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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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You must be joking me right? Did you just bring me a source called Foundation of Defense For Democracies and another source being the mouthpiece of Saudi regime?

Just leave it, if you had slightest thing to show here, you'd have done it already. All these 'sources' without any visual confirmation are as valuable as crap.

Just a tip of the ice berg from Reuters, now say Reuters is like Fars News


Dec 15, 2014

Iranian support seen crucial for Yemen's Houthis

Iran has supplied weapons, money and training to the Shi'ite Houthi militia that seized Yemen's capital in September, as Tehran steps up its regional power struggle with Saudi Arabia, Yemeni and Iranian officials say.

Exactly how much support Iran has given the Houthis, who share a Shi'ite ideology, has never been clear. Sunni countries in the Gulf accuse Iran of interference via Shi'ite proxies in the region, something Tehran denies.

But Reuters has details -- from Yemeni, Western and Iranian sources -- of Iranian military and financial support to the Houthis before and after their takeover of Sanaa on Sept. 21.

A senior Houthi official denied there had been material and financial support. But the assertions are still likely to reinforce Saudi, and Western, fears that Iran is exploiting turmoil between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and now Yemen.

Riyadh has suspended aid to Yemen, angered by the Houthis' growing power, while Iran publicly welcomed the Houthi victory.

A senior Yemeni security official said Iran had steadily supported the Houthis, who have fought the central government since 2004 from their northern stronghold of Saadah.

"Before the entrance into Sanaa, Iran started sending weapons here and gave a lot of support with money via visits abroad," the official, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue, told Reuters.

A second senior Yemeni security official said "weapons are still coming in by sea and there's money coming in through transfers".


Iran, the first official said, saw victory would be swift in Yemen, unlike in Iraq and Syria, and "with not too much expense".

A Western source familiar with Yemen also said the Houthis had been getting training and money.

"It's been happening for over a year. We've seen Houthis going out to Iran and Lebanon for military training."

"We think there is cash, some of which is channeled via Hezbollah and sacks of cash arriving at the airport. The numbers of those going for training are enough for us to worry about,” the source said. The first Yemeni security official said Houthi fighters had received training by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A senior Iranian official told Reuters that the Quds Force, the external arm of the Revolutionary Guard, had a "few hundred" military personnel in Yemen who train Houthi fighters.

He said about 100 Houthis had traveled to Iran this year for training at a Revolutionary Guards base near the city of Qom. It was not immediately possible to verify this claim.

The official said there were a dozen Iranian military advisers in Yemen, and the pace of money and arms getting to the Houthis had increased since their seizure of Sanaa.

"Everything is about the balance of power in the region. Iran wants a powerful Shi'ite presence in the region that is why it has got involved in Yemen as well," said the Iranian official.

Salah al-Sammad, a senior Houthi adviser to the Yemeni president, denied Iran had provided arms but said Iranian backing was part of a shared vision in "confronting the American project".

For its part, Saudi Arabia provided "blatant" support to allied tribal sheikhs and parties in Yemen, he said.


Yemeni authorities point to the "Jihan 1" as evidence of Iran's support. The ship was seized by Yemen in 2013, smuggling weapons from Iran to local insurgents.

The Yemeni official showed Reuters a breakdown of the cargo, which included Katyusha rockets M-122, heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles, RPG-7s, Iranian-made night vision goggles and "artillery systems that track land and navy targets 40km away".

There were also silencers, 2.66 tonnes of RDX explosives, C-4 explosives, ammunition, bullets and electrical transistors.

A few days after the Sanaa takeover, Houthi gunmen surrounded the National Security headquarters calling for the release from jail of eight Yemeni crew members.

They were freed, as were two suspected Hezbollah members jailed for planning to provide military training to the Houthis.

Iran denied any connection with the arms found on Jihan 1.

Sanaa residents still can't understand how the Houthis managed to take control of their city.

Although the Houthis started as a small movement in north Yemen, they gained strength by tapping into the grievances of Zaydi Shi'ites, about a third of Yemen's population.

Their march to Sanaa was led by fighters who exploited popular discontent over corruption and the removal of fuel subsidies. They also exploited divisions within the army, which largely melted away at the decisive moment.

"Most of the fighting is done by local people supported by people from the Houthis," a Houthi fighter told Reuters.

With the Houthis now in control of the capital, the airport and most of the port of Hodeidah, there are fears of more overt support from Tehran.

Iranian support seen crucial for Yemen's Houthis| Reuters
Should declare Moulana Abdul Aziz as Caliph of Pakistan. What's up with the half efforts? Everyone knows that Pakistani mullahs desperately want to lick Habibi ***, might as well let them do it.

Don't talk ****.

Answer the question asked before.

Tell everyone, about your beef with Saudis.

Tell everyone the real reason; reveal yourself.
I agree, just as soon as India sends it's military on a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.
hum aisa karein to sabse pehle mirachi pakistan ko hi lagegi!

Worry not we hate india and hindus more than you hate pakistan.
there goes the fate of pakistani hindus !

Developing: Fresh airstrikes reported on targets near Houthi stronghold in Saada at Saudi-Yemen border.
maulvi sahab ko sabse jyada khujali ho rahi jang me jaane ki !
Why don't you tell everyone the true root cause of your hateful post.

you do understand that even the Ayatoolahs are against your type.

So, go ahead .. tell everyone.

And where did I mention we should side with Iran? Ayatollahs are bat shit crazy just like their Arab counterparts. I wish Pakistan to stay neutral.

Don't talk ****.

Answer the question asked before.

Tell everyone, about your beef with Saudis.

Tell everyone the real reason; reveal yourself.

Calm down. Don't spit like mad goat.:D
And where did I mention we should side with Iran? Ayatollahs are bat shit crazy just like their Arab counterparts. I wish Pakistan to stay neutral.

Tch Tch ..

Don't go all neutral.

Answer the question and reveal yourself.

Tell everyone why do you really oppose Saudi Arabia.

And where did I mention we should side with Iran? Ayatollahs are bat shit crazy just like their Arab counterparts. I wish Pakistan to stay neutral.

Calm down. Don't spit like mad goat.:D


he seems to have left the page, and not tell everyone who he is.

He is one of a few whom we have kept an eye on for the last few years.
Wait for certain Western Pakistani wannabes to come and declare Pakistan next Wahhabi state but they don't say a word about Iran activities around the world. Hypocrisy Level: European
Tch Tch ..

Don't go all neutral.

Answer the question and reveal yourself.

Tell everyone why do you really oppose Saudi Arabia.

What the hell are you talking about? You want me to tell you my name or what?


he seems to have left the page, and not tell everyone who he is.

He is one of a few whom we have kept an eye on for the last few years.

Don't keep your eyes on me gay lord. I don't swing that way. Now get back to you cave little man.:chilli:
Wait for certain Western Pakistani wannabes to come and declare Pakistan next Wahhabi state but they don't say a word about Iran activities around the world.

His problem is not his western root.
His problem is a few kilometers in east punjab.

They do silly stuff, and then they cry they are being religiously persecuted.

See ^^^, he knows exactly what I am asking, but he will not say openly who he is.

He should tell everyone, why UK is religiously important to him, and which religious leader has been suckling on the queen's teat for so long.
Considering Pakistan bombed its own creation, Taliban, on American orders, joining the Saudi led force against Houthi revolutionaries is not far fetched.
Since we are at it, I don't understand one thing, If uprising/revolt against corrupt dictator Assad is vehemently opposed by Iran, then what is their problem in opposing revolt of Houtis and would come out guns blazing against Pakistan trying to stop this revolt ? What is good for syria is not good for yemen what kind of hypocrisy is this
His problem is not his western root.
His problem is a few kilometers in east punjab.

They do silly stuff, and then they cry they are being religiously persecuted.

Oh. That's what this is all about. You can't tolerate Ahmadi on Pakistan Defence forum.
Pakistan should remain neutral... if we have learned anything from our role in Jordan or Afghanistan... in fact we should be initiating talks between Saudi and Iran. Lets not join in another useless war where we have no stake. The Zarvan's will cry but I think we need to seriously think about this. You never interfere in another country and we should obey that rule today as well.
Considering Pakistan bombed its own creation, Taliban, on American orders, joining the Saudi led force against Houthi revolutionaries is not far fetched.

And you are sucking up to same US now a days? You forgot to mention this
Tch Tch ..

Don't go all neutral.

Answer the question and reveal yourself.

Tell everyone why do you really oppose Saudi Arabia.


he seems to have left the page, and not tell everyone who he is.

He is one of a few whom we have kept an eye on for the last few years.
Are you trying to abuse him just because he is an Ahmedi. Zafarullah Khan was an Ahmedi and he made Pakistan. Said community has done much for Pakistan you couldn't even dream of. Heard of Abdus Salam or Furqan Force
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