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Egypt moves to ban alcohol, belly dancing

I was planning to go to Cairo in near future but seeing so much love for "Religious" things and Sharia, It is going to be hard for me along with Family. Sad day that uprising, we respected, is ruining a country now.
To my minds eye there is no Islamic or Non-Islamic Political Parties; Parties have a particular understanding of the problems that a country face & a unique human resource mix to try to remedy it. Then they have a particular all encompassing ideology about which manner they'd want the country to be defined. Some might think more of A,B,C Islam is the way to go others more of X,Y,Z interpretation of Islam & yet there are those who think that Secularism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Pluralism, Liberalism-Capitalism etc. are the way to go ! And then there are denominations within these terms because even with respect to Secularism you've got French type on one hand & a less Secular & more Pluralistic American or British kind on the other & so on & so forth for all the aforementioned ideology.

I think every party whether it comes with an Islamist approach to the situation or by way of some other Political Science approach, should be given a free run to put their case before the People & then let 'the Vote' be the touch-stone in deciding which way the people agree the most. For democracy is fickle & faulty but it has no alternative out there & the assumption that collective wisdom will prevail that the most number of people will not agree in error is the only way to go.

As a matter of fact, most political parties in Arab world believe in Islam including liberal and social parties, those parties are interested more in politics and economy than religion, furthermore, Arab countries constitutions are mainly based on Islamic law with minor differences, including former Egyptian, Iraqi, Tunisian regimes, as well as social, liberal and Conservative regimes, However, they abused the constitution, used the articles that fit them and ignored the ones that don't. I don't like saying this, but believe it or not, democracy won't work with Arabs due to many cultural and religious complexities, republics in Arab world which were supposed to be democratic and progressive used to be the most oppressive and backward while monarchies which are "oppressive and backward" in the eyes of outsiders are relatively far more progressive and democratic. After Egyptian rightful revolution that toppled the former regime, they chose two candidates, the first one was an another Mubarak and the second is MB.
Don't you know that Sharia Law doesn't stop non-Muslims from what is forbidden for Muslims? Non-Muslim could do and enjoy belly dances and alcohol, whatever they want in a Muslim state.
The law affects everybody in Egypt, not just Muslim drinkers, or belly dancers lol
This isn't going to happen, it's probably just a proposal that won't ever be passed. Egypt greatly depends on tourism and foreign investment, banning alcohol and clubs is going to damage the economy and stop tourism to a large extent. Its just going to create a large underground market that they have no way of dealing with.

Egypt has much more important issues right now they should worry about.
Respecting a religion and applying rules of stone ages does not matches. What if in 700-800 AD if people used Camel so Now Egypt should leave modern cars and start using Camels.
I was planning to go to Cairo in near future but seeing so much love for "Religious" things and Sharia, It is going to be hard for me along with Family. Sad day that uprising, we respected, is ruining a country now.
Islamists are so stupid that they don't realize how their backward policies are affecting them negatively. Self destruction :-)
People will have sex regardless prostitution is legal or not, so why not tax their ***** and make sure they are healthy so they don't get other people sick ?!! Drugs should be legal also. Spread awareness, and people will never buy them. Cigarettes are as bad as drugs, they are worse than weed, and alcohol.

great im really inspired by your level of thinking

i think you should better move to amsterdam because in america they wont let you do prostitution and drug business there
Bottom line, people should be free to decide for themselves. They will make mistakes, but they will-as well as society- evolve and make better choices. This is how countries, society evolve and develop. Law should only interfere when somebody's freedom restrict others freedom. Like not allowing drunk driving, indoors smoking, prostitute carries HIV, ect..

Who decides whether people should be free to decide for themselves what they want ?

Who decides which freedoms infringe more upon the rights of the society as opposed to the rights of the individual to have those freedoms to begin with ?

Who decides where & when should a law interfere or not ?

Who decides where do you draw the line ? One might be justified in asking - If you don't like it go to another restaurant or stand somewhere else if I'm smoking ! Or if you think that prostitution carries with it the risk of you being infected with an STD, you either don't come to me or you risk it but I'm not going to demean myself by taking an STD free test every few months just to substantiate that I'm clean ! Who decides whether the aforementioned demands are even justified or not ? Whether the law has the 'right' to interfere in the aforementioned circumstances or not ?

In short who decides - Where do you draw the line ?
We have neighbors who are ruined by Islamists and still they dont see what are the harms of the same. Be it Talibs or Be it Zia-Ul-haque.

Who decides whether people should be free to decide for themselves what they want ?

Who decides which freedoms infringe more upon the rights of the society as opposed to the rights of the individual to have those freedoms to begin with ?

Who decides where & when should a law interfere or not ?

Who decides where do you draw the line ? One might be justified in asking - If you don't like it go to another restaurant or stand somewhere else if I'm smoking ! Or if you think that prostitution carries with it the risk of you being infected with an STD, you either don't come to me or you risk it but I'm not going to demean myself by taking an STD free test every few months just to substantiate that I'm clean ! Who decides whether the aforementioned demands are even justified or not ? Whether the law has the 'right' to interfere in the aforementioned circumstances or not ?

In short who decides - Where do you draw the line ?

One thing is sure, At least religion doesn't do any of the things.
Who decides whether people should be free to decide for themselves what they want ?

Who decides which freedoms infringe more upon the rights of the society as opposed to the rights of the individual to have those freedoms to begin with ?

Who decides where & when should a law interfere or not ?

Who decides where do you draw the line ? One might be justified in asking - If you don't like it go to another restaurant or stand somewhere else if I'm smoking ! Or if you think that prostitution carries with it the risk of you being infected with an STD, you either don't come to me or you risk it but I'm not going to demean myself by taking an STD free test every few months just to substantiate that I'm clean ! Who decides whether the aforementioned demands are even justified or not ? Whether the law has the 'right' to interfere in the aforementioned circumstances or not ?

In short who decides - Where do you draw the line ?

Science. .
Science. .

Science ? Were you expecting me to say 'Let God Decide All of this' ? :lol:

I was asking for the mechanism for such decisions to be taken on both an individual & a collective level ! How do you decide & who decides this ?

Through the Democratic Process ?

We have neighbors who are ruined by Islamists and still they dont see what are the harms of the same. Be it Talibs or Be it Zia-Ul-haque.

One thing is sure, At least religion doesn't do any of the things.

We were ruined by a Military Dictator who used & abused Islam just as we were ruined by a meglomaniac & a drunkard who both gave away half our country in '71 & then again in '00s ! Symptoms are a poor substitute for 'causes' !
As a matter of fact, most political parties in Arab world believe in Islam including liberal and social parties, those parties are interested more in politics and economy than religion, furthermore, Arab countries constitutions are mainly based on Islamic law with minor differences, including former Egyptian, Iraqi, Tunisian regimes, as well as social, liberal and Conservative regimes, However, they abused the constitution, used the articles that fit them and ignored the ones that don't. I don't like saying this, but believe it or not, democracy won't work with Arabs due to many cultural and religious complexities, republics in Arab world which were supposed to be democratic and progressive used to be the most oppressive and backward while monarchies which are "oppressive and backward" in the eyes of outsiders are relatively far more progressive and democratic. After Egyptian rightful revolution that toppled the former regime, they chose two candidates, the first one was an another Mubarak and the second is MB.

Of course, Democracy has to go through a proper bleeding in period before it starts paying dividends ! Take the example of Pakistan - We're about to see the transition of the first democratically elected Government of Pakistan to another Democratically elected Government of Pakistan; these past 5 years have been hell on earth for us but what this bleeding in has done is that the people are exponentially more aware - The Clerics with their party can't fool them anymore....the Anti-Feudals with their rhetoric or even the so-called Progressive Forces in Pakistan all have lost their credibility because the people aren't that gullible anymore !

It takes time but it has no other alternative over there.
Science ? Were you expecting me to say 'Let God Decide All of this' ? :lol:

I was asking for the mechanism for such decisions to be taken on both an individual & a collective level ! How do you decide & who decides this ?

Through the Democratic Process ?
People through their elected Representatives as long as they respect the Constitution and the law that the vast majority of people agree on(Not the case in Egypt). This Constitution MUST protect all human rights, and prevent law makers from making laws that doesn't respect human rights(Not the case in Egypt). “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” -- Thomas Jefferson
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