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Egypt moves to ban alcohol, belly dancing

What ?!! .

Freedom is not free & is chronically limited in a plethora of situations so who decides where the line is to be drawn ? Who decides whether a particular point of concern is a point of concern or not & whether it should be addressed at an individual or a collective or both ?
But I'm an Islamist too ! :cray:

I suppose both sides are wearing tinted glasses & they see only what they want to see !

Who decides that exactly ? :what:

There are only Muslims, Islamic political parties should be banned in Islamic states as they use Islam to achieve their goal as if other parties, regimes and people are Kaffer. This is just cheap.
Sad to see that so many over here love to see female dancing, how about your sister and mom dancing in front of others, yea?
And Alcohol is Umm ul Khabais, the mother of all sins.
Sad to see that so many over here love to see female dancing, how about your sister and mom dancing in front of others, yea?
And Alcohol is Umm ul Khabais, the mother of all sins.

USA banned it in the past BTW, but they backed when people refused it. Their gov know it's the mother of crimes, but they were too late to ban it at the time as most people couldn't live without it.
There are only Muslims, Islamic political parties should be banned in Islamic states as they use Islam to achieve their goal as if other parties, regimes and people are Kaffer. This is just cheap.

To my minds eye there is no Islamic or Non-Islamic Political Parties; Parties have a particular understanding of the problems that a country face & a unique human resource mix to try to remedy it. Then they have a particular all encompassing ideology about which manner they'd want the country to be defined. Some might think more of A,B,C Islam is the way to go others more of X,Y,Z interpretation of Islam & yet there are those who think that Secularism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Pluralism, Liberalism-Capitalism etc. are the way to go ! And then there are denominations within these terms because even with respect to Secularism you've got French type on one hand & a less Secular & more Pluralistic American or British kind on the other & so on & so forth for all the aforementioned ideology.

I think every party whether it comes with an Islamist approach to the situation or by way of some other Political Science approach, should be given a free run to put their case before the People & then let 'the Vote' be the touch-stone in deciding which way the people agree the most. For democracy is fickle & faulty but it has no alternative out there & the assumption that collective wisdom will prevail that the most number of people will not agree in error is the only way to go.
No, marrying 4 wives, female circumcision, marrying a minor, giving a daughter to a man without her approval, forbidding women from leaving their houses, not letting women drive, ect.. shows women as some objects.

No, its a profession.

belly dancing is also a profession then(practiced by sheikh's concubines in harem)

but what is your opinion about prostitution(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because belly dancing is allowed too?, and what about your opinion of using drugs like cocaine etc(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because i dont think if alcohol is allowed why smoking cocaine and other drugs be disallowed? and what about incest should it be allowed(as gayism is allowed)
USA banned it in the past BTW, but they backed when people refused it. Their gov know it's the mother of crimes, but they were too late to ban it at the time as most people couldn't live without it.

I agree with you. But at least govt. took the right decision and now it's their duty to obey the rules. If they can't tell them the story of the Stones of Taif. :cry:
Freedom is not free & is chronically limited in a plethora of situations so who decides where the line is to be drawn ? Who decides whether a particular point of concern is a point of concern or not & whether it should be addressed at an individual or a collective or both ?
Freedom has no restrictions. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called freedom. It would be called freedom minus x, y, or z. Freedom has no limits unless it affects anybody's else freedom. Then it would be a crime.

Sad to see that so many over here love to see female dancing, how about your sister and mom dancing in front of others, yea?
And Alcohol is Umm ul Khabais, the mother of all sins.
Why would i think about my mom or sister dancing in front of me or others, when i can easily think about your mother, or sister dancing in front of me and others ?!! I would enjoy it honestly.
I don't drink, but people should be free choose if they wanna drink or not. Not everybody is Muslim in the world, or in Egypt btw.
Freedom has no restrictions. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called freedom. It would be called freedom minus x, y, or z. Freedom has no limits unless it affects anybody's else freedom. Then it would be a crime.

I do commend your idealism unfortunately freedom is anything but free & a misnomer to be put euphemistically ! Freedom is always called & practiced as 'freedom' minus x, y, z; no where do those limitations come from ? And even the limitation that you just came up with 'unless it affects anybody else's freedom' - where did that come from ?

belly dancing is also a profession then(practiced by sheikh's concubines in harem)

but what is your opinion about prostitution(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because belly dancing is allowed too?, and what about your opinion of using drugs like cocaine etc(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because i dont think if alcohol is allowed why smoking cocaine and other drugs be disallowed? and what about incest should it be allowed(as gayism is allowed)
@darkinsky : Dude you're an MQM walaaa they're Secular....what the heck are you talking about ? :blink:
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belly dancing is also a profession then(practiced by sheikh's concubines in harem)

but what is your opinion about prostitution(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because belly dancing is allowed too?, and what about your opinion of using drugs like cocaine etc(allowed in Amsterdam), should it be legal because i dont think if alcohol is allowed why smoking cocaine and other drugs be disallowed? and what about incest should it be allowed(as gayism is allowed)

People will have sex regardless prostitution is legal or not, so why not tax their ***** and make sure they are healthy so they don't get other people sick ?!! Drugs should be legal also. Spread awareness, and people will never buy them. Cigarettes are as bad as drugs, they are worse than weed, and alcohol.
people should be free choose if they wanna drink or not. Not everybody is Muslim in the world, or in Egypt btw.

Don't you know that Sharia Law doesn't stop non-Muslims from what is forbidden for Muslims? Non-Muslim could do and enjoy belly dances and alcohol, whatever they want in a Muslim state.
I do commend your idealism unfortunately freedom is anything but free & a misnomer to be put euphemistically ! Freedom is always called & practiced as 'freedom' minus x, y, z; no where do those limitations come from ? And even the limitation that you just came up with 'unless it affects anybody else's freedom' - where did that come from ?
Bottom line, people should be free to decide for themselves. They will make mistakes, but they will-as well as society- evolve and make better choices. This is how countries, society evolve and develop. Law should only interfere when somebody's freedom restrict others freedom. Like not allowing drunk driving, indoors smoking, prostitute carries HIV, ect..
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