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Egypt within 10 years ... the transition to the region's center of gravity

Wow 20 new cities. Its good to hear about progress in Eygpt.
There is new massive gas-field and rapidly growing economy money won't be an issue but the issue would have been if it was not spend.. As far as the frequent weapon purchases some were assuming that is from Saudia or UAE that is not true either.. Egypt and Saudi Arabia last month signed a country to make Neom and Sharm al-Sheikh sister cities and enter-connect both cities with a bridge or tunnel. Saudi Arabia bought two islands from Egypt before beginning on NEOM project and after the sell of these two Islands did Neom become official. The deal which Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed is worth 10 Bil USD. Sharm El-SH is locaed right across Neom on the other side of the red sea and the two sold islands are located right in the middle of both cities
My best wishes to Egypt.
Gas field is ok, not that big. Also it's deep water gas field, margin won't be very high.

30×1012 cu ft850 km3


Many MB supporters are businesses, if Sisi take down them it means they will lost many good entrepreneur that will develop Egypt. Similar like what happen in Turkey, Erdogan iron fish to the Islamist group that previously side with AKP causes economic calamity.

There should be reconcilation and forgiven rather than purging the opposition.
Bro, I think you are a bit idealist.
There is new massive gas-field and rapidly growing economy money won't be an issue but the issue would have been if it was not spend.. As far as the frequent weapon purchases some were assuming that is from Saudia or UAE that is not true either.. Egypt and Saudi Arabia last month signed a country to make Neom and Sharm al-Sheikh sister cities and enter-connect both cities with a bridge or tunnel. Saudi Arabia bought two islands from Egypt before beginning on NEOM project and after the sell of these two Islands did Neom become official. The deal which Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed is worth 10 Bil USD. Sharm El-SH is locaed right across Neom on the other side of the red sea and the two sold islands are located right in the middle of both cities
Those two Islands were Saudi.. Egypt was protecting them and returned them to Saudi Arabia when it was requested.. try to get your facts right next time before you post them..

My best wishes to Egypt.
Gas field is ok, not that big. Also it's deep water gas field, margin won't be very high.

30×1012 cu ft850 km3

View attachment 739396

Bro, I think you are a bit idealist.
There are many more Gas fields, The Noor Gas field is between 90 and 120 trillion cu ft .. not exploited yet..
There are other fields discovered that are being covered up till Egypt have sufficient strength to defend them..

The total value of the Egyptian reserve is worth at least $1.5 trillion.. according to experts in the field..
Zohr alone is worth some $160 billion..

Bloomberg says Egypt on course to become one of world's top 10 gas exporters


This is apart from the Red Sea, Where work hasn't started yet. It is considered a virgin area.. The Chinese seismic survey ship confirmed that the Red Sea contained huge quantities of gas..
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Those two Islands were Saudi.. Egypt was protecting them and returned them to Saudi Arabia when it was requested.. try to get your facts right next time before you post them..

There are many more Gas fields, The Noor Gas field is about 120 trillion cu ft .. not exploited yet..
There are other fields discovered that are being covered up till Egypt have sufficient strength to defend them..


Bloomberg says Egypt on course to become one of world's top 10 gas exporters

thx. Hope all is well as long as money well spent.
Those two Islands were Saudi.. Egypt was protecting them and returned them to Saudi Arabia when it was requested.. try to get your facts right next time before you post them..

There are many more Gas fields, The Noor Gas field is between 90 and 120 trillion cu ft .. not exploited yet..
There are other fields discovered that are being covered up till Egypt have sufficient strength to defend them..

The total value of the Egyptian reserve is worth at least $1.5 trillion.. according to experts in the field..
Zohr alone is worth some $160 billion..

Bloomberg says Egypt on course to become one of world's top 10 gas exporters


This is apart from the Red Sea, Where work there hasn't started yet. It is considered a virgin area.. A Chinese basic scan was positive about OIL and Gas fields in there too..
So we have enough money for development
The potential that Pakistan has is unparalleled. But Pakistan needs good governance for atleast a decade to set the course of country in the right direction.

You can get the money from within the country........

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thx. Hope all is well as long as money well spent.

Money being well spent is always key

Turkish Armed Forces have enough power to protect Turkish EEZ from bandit countries
What does this have to do with Egypt?

if Egypt attack Turkish interests in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkish Armed Forces will fight everyone including Egypt , if they violate Turkish EEZ

İf Egypt respect Turkish EEZ , then no problem
View attachment 739692

Turkish Armed Forces have enough power to protect Turkish EEZ from bandit countries
View attachment 739694

The way you call Egypt is similar like in Indonesia, we also call the country "Mesir" instead of Egypt.
The way you call Egypt is similar like in Indonesia, we also call the country "Mesir" instead of Egypt.
The Arabic name is Misr as well if you weren't aware.
But who is stealing from Turkey or who are the bandits?

Greece , France , İsrael even The US ..... and they wants to use Egypt as a pawn to fight Turkey

Turkish Navy Warships blocked American,İsraeli,French,İtalian drilling and research Ships in the Turkish EEZ

also Turkish Armed Forces will never allow Turkish Cypriots' rights to be harmed by bandit Countries
The Arabic name is Misr as well if you weren't aware.

I have always found it difficult to pronounce the name in ''MISR'' because they literally say it like that. Without an A following it. I normally say ''Masar'' instead of Misr
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