As a matter of fact, most political parties in Arab world believe in Islam including liberal and social parties, those parties are interested more in politics and economy than religion, furthermore, Arab countries constitutions are mainly based on Islamic law with minor differences, including former Egyptian, Iraqi, Tunisian regimes, as well as social, liberal and Conservative regimes, However, they abused the constitution, used the articles that fit them and ignored the ones that don't. I don't like saying this, but believe it or not, democracy won't work with Arabs due to many cultural and religious complexities, republics in Arab world which were supposed to be democratic and progressive used to be the most oppressive and backward while monarchies which are "oppressive and backward" in the eyes of outsiders are relatively far more progressive and democratic. After Egyptian rightful revolution that toppled the former regime, they chose two candidates, the first one was an another Mubarak and the second is MB.