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Egypt moves to ban alcohol, belly dancing

Another thing get ready for vast amount of people dying due to poisoning. Home made liquor will be popular and since the price of liquor will go up due to smuggling, people will make knock offs.
The whole idea of forcing people into the halls of heaven, it just so silly - but of course if it was not for ow dangerous it is, we would all be laughing over it - but unfortunately, we know the Real Muslims are not just ready but willing to kill over such things
Gentlemen, this thread is teetering on the brink of openly turning into a religious insult fest..

Suggest objectivity.
never liked the belly dance, or whatever those middle aged irish ladies were doing with ME costume... :)
But banning alcohol?... blasphemyyyyyy :astagh:
Most likely it would because the way the the elections laws are made, it gives no chance to liberals, socials, and non Islamists. Islamist got 58% of people votes in the previous elections, but ended up with 75% of seat in the parliament. This is not fair. The rules, and laws clearly favor them, that is why people are in the street.

The defunct parliament was elected under the SCF (Tantawi & Anan) and there created transitional law so the blame on MB and other Islamist is utterly baseless. The only thing that made them still popular is the negative campaign led by undemocratic liberals , socials & Feloul ( if i wrote correct?). The only thing that favour the MB and other Islamist are ordinary Egyptians. The persistence on positive campaign.

I think yesterday HCC has sent back the draft election law with 5 proposed changes even after the 50 changes the MB and its affiliates will win the upcoming election. As i said before only the brutal dictator can stop the Islamists march towards the power corridors in MENA or the so called Liberals would have to change there negative campaign and start working with grass roots of democracy "that is populace".
egyptians are nice people. they deserve better than these islamist thugs. I believe Egypt should shun its arab identity as it is a false one and much inferior to the egyptian civilization which was highly progressive. affiliating with gulf arabs has brought egypt nothing but misery.
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