptian Navy in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

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La corvette égyptienne « El Fateh » bientôt livrée
Publié le 11/09/2017 15:01


I'm guessing it's safe to assume that DCNS has it's hands soaked deeply in the Egyptian ship yard building these things, especially the first locally built one.
La corvette égyptienne « El Fateh » bientôt livrée
Publié le 11/09/2017 15:01


I'm guessing it's safe to assume that DCNS has it's hands soaked deeply in the Egyptian ship yard building these things, especially the first locally built one.
Most likely in training and support.. I guess some machinery and tools were also transferred to Egypt, but most important is the know-how and the TOT.. I hope it is a complete ToT, but some components must be too sensitive for that, like the Radars, missiles and some other electronic components, anyway Hope for the max and best possible..
Most likely in training and support.. I guess some machinery and tools were also transferred to Egypt, but most important is the know-how and the TOT.. I hope it is a complete ToT, but some components must be too sensitive for that, like the Radars, missiles and some other electronic components, anyway Hope for the max and best possible..

We'll have to see in 10 days or so, if this 2nd Gowind shows up. It should be an interesting month if there is any validity to this news and the South Korean frigates/corvettes.
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