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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Reports are false.........here is what FO has to say. We are examining the request but havnt joined yet.

Pakistan 'examining' Saudi request over Yemen intervention
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: March 26, 2015


Foreign Office Spokesperson Tasnim Aslam. PHOTO: EXPRESS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan confirmed on Thursday it is currently examining Saudi Arabia’s request to provide assistance to overcome the on-going crisis in Yemen.

“The Saudi request to become part of its coalition against Yemeni rebels is currently being examined,” Foreign Office Tasnim Aslam said, during her weekly press briefing in Islamabad.

The request was said to be made during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia where he was accorded an unprecedented welcome.

Riyadh is increasingly worried over the advances made by Houthi rebels in Yemen as it fears that they can infiltrate into the Kingdom.

Earlier today, Saudi Arabia said five Muslim countries, including Egypt and Pakistan, want to participate in the Gulf-led military coalition against Huthi rebels who have seized large swathes of Yemen.

Read: Saudi says Pakistan wants to join fight against Yemen rebels

“The Pakistani community in Yemen has been alerted in view of the current situation there. No decision, however, has so far been taken to shut down the embassy,” Aslam added.

Further, Aslam said Pakistan embassy in Yemen has been asked to remain alert for evacuation of Pakistani community in case the situation further deteriorates.

Together with Jordan, Morocco and Sudan, they have “expressed desire to participate in the operation” against the rebels, which the kingdom dubbed “Firmness Storm”, Saudi SPA state news agency said.

Saudi Arabia and four other Gulf states, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, announced earlier a decision to “answer the call of President Hadi to protect Yemen and his people from the aggression of the Huthi militia.”

Aslam insisted that Pakistan has always played a positive role in creating unity among the Muslim ‘Ummah.’ She further said Islamabad was against creating divisions in the Muslim world on the sectarian lines.

The decision on committing troops for Saudi Arabia is tricky one as this may have negative implications in terms of Islamabad’s ties with neighboring Tehran.

Indian case against Hurriyat leader

Responding to a question regarding the registration of a case by India against Hurriyat leader Asiya Andrabi for singing Pakistan’s national anthem, the spokesperson said, “The registration of case against the Hurriyat leader reinforces that the people in Occupied Kashmir are being subjected to suppression and denied the right to express their views and sentiments.”

Further, the spokesperson said, “Future of the territory is to be decided by the people of Jammu and Kashmir through exercise of free and fair plebiscite as guaranteed by the UN Security Council resolutions.”

Read: No place for Hurriyat in peace talks, India tells Pakistan

Switching focus to the Samjhota train attack case, she said the bereaved Pakistani families still await justice despite lapse of so many years.

Chinese president’s visit

Aslam said the dates of the Chinese president’s visit will be announced simultaneously in Beijing and Islamabad.

“During the visit, the two sides will review the whole gamut of bilateral relations as well as regional and international matters of common interests.”

She said the two countries will also sign some important agreements in order further cement the friendly and strategic relations.
We would never admit even if pictures get released our old ways as always
Lol come on man. If you see what s happening right now in the world. That is what anybody will think.
Latin America has higher murder rate yet they call Muslims violent
It has two cities which are more important to Muslims than there own lives yes some genius try to come up with point O No Saudia is different and those two cities are different if you think that either you are biggest idio* or you have lost our mind Sir they are not different the moment war enters Saudi borders they can reach those cities any time we can't wait for that war to reach the place where Makkah and Madinah are only half a mile away we would make sure the war never enters Saudi Arabia. Even if we have to go in other countries to strike we would do it and also I can assure you we would use every weapon I mean every weapon

So , Are Houthis a threat for Mecca and Medina !?

I though they were fighting for their rights which have been taken from them for decades . First by Egypt and now by another foreign country .

Isn't it Houthis right to defend their land against a foreign country that directly attacked them ?
So , Are Houthis a threat for Mecca and Medina !?

I though they were fighting for their rights which have been taken from them for decades . First by Egypt and now by another foreign country .

Isn't it Houthis right to defend their land against a foreign country that directly attacked them ?
Yes can't be trusted neither Houthis nor ISIS
Poor Pakistanis playing with fire while they can't secure their capital .

Pakistan officially started a war against millions of Shias in the world and it's own country .

And we have Egypt on the other hand that is drawing in chaos and Al Qaeda + ISIS are killing them in their own country on a daily basis .

I hope Iran fully support Houthis in this unfair war , They have the manpower , experience and o send saudi , Egyptians and Pakistanis to hell .
Like Iran is a shining example of sectarian harmony
Sunni Muslims banned from holding own Eid prayers in Tehran | World news | The Guardian
Latin America has higher murder rate yet they call Muslims violent
I think you misunderstood me. I never said Muslims are violent. I said they like wars, military form of fighting, organised and specifically applied violence. It is different than just murder and stuff. Look at mid east, it is a cluster fcuk. Now they making Pakistan also get caught in it. Why all this? Is it the people?
Poor Pakistanis playing with fire while they can't secure their capital .

Pakistan officially started a war against millions of Shias in the world and it's own country .

And we have Egypt on the other hand that is drawing in chaos and Al Qaeda + ISIS are killing them in their own country on a daily basis .

I hope Iran fully support Houthis in this unfair war , They have the manpower , experience and o send saudi , Egyptians and Pakistanis to hell .
i dont know abt other but u dont have what it takes to take on us. Our war fighting tactic and experience dates back to the persian empire itself to this 15 years old war against terrorism. But im still against us participating in the wars that are not our concern but then again the attitude of iran is also unacceptable.
I hope Iran fully support Houthis in this unfair war , They have the manpower , experience and o send saudi , Egyptians and Pakistanis to hell .

You'll be fighting on so many fronts LOL

Make sure you have enough coffins.
Pakistan is the ONLY Sunni majority country to have ELECTED Shia leaders

We treat our Shias better than you treat your Sunnis

That's not the point here .

The point is that , Pakistan is attacking a country for the sake of another country and they call it a fight to defend Muslim cities in Saudi Arabia while Houthis are the ones that have been attacked for over 40 years by Egypt , Saudis and their Al Qaeda allies in Yemen . Yet Pakistanis condemn what Houthis are doing .

Let me remind you , Houthis were peacefully demonstrating for their rights a couple of months ago and they had no intention to take arms but the government alongside Al Qaeda massacred them in the streets of Sanna but unlike those war criminal international terrorists n Syria Houthis used a diplomatic way to solve the problem than killing their opponents .

i dont know abt other but u dont have what it takes to take on us. Our war fighting tactic and experience dates back to the persian empire itself to this 15 years old war against terrorism. But im still against us participating in the wars that are not our concern but then again the attitude of iran is also unacceptable.

Why are you going to fight in first place ?

I mean there is no national or religious motivation there .

Iranians , Lebanese , Afghan and even Pakistani shias are fighting in Syria + Iraq to defend the shrines and some of them to secure their country . What are Pakistanis going to gain against Yemeni Houthis and parts of the army there ?
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I think you misunderstood me. I never said Muslims are violent. I said they like wars, military form of fighting, organised and specifically applied violence. It is different than just murder and stuff. Look at mid east, it is a cluster fcuk. Now they making Pakistan also get caught in it. Why all this? Is it the people?
When you arm rebels against their government shits going to hit the fan pretty fast
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