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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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I think Pakistan must support this operation;

We must provide pilots , ammunition, missiles as and when required.

We must help clean Irani influence from Hijaz's neighborhood.

Once we are done, we must join everyone and clean Iran.
Not likely. Iran is heavily involved. And Pakistan is walking a tight rope here.

But honestly though, KSA has supported Pakistan on many occasions. Same can not be said about Iran. Lately Iran has accommodated Indian influence just across Baluchistan. That's not how a good neighbor acts. It should not be forgotten that Pakistan helped Iran with its nuclear program but they disclosed it to entire world.

Fight in Yemen is against a minority militant group which has overthrown majority government (Houthis make only 30% of population). I am against ground troops taking part in fighting inside Yemen. But I don't see anything wrong with providing Air Support, logistics, and taking up COIN advisory role for an ally which hasn't betrayed us in the past. If we are to win dependable allies we have to assist them when they need it. It works two ways. And no, it's not mercenary work. It's alliance. A coalition. Just like West builds before entering into a conflict. It gives you friends and allies on international stage; something we need these days.

Don't give in to Indian comments here. They are all talk about India a frontline state against terror, international ally against etc etc. But they will never go and fight against terrorists. Against Talibans? ISIS? Boko Haram? Never! Talk is cheap and expends no political mileage.

We live in a time of alliances. Dependable allies are hard to come by. We don't hold animosity against Iran but we will stand by those who stood by us. Pakistani blood doesn't have to be spilled on this war. Sharing our experience with them should do. Military advisors and Air assistance is good enough.

Some of Pakistan's closest allies are united in this action, like Turkey, Jordan and KSA. Tomorrow if India threatens us, they will know Pakistan's allies will not watch silently. So I think, carefully, Pakistan should offer its assistance.
Only if it comes with guarantees that Saudi will put a stop to the support sectarian organizations like LeJ receive from there
I also believe Pakistan can balance this out with Iran by going hard against Jundullah and not allowing our soil to be used against Iran
This way we can both preserve our relationship with Saudi Arabia plus prevent Pakistan being used as a proxy battleground between these two states
I think Pakistan must support this operation;

We must provide pilots , ammunition, missiles as and when required.

We must help clean Irani influence from Hijaz's neighborhood.

Once we are done, we must join everyone and clean Iran.

Not going to be harsh, but you should first clean your own country from terrorists before 'cleaning Iran'.

The only one who'd find your genius input here a clever one is the 'thing' in your avatar.

Btw, is it me or does it look like that every single Pakistani living in Saudi Arabia sounds more Arab than Arabs themselves? Is this an identity crisis or what?
Pakistan should send its airforce, army aviation and surveillance/ attack drones

But Pakistan should not send ground troops Instead provide assistance in decision making and training of Yemeni troops. It's there war and they should fight it
Not going to be harsh, but you should first clean your own country from terrorists before 'cleaning Iran'.

The only one who'd find your genius input here a clever one is the 'thing' in your avatar.

Btw, is it me or does it look like that every single Pakistani living in Saudi Arabia sounds more Arab than Arabs themselves? Is this an identity crisis or what?

As we speak, Pakistan is being purged of terrorists.

I am glad to report that we have the capacity to clean our own country AND support the Anti Iran operation.

You may want to note, that all those Shia head quarters called Irani Cultural centers will be sooner or later closed.

Since your country has a history of attacking other country's embassy, I think we should close ours.

Pakistan should send its airforce, army aviation and surveillance/ attack drones

But Pakistan should not send ground troops Instead provide assistance in decision making and training of Yemeni troops. It's there war and they should fight it

The best thing we can do, is the block Iran's naval access to Yemen.

This way Iran will not be able to land any more Atatooolahs in Yemen.
Pakistan must not get involved beyond protecting the two Holy cities. Period.
And I think someone needs to make Iran and KSA to stop their stupid wars! Do before it is too late.
As we speak, Pakistan is being purged of terrorists.

I am glad to report that we have the capacity to clean our own country AND support the Anti Iran operation.

You may want to note, that all those Shia head quarters called Irani Cultural centers will be sooner or later closed.

Since your country has a history of attacking other country's embassy, I think we should close ours.

Good luck with 'Saudi cultural centers' that have killed thousands of Pakistanis in terror attacks.
Good luck with 'Saudi cultural centers' that have killed thousands of Pakistanis in terror attacks.
Mr Saudis came in after you started supporting and funding Shia organisations
Good luck with 'Saudi cultural centers' that have killed thousands of Pakistanis in terror attacks.

I don't need your wishes; Our generals are actively and diligently doing their duty.

Unlike yours who are brewing trouble and Fitna around the world.
Not going to be harsh, but you should first clean your own country from terrorists before 'cleaning Iran'.

The only one who'd find your genius input here a clever one is the 'thing' in your avatar.

Btw, is it me or does it look like that every single Pakistani living in Saudi Arabia sounds more Arab than Arabs themselves? Is this an identity crisis or what?

Did you clear out Sistan Balochistan from jundullah before helping Iraq and Syria ?
My perception (and many others') of Pakistan will change if they decide to join this aggression, and it will mean that some rumors about Pakistan's army and gov are true. But hopefully, Pakistan is wise enough to stay out of this and no confirmation of its involvement is out yet, which is good.

Why should we care about your perception ? Do we have a say about your line of action or polices in syria and iraq and your proxy wars in bahrain and yemen ?
Might as well declare Pakistan as ''Wannabe Arab Republic of Pakistan''.

Why don't you tell everyone the true root cause of your hateful post.

you do understand that even the Ayatoolahs are against your type.

So, go ahead .. tell everyone.
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