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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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What about iranian army for hire in syria and iraq ? you know what you are most hypocrite person i ever see. If Iran does, It's all kosher, If American and Iranian interests matches and Iran is willing to do bid of America regarding ISIS it's all kosher but if Pakistan does, We are the lap dogs of America. Literal facepalm to those who have such mentality

The be it. Does it stop Iran from helping Assad and Iraq despite of what their local population thinks about them ?

Do you seriously think International relations works like this ?
Iran has made its set of mistakes. I don't think we should follow them. Though I can see why Iran is hostile to US. The said country is controlling Iraq and Afghanistan, both nations bordering Iran and have the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

I think our focus should be ensuring US does not invade another country... yet we are ourselves talking about invading other countries to keep other muslims out.

So by extension of what you said, It is OK for Iran to arm and prop up the houthis ?

But it is NOT ok for the coalition of nations to stop that ?

I'm against Pakistan fighting other's wars. Did we not learn anything from Afghan war?
I'm going into IR PhD, I know that's not how IR works. Saudis give Pakistan a couple billion, Pakistan votes for Saudi policies in the region and at UN.

But this is going to blow up in Pakistan's face. Remember '91? Pakistan put a couple brigades bordering Yemen, and in defensive locations going towards Mecca and Medina. It was a smart idea.

If after spending Hundreds of Billions of dollars and training hundreds of thousands of Saudi soldiers/ airmen/sailors/ Intel agents the House of Saud is still not confident in their abilities you have a BIG *** problem.

There are other options available to Pakistan other than deploying forces into Yemen.

1. Pakistan/ GCC can blockade Yemen's coast. Forbidding weapons for being shipped.
2. Pakistani forces in defensive stance, with a clear declaration, if Pakistani soldiers are killed by cross-border raids Pakistan will engage with full force.
3. Using what-ever Pakistani influence is remaining to pressure Iran and GCC to stop funding the conflict.
4. Providing Pakistani facilities to negotiate peace.

AQAP is a bigger problem than the Houthis. Houthis has a self-serving interest to stay alive, AQAP think's they'll get 72 virgins if they blow themselves up.

This is an internal Yemeni conflict. Pakistan has it's own internal/regional conflict that it itself hasnt completely gotten a handle on.
Iran has made its set of mistakes. I don't think we should follow them. Though I can see why Iran is hostile to US. The said country is controlling Iraq and Afghanistan, both nations bordering Iran and have the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

I think our focus should be ensuring US does not invade another country... yet we are ourselves talking about invading other countries to keep other muslims out.

And how do you propose to end hostilities in Yemen so US doesnot invade yemen ?
Funny how an Iranian is telling us to clean up the mess in our country, when in fact their own population wants to get of the Iran. Every Iranian I've ever met here in Canada has this flag hanging in their houses, cars, shops, etc

Sorry buddy but nobody likes your Tulla Kamina or whatever his name is.
And how do you propose to end hostilities in Yemen so US doesnot invade yemen ?

Form a united Shia Sunni team from various muslim countries of the world and negotiate with the aggrieved parties. But force is not the solution. We must stop joining each and every war an Arab country seeks to fight.
Did you clear out Sistan Balochistan from jundullah before helping Iraq and Syria ?

Yes it's clear of terrorists for years. We should do something about terrorists coming from other side of the border.

Why should we care about your perception ? Do we have a say about your line of action or polices in syria and iraq and your proxy wars in bahrain and yemen ?

I didn't say you should care about my perception. This is a place where people share their personal opinions and I said mine, but it definitely wouldn't be only my perception.

Mr Saudis came in after you started supporting and funding Shia organisations
The problem is, those Shia organizations barely killed any civilians and are practically non-existent now, can we say the same about Saudi funded groups? I'm afraid recent attacks prove otherwise. What I'm fascinated about is that you guys don't hesitate to bash Iran purely for sectarian reasons, while you have closed your eyes on the source of terrorism that has killed thousands of civilians. Bad mouthing Iran is not going to eradicate Taliban and terrorism, destroying its root is the solution.
I don't need your wishes; Our generals are actively and diligently doing their duty.

Unlike yours who are brewing trouble and Fitna around the world.

Our generals are doing a very good job in keeping the country safe from terror attacks despite living in the most dangerous region in the world.
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They are not asking pakistan but Punjab and its native Arabs to join in their campaign.

You got nutters like @Zarvan the Punjabi Arab who will do anything to associate himself with the sand dwellers.

thats the difference our hate is not based on religion.
Our hate for you is purely racial, Pakistan for all is not along religious lines and Jinnah ain't everybodys baba e qom.

there are tens of thousands of Pakistanis residing in Saudi Arabia...Pakistan should atleast send troops for them or just for defensive purposes..Houthis are rebels n not Iranians so stop with all the crap of getting in the sectarian war bullshit..I wish Saudi start recruiting anyone who wants to participate in this war..I would join them happily.

What's stopping you?,
Our hate for you is purely racial, Pakistan for all is not along religious lines and Jinnah ain't everybodys baba e qom.
you are openly admitting you are racist. thats even bad.:disagree:
I think this is a good opportunity to formalise some sort of a joint armed force under the OIC (similar to NATO). Assisting each other against such militias is the need of the day.

But before any decision, Pakistan must take Iran into confidence that any such assistance is purely against an armed militia and we are not jumping into the Sunni-Shia split.

Well bit too late for that wouldn't you say?, killers of innocent in pakistan have targeted minorities, Shias and you think Iran will believe that?.

We pakistanis don't believe it and they will?.

you are openly admitting you are racist. thats even bad.:disagree:

I am what I am, you rather me pretend to be something am not?.

Be grateful for my honesty Atleast you know where you stand with me it's racial and not religious while punjabis and Sindhis and even Kashmiris do so because of religion.
I am what I am, you rather me pretend to be something am not?.

Be grateful for my honesty Atleast you know where you stand with me it's racial and not religious while punjabis and Sindhis and even Kashmiris do so because of religion.
religious hatred and racism both are very bad. we have suffered a lot because of racism.
Just a week ago,,,Pakistan wasnt in a rush to join any anti Iran alliance,,,now they r considering saudi request for joint operation in Yemen..
well,well,,,,Iran must be watching closely.
My perception (and many others') of Pakistan will change if they decide to join this aggression, and it will mean that some rumors about Pakistan's army and gov are true. But hopefully, Pakistan is wise enough to stay out of this and no confirmation of its involvement is out yet, which is good.

And you're who exactly (and those "many others") and why do you think we'd give two hoots of a monkey's whistle about your changing perception of Pakistan?
Countries/people change their perception of other countries/people whenever they feel like and the sky doesn't fall down, it never has, nor ever will.
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