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Egyptian Armed Forces

There aren't. The Egyptian Medical Corps strictly trains emergency medical technicians, nurses, and has started training doctors again. They service Egypt's network of military hospitals, clinics, and during conventional conflicts field hospitals.

The concept of a soldier who is also a medic in an infantry platoon/company never made its way to Egypt or if it did it no longer exists.

The organisation of the Egyptian unit. A sub company based arrangement with little in terms of attached personnel.

Yes, their duty of care is evident for all to see.

That assumes that IEDs are the only mechanism of injury. Gun shot wounds, shrapnel, and falls will do it too. There are also non combat related deaths. It was an example of to illustrate a larger point.

The sophistication of medical evacuation and prior/post evacuation treatment has direct correlation to the chances of survival regardless of mechanism of injury. Other wise why would a health service exist in the civilian and military world?

The enemy is to blame. However, does that mean we should neglect our own shortcomings? Or do we continue to not address cases of negligence of incompetence when they arise?

Shouldn't every soldier at the very least deserve the chance to be saved by receiving medical care.

Too many of everyone has died in the Sinai. However that doesn't negate my point. The Egyptian Officer Corps dominates the Armed Forces.

It is the center of knowledge, education, and somewhat competent training that has not been democratized to the rest of the military. It always will be since conscription provides far too much rotation for any sort of organizational experience to build and a purposefully neutered NCO corps doesn't provide what should be the spine of the Armed Forces enough decision making ability. Progress, change, and innovation rarely comes from the top down, it comes
from the middle, Egypt doesn't have one.

There hasn't been one instance of an aeromedical evacuation, prove otherwise if you can and I will yield.

This however is a regular occurrence:

CAIRO (Ma’an) --Two Egyptian army officers and an ambulance driver were killed on Sunday in the city of Sheikh Zuweid in the northern Sinai Peninsula. An Egyptian security source told Ma’an that a roadside bomb hit an infantry unit of the Egyptian army in al-Shadayid neighborhood of Sheikh Zuweid, killing two officers. An ambulance rushing to the area also came under fire. The ambulance driver was injured and later died of his wounds.


Come off it. Not every IED is an overkill one. Again, there are a lot of mechanism of injury, what do you lose by training people to respond to that? Do they not deserve a chance of being saved even if the injury is likely fatal?

Is that not part of the duty of care and ultimately part of the promise of well being?

Lord forbid we ever try to get better. A lot of what the UK and US do is simply because of sound training and understanding of soldiering. Small unit tactics, marksmanship, medical first aid, and C-IED procedures don't require that much resources and forces several times smaller and less well resourced than Egypt are bloody good at them.

They pink mist. Doesn't mean there aren't injuries down the line that aren't fatal. As always combat medics will prioritise.

It was only meant as an example of mechanism. Not every IED injury will be fatal and not every injury will be survivable. Still doesn't mean you don't teach your troops first aid.

Nothing does. It decreases the chances of fatality, which in my book is a plus. Would you rather be in an MRAP or an M113?
We should not forget the economics factor when we compare The US, UK and generally western military with the Egyptian one, since there is professionalism on one hand and the means on the other hand..
Also we shouldn't confuse reservists training with the professional army.. officers in general are made to lead, NCO follow and soldiers obey, that is how it goes worldwide.. it all usually go with the level of education and training plays a good part in it too.. The best armies are the ones who beyond discipline have also harmony in the ranks and respect from top to bottom and vis versa..I think Egypt has achieved that since the preparations for the October 1973 war.. and more emphasis was put on the individual soldier (all ranks), since than..
And to be honest like usual, there is always room for improvement..And as the economy improves we will see more positive steps taken for the well being of the Egyptian soldiers..
Russian didn't fall in the Volga...to sell its best wares to end up in the US ne in Israel...

The latest shot of the MiG-29M / M2 (MiG-35) single-seat version number 801 aircraft at Moscow's Zhukovsky Airport in Russian carrying the Dummy version of the R-77 air to air BVR missile And R-73 for air to air short range missile, for testing purposes.
They're gonna wear out that one aircraft, lol. By the time they deliver it, it'll be like buying a new car with 75K km/mls on it already. :lol:

So far the only user of the newly improved and longer range R-77-1 is the RuAF, but there is the RVV-SD which if the export version of the R-77-1. We'll have to wait and see which version comes with these MiGs for the EAF.
Self criticism is important in any army in order to make it more successful , this is why Egypt was able to fix its past mistakes , we dont want to see Egypt a total failure Just like the Algerian , Sudanese and Syrian armies .
Algeria when she was weak...
Soudanes, will best Egyptian forces, they got more cohones than your mama felt between her legs or on her lips, and Syria has already won

sand war with morroco and finally Algerian civil war where they lost over 30,000 soldiers against few armed civilians .
Soudanes will best Egyptian Forces ? what do you mean ya ibn el sharmoota ?
Egyptian army,like your mother , had a slew of cohones up her asss from Israel,French brits Israel,Yemen,Israel,Yemen again...And I am sure that the Soudanes as well as the Ethiopian swimmers will find away to her cervix.
Soudanes will best Egyptian Forces ? what do you mean ya ibn el sharmoota ?
Hey, do you remember the time Americans screwed your stock markets?
That time your leader said we became beggars within only one night. Oh you had world bank, excuse me.
Algeria once kicked French a** and Syrian brothers are now kicking American a**.

Come back and talk when you are done with ******* up to Americans! owners of world bank LOL
The overall tone of exchanges is now pathetic.
Please respect Misr forces on their own thread,
a news thread BTW, not a debate one.

If you want to partake in a fallacious insultfest
without rhyme nor reason, open your own?

We're all better than what went on above, aren't we?
* fingers crossed *
Egyptian army,like your mother , had a slew of cohones up her asss from Israel,French brits Israel,Yemen,Israel,Yemen again...And I am sure that the Soudanes as well as the Ethiopian swimmers will find away to her cervix.
Oh I see your complaining and trolling like a typical Algerian sharmoot

Hey, do you remember the time Americans screwed your stock markets?
That time your leader said we became beggars within only one night. Oh you had world bank, excuse me.
Algeria once kicked French a** and Syrian brothers are now kicking American a**.

Come back and talk when you are done with ******* up to Americans! owners of world bank LOL
Both Algeria and Syria are a big joke . The Syrian army lost over 200 thousands soldiers and destroyed their country just fighting a few thousand armed civilians I see no victory in this and they can't control the insurgency it's just another Afghanistan .

Algeria performed badly against Islamist insurgency for 2 decades and their forces slaughtered over 70 thousands Algerian civilians apart from losing over 20 thousand of their own soldiers against poorly armed Algerian Islamia activists .

The Algerian bitch celyal is making up bullshit about Egyptian forces which basically applies only on his failed army .

Algeria stills sick up to Algeria and your very own country sucked up to America when they decided to overthrew the Afghan government back in the 1980s don't give me this cap

The overall tone of exchanges is now pathetic.
Please respect Misr forces on their own thread,
a news thread BTW, not a debate one.

If you want to partake in a fallacious insultfest
without rhyme nor reason, open your own?

We're all better than what went on above, aren't we?
* fingers crossed *
The Algerian troll celyal always turns any forum related to Egypt into an insult battle ; nothing serious here he is only a troll
Why is your country fighting Yemenis and helps to massacre them? On the other hand your piggy governors had no reaction to genocide in Myanmar. While you are supposed to be a neighbor of Rohingyan oppressed Muslims. Pay your fair share of Ummah instead of massacring the poorest people of Islamic nations in Yemen.

Islam and Muslims is the last thing that a Malaysian could think about.

I know the role of dollar, you would sell anything to receive Saudi dollars. Oh, world bank. So stop insulting ceylal

@Ceylal has correct points. Egyptian army is being led by weak leaders despite having a brave hearted nation who gave valuable sacrifices in fighting Israel. Their army deserves better leaders, not these goons who are bi***ing between west and east.
They need a proper independent military industry.
Wish success for Egyptian and Algerian people.
Celyal has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to Egypt ; just another typical wannabe troll .

From your post I see your nothing but another Islamist from Iranian side . Your no more than a bunch of hypocrites you keep screaming about Burma which your ally China and Pakistan has been arming to the teeth yet blame other countries .

You keep screaming about Yemen yet your beloved Iran and assad killed over 300 thousand Muslims in Syria .

I know your reply in advance I have seen a lot of your kind at the end they either turn into terrorists or convert .
Where are the MODERATORS? This is an absolute SHAME (like the posts above) what is happening to this thread in the last few pages.

You don't see any Egyptian members issuing any of the vulgar attacks on other nationalities in their country's military threads like what we're seeing in this utterly DESPICABLE behavior and posting by these disrespectful and hate-filled members.

Time to show some authority and enforce the supposed rules of any respectable forum. Frankly, this is appalling.

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster Kindly straighten things out, please.
Bullshit is all he offered until now .

Listen dude Saudi Arabia and Iran are the ones destroying this region , whether Saudi Support for some wahabi groups or Iran support for sectarian terrorist organizations like Hamas , Hezbollah and Isil .

This region will only be stable after the fall of all Islamist groverments like Iran , Turkey and Qatar , until then there will be no stability .

Egypt is the only country in this region with a strong army and a proper foreign policy focused on resisting Islamist ideologies whether MB , Isis or Khomenism .

The current goverment is solely focused on internal development and wiping out islamism which has help Egypt achieve stability unlike failed states around it whether Syria , Libya and Sudan .

Keep believing in your bogus conspiracy theories while iranians are suffering in Iran and escaping on boats all the way to Australia . Iran should be the richest country in the region with all the resources it has but your stupid government policies has kept you guys living in misery and poverty.

One time a real secular iranian will rule iran again and clean it from the islamist filth .
Dude i deleted my posts
You are opening issues one after an other and this thread is already derailed.
I will open a thread next time, can say your thoughts there. Good bye for now
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