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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Zzz thiz Saudis can't handle their backyard on their own.. 1-2 countries assisting themis fine but 10 countries that too against a rag tag militia. Now don't come saying US does the same in Afghanistan and Iraq.. They are overseas campaign so its perfectly fits the bill.. Imagine US asking Nato countries to handle Mexico or some South American countries.. That would be utter embarrassing..
So Saudi Arabia = Incompetent IMHO..
Yes can't be trusted neither Houthis nor ISIS

So , You mean Shia Houthis are going to destroy Kaaba the way ISIS destroyed Shia shrines in Iraq and Syria .

If you believe that my friend I have to admit you're naive cos Kaaba is a holy place for Shias including Houthis and this is against their ideology .

Please find another thing to justify that .

We don't want scud missiles on Makkah and Madina

Correction daesh holes and khoti rebels

Houthis are shias and Kaaba is a holy place for them and we both know they're not going to attack there . In fact that's Saudis style to destroy the shrines the same way they destroyed Shia imams shrines in Al Baqi .

Find another reason .
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said on Thursday it was examining Saudi Arabia's request to join the Gulf-led operation against Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz confirmed that top Saudi officials had contacted the Pakistani leadership requesting it to join the Yemen operation. A decision has not yet been taken, Aziz said.

He further said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has summoned a high-level meeting this evening to consult his close aides over the matter.

Aziz added that a decision on whether to comply with the Saudi request will be announced at the conclusion of the meeting.

Earlier during the day, Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam told reporters at the weekly media briefing in Islamabad that Saudi Arabia had contacted Pakistan on an emergency basis and extended the invitation to join the operation against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

She did not specify the details of the request made by Saudi Arabia to Pakistan but said that the matter was being examined.

Aslam said that the Pakistani mission in Yemen has been placed on alert and has been asked to keep in touch with the Pakistan community residing there.

"The Pakistani community has been asked to be ready for possible evacuation," she further said.

The Foreign Office spokesperson said that no decision has been made by Islamabad with regard to closing its mission in Sanaa.

Read: Saudi Arabia, allies launch air strikes against Houthis in Yemen

Diplomatic sources told DawnNews that a top Saudi functionary has contacted the top leadership of Pakistan over telephone and sought Pakistan's cooperation in the offensive launched in Yemen.

Although Pakistani authorities have given a hint of cooperation, they told the Saudis that a final decision will be take after consulting the military.

Sources also said the Pakistan permanent mission to UN is also being briefed on this latest crisis.

Saudi Arabia and Gulf region allies launched military operations including air strikes in Yemen on Thursday, Saudi officials said, to counter Iran-allied forces besieging the southern city of Aden, where the US-supported Yemeni president had taken refuge.

Gulf broadcaster al-Arabiya TV reported that the kingdom was contributing as many as 150,000 troops and 100 warplanes to the operations and that allies Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Pakistan were ready to take part in a ground offensive in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia's SPA state news agency later said that five Muslim countries including Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Sudan want to participate in the Gulf-led military coalition against Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen.

They have “expressed desire to participate in the operation” against the rebels, which the kingdom dubbed “Firmness Storm”, the state news agency further said.

Read: Houthis consolidate control over Yemen state institutions

These latest developments follow a southward advance by Houthi militants, who are said to be backed by Iran, who took control of the capital Sanaa in September and seized the central city of Taiz at the weekend as they move closer to the new southern base of US-backed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Iran condemns assault
The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned on Thursday the military operation by Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies in Yemen, state television reported.

It gave no further details.

Iran denies providing money and training to the Shia Houthi militia in Yemen, as claimed by some Western and Yemeni officials

Pakistan examining Saudi request to join operation in Yemen: FO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Houthis are shias and Kaaba is a holy place for them and we both know they're not going to attack there . In fact that's Saudis style to destroy the shrines the same way they destroyed Shia imams shrines in Al Baqi .

Find another reason .
Will your country guarantee that?

Why are you going to fight in first place ?

I mean there is o national or religious motivation there .

Iranians , Lebanese , Afghan and even Pakistani shias are fighting in Syria + Iraq to defend the shrines and secure their country . What are Pakistanis going to gain against Yemeni Houthis and parts of the army there ?
if u ask from my POV and u shouldnt include the sectarian dimension into the talk which angers me and my countrymen. Im a sunni who is very pro iran so is the majority of my countrymen. In our country we dont buy this shia sunni shit. We believe here we are muslims and thats it. Even our constitution dont consider Ahmedis as muslims but in ground level ie government and armed forces levels they serve in them and so do hindus and sikhs as well as christians, we even have a major general named israel khokhar, he is christian. The test pilot of our JFT program is Wing Commander Ronald.

Our Former presidents Zardari and Musharaf were both Shias, here it is about how much yr competent enough to rise in the ranks.

Being said that my friend im sorry to say yr attitude with us has not been very good and i personally didnt like u guys denying airspace to soloturk to participate in our National Day Parade. But this particular news is false everybody is just quoting a saudi diplomat while hasnt conformed from our side. We have our interests in iran as well with that Turkey-Iran-Pakistan train program is our possible route to europe as well as gas deal. Just read the post#19 where i shared our official FO spokeswomen. That is our official say. She says its still under review but goes on to say that They wont deploy troops against iran as this will not help with our relations with Tehran. Even if we are forced to deploy some troops that would be mere advice roles and support not n fighting that too only in yemen not against iran in pakistan or anywhere else. Since we have already turned down to join in any alliance against iran nor any help in this regard. That pics that u have seen are of exercises of spec ops in taif, since we have told that we will continue to support everyone in the training, exercises of counter insurgency and advice thats all.

But if u give me that Shia sunni thing as if we have declared a war on them and crap that pakistanis can go to hell then its yr own choice. But since this being a Pakistani forum such an attitude will not be appreciated.

Nawaz Shariff may like us to fight for saudis but we are a democratic country now and he is not the only one who calls the shorts here.
Will your country guarantee that?

You guys have no other excuse, do you? Houthis never planned on launching any attack on any foreign country. They are a genuine and fully Yemeni movement with support of many Yemeni tribes who demonstrated in streets of Yemen to get rod of the puppet stooge, after nothing happened and regime soldiers shot at protesters, they peaceful got over the government and kicked the Gulf stooge out. All the rubbish that Iran is behind all their movements has gone directly to trash can since basically no proof is out there. Iran is just the excuse for this aggression.

Saying that they are a threat to Kaaba or Medina is beyond stupidity. So Saudis are attacking Yemenis for overthrowing their puppet government. That's it, they want to suppress the Yemenis revolution against corruption, but they'll never achieve it. Because Houthis are not some foreigners or strangers, they ARE Yemenis. Let's see how much this aggression will achieve. Yemen will not be ruled by the stooge, again.
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I think this is a good opportunity to formalise some sort of a joint armed force under the OIC (similar to NATO). Assisting each other against such militias is the need of the day.

But before any decision, Pakistan must take Iran into confidence that any such assistance is purely against an armed militia and we are not jumping into the Sunni-Shia split.
Quote from an article on the BBC website:

"In addition the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said that the operation had the support of Sudan, Morocco, Egypt and Pakistan which were willing if necessary to take part."

Hope we stay out of it.
if u ask from my POV and u shouldnt include the sectarian dimension into the talk which angers me and my countrymen. Im a sunni who is very pro iran so is the majority of my countrymen. In our country we dont buy this shia sunni shit. We believe here we are muslims and thats it. Even our constitution dont consider Ahmedis as muslims but in ground level ie government and armed forces levels they serve in them and so do hindus and sikhs as well as christians, we even have a major general named israel khokhar, he is christian. The test pilot of our JFT program is Wing Commander Ronald.

Our Former presidents Zardari and Musharaf were both Shias, here it is about how much yr competent enough to rise in the ranks.

Being said that my friend im sorry to say yr attitude with us has not been very good and i personally didnt like u guys denying airspace to soloturk to participate in our National Day Parade. But this particular news is false everybody is just quoting a saudi diplomat while hasnt conformed from our side. We have our interests in iran as well with that Turkey-Iran-Pakistan train program is our possible route to europe as well as gas deal. Just read the post#19 where i shared our official FO spokeswomen. That is our official say. She says its still under review but goes on to say that They wont deploy troops against iran as this will not help with our relations with Tehran. Even if we are forced to deploy some troops that would be mere advice roles and support not n fighting that too only in yemen not against iran in pakistan or anywhere else. Since we have already turned down to join in any alliance against iran nor any help in this regard. That pics that u have seen are of exercises of spec ops in taif, since we have told that we will continue to support everyone in the training, exercises of counter insurgency and advice thats all.

But if u give me that Shia sunni thing as if we have declared a war on them and crap that pakistanis can go to hell then its yr own choice. But since this being a Pakistani forum such an attitude will not be appreciated.

Nawaz Shariff may like us to fight for saudis but we are a democratic country now and he is not the only one who calls the shorts here.

My post wasn't about Shia Sunni war .

It was about the motivation . Some of your countrymen are trying to justify this illegal invasion with unacceptable reasons . I just brought an example to help them there my friend .
But before any decision, Pakistan must take Iran into confidence that any such assistance is purely against an armed militia and we are not jumping into the Sunni-Shia split.

Not likely. Iran is heavily involved. And Pakistan is walking a tight rope here.

But honestly though, KSA has supported Pakistan on many occasions. Same can not be said about Iran. Lately Iran has accommodated Indian influence just across Baluchistan. That's not how a good neighbor acts. It should not be forgotten that Pakistan helped Iran with its nuclear program but they disclosed it to entire world.

Fight in Yemen is against a minority militant group which has overthrown majority government (Houthis make only 30% of population). I am against ground troops taking part in fighting inside Yemen. But I don't see anything wrong with providing Air Support, logistics, and taking up COIN advisory role for an ally which hasn't betrayed us in the past. If we are to win dependable allies we have to assist them when they need it. It works two ways. And no, it's not mercenary work. It's alliance. A coalition. Just like West builds before entering into a conflict. It gives you friends and allies on international stage; something we need these days.

Don't give in to Indian comments here. They are all talk about India a frontline state against terror, international ally against etc etc. But they will never go and fight against terrorists. Against Talibans? ISIS? Boko Haram? Never! Talk is cheap and expends no political mileage.

We live in a time of alliances. Dependable allies are hard to come by. We don't hold animosity against Iran but we will stand by those who stood by us. Pakistani blood doesn't have to be spilled on this war. Sharing our experience with them should do. Military advisors and Air assistance is good enough.

Some of Pakistan's closest allies are united in this action, like Turkey, Jordan and KSA. Tomorrow if India threatens us, they will know Pakistan's allies will not watch silently. So I think, carefully, Pakistan should offer its assistance.

Laugh now son - but where do you think this proxy war will end if Iran keeps trying to hijack Arab nations?

It will end with Arab states attacking you.

And since you have no airforce.....well.....:rofl:
Laugh now son - but where do you think this proxy war will end if Iran keeps trying to hijack Arab nations?

It will end with Arab states attacking you.

And since you have no airforce.....well.....:rofl:

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