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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Since we are at it, I don't understand one thing, If uprising/revolt against corrupt dictator Assad is vehemently opposed by Iran, then what is their problem in opposing revolt of Houtis and would come out guns blazing against Pakistan trying to stop this revolt ? What is good for syria is not good for yemen what kind of hypocrisy is this

You know very well what it is all about.

It's Persia Vs Arabs.

I do agree that we shall not actively involve ourselves in this; at the same time I know that Iran has been brewing Fitna everywhere and needs to be shutdown.
We should extend help to Saudi government in this regard in eliminating those who are creating a low and order situation in Yemen
Pakistan should remain neutral... if we have learned anything from Jordan or Afghanistan... in fact we should be initiating talks between Saudi and Iran. Lets not join in another useless war where we have no stake. The Zarvan's will cry but I think we need to seriously think about this. You never interfere in another country and we should obey that rule today as well.

Saudi has invested in our nuclear, defense programs. How do you think we paid for SAAB deal ? When someone invest in you, they want their investment back.

And what do you think Iran and saudia to be some infants fighting over chocolates and Pakistan some kind of big boy ?
Are you trying to abuse him just because he is an Ahmedi. Zafarullah Khan was an Ahmedi and he made Pakistan. Said community has done much for Pakistan you couldn't even dream of. Heard of Abdus Salam or Furqan Force

Be very very careful what you say.

Not a single word of what I said is abusive by any stretch.

All I was asking him was to reveal the real reason why he opposed Pakistan's decission.

Now, let me ask you, he called me wannabe wahabi ( which itself is a religious school of thought ); are you going to make another post and report him abusing me ?

He also tried to equate me with a dog, shall I take that as abusive.

Be surgically accurate in your response or rest the analyst !
Saudi has invested in our nuclear, defense programs. How do you think we paid for SAAB deal ? When someone invest in you, they want their investment back.

And what do you think Iran and saudia to be some infants fighting over chocolates and Pakistan some kind of big boy ?
Yemenis (some, many or all) will hate us for this if we interfere just like the Afghans hate us. It does not matter if we save them from whatever threat. We have seen how things went in Afghanistan. We interfered in a country where we had no role. This is not beneficial to Pakistan.
Yara we want remain neutral but Iran threatening posture, unprovoked border attacks, dhamkiya every months on Baluchistan issues sways our neutral position. We help them every way we can, there terrorist leaders takes a bus from taftan and comes to quetta, yet they blame us for sheltering them not doing enough while we are doing their work of capturing jundullah.

It takes two to tango we want to remain neutral Is iran helping us to remain neutral ?

You know very well what it is all about.

It's Persia Vs Arabs.

I do agree that we shall not actively involve ourselves in this; at the same time I know that Iran has been brewing Fitna everywhere and needs to be shutdown.
Don't talk ****.

Answer the question asked before.

Tell everyone, about your beef with Saudis.

Tell everyone the real reason; reveal yourself.

Wait for certain Western Pakistani wannabes to come and declare Pakistan next Wahhabi state but they don't say a word about Iran activities around the world. Hypocrisy Level: European

Pakistan-Saudi relations should just be about providing a Nuclear Umbrella for Mecca and Medina.
I don't know why certain members here have a clear problem with my Sect. They should clarify themselves that they hate Ahmadis. So I don't waste my time interacting with these two hateful individuals.
Oh. That's what this is all about. You can't tolerate Ahmadi on Pakistan Defence forum.

Be careful,

i am not opposing your right to believe whatever you want to.

I am just questioning your motives for opposing Pakistan's decision.

As I have said before you can believe whatever, or nothing that is ur business.
We have to be part of it and I think we already are
Why we should be part of that.

I have to disagree,you might have noticed how these radicals are expanding all over the region,sooner or later they will look to target us.How about airstrikes,military aids etc etc .
Existence of saudi dictatorship is more dangerous to peace. They are main reason of this mess in first place.

we can not contain ourselfs into a jar.it is our collective responsibility to crush any fitna.we today help them tomorrow they will help us.
How you know that these rebels are fitna

لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم.
So you think Al Saud is better to those shrines than the other Muslims?.
Well they are worst.
Why you think that pakistanis are against shias.
Be careful,

i am not opposing your right to believe whatever you want to.

I am just questioning your motives for opposing Pakistan's decision.

As I have said before you can believe whatever, or nothing that is ur business.

Don't be silly. You brought my Sect into question. So did your buddy ''Think Tank''. My opinion on Saudis or Iran has nothing to do with my beliefs.
Iran doesn't work for American interests. On the other hand, Pakistan has an army for hire which the Saudis make good use of.

What about iranian army for hire in syria and iraq ? you know what you are most hypocrite person i ever see. If Iran does, It's all kosher, If American and Iranian interests matches and Iran is willing to do bid of America regarding ISIS it's all kosher but if Pakistan does, We are the lap dogs of America. Literal facepalm to those who have such mentality

Yemenis (some, many or all) will hate us for this if we interfere just like the Afghans hate us. It does not matter if we save them from whatever threat. We have seen how things went in Afghanistan. We interfered in a country where we had no role. This is not beneficial to Pakistan.

The be it. Does it stop Iran from helping Assad and Iraq despite of what their local population thinks about them ?

Pakistan-Saudi relations should just be about providing a Nuclear Umbrella for Mecca and Medina.

Do you seriously think International relations works like this ?
Don't be silly. You brought my Sect into question. So did your buddy ''Think Tank''. My opinion on Saudis or Iran has nothing to do with my beliefs.


So by extension of what you said, It is OK for Iran to arm and prop up the houthis ?

But it is NOT ok for the coalition of nations to stop that ?
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