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Egypt moves to ban alcohol, belly dancing

The problem is not banning something or allowing something. It is about regulating it. Dubai and to some extent singapore do it very efficiently.

Egypt needs to invest in its police agencies. Make people accountable by implementing laws.

Egypt has great potential, but it is being wasted. No need to become mexico or Pakistan. They both are two extremes at opposite extremes.

Just regulate the country.
Humanity didn't learn to live without religion. That is what we must learn now. Because religion 2000 years ago was something which actually made the humans better. Now a days it just makes them worse as far as I have observed.

World Wars never fought on religion...Men made laws were the biggest killer of humanity(Stalin,Lenin,Hitler,Mussolini, Napoleon,Genghis Khan and many more killed millions of innocent people to impose dere ideology) and currently western countries are doing the same by imposing there ideology on us and killed millions of Muslims all over the world...Dont think too much about Religions ONLY...read history and learn people who didnt followed dere religion(no matter Christian Muslim or Jew) were more like animals...Dont end up like this snow man :P

World Wars never fought on religion...Men made laws were the biggest killer of humanity(Stalin,Lenin,Hitler,Mussolini, Napoleon,Genghis Khan and many more killed millions of innocent people to impose dere ideology) and currently western countries are doing the same by imposing there ideology on us and killed millions of Muslims all over the world...Dont think too much about Religions ONLY...read history and learn people who didnt followed dere religion(no matter Christian Muslim or Jew) were more like animals...Dont end up like this snow man :P


If you believe the world isn't getting better then that is just a problem of point of view.

As far as the snowmen go. I never said I don't believe in God. I just said that I believe the time of (past) religions has passed and they have served their purpose. They won't take us any further than this as humans unless something strange happens. Knowledge of humans, now, is better than most of the guidance given by the religions except the knowledge about God himself. The only need we have is to fully organize that knowledge into a whole that caters to the needs of modern world which must include the lessons we have learned from the past including the ones we learned from religion. Which can be only once we understand the above fact that religions' time is past.

As for the world wars you talk about. If the world wars didn't happen in those times then perhaps the crusades were fought between capitalists and communists? And btw Genghis Khan didn't have an ounce of ideology. All he cared about was plundering and raping. Some of the Muslim rulers might have been great but that was their individual greatness and they might have shown it even if they had followed the current norms of good rule. Islam was bound to go down the day Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) died and Muslims started thinking that they would always progress by following the same path he followed. That is impossible and impractical but unfortunately that is what religious people ask us to do. You seriously can't believe that all the knowledge of (or given to) one person surpasses that of millions of humans over hundreds of years in the future.
To my minds eye there is no Islamic or Non-Islamic Political Parties; Parties have a particular understanding of the problems that a country face & a unique human resource mix to try to remedy it. Then they have a particular all encompassing ideology about which manner they'd want the country to be defined. Some might think more of A,B,C Islam is the way to go others more of X,Y,Z interpretation of Islam & yet there are those who think that Secularism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Pluralism, Liberalism-Capitalism etc. are the way to go ! And then there are denominations within these terms because even with respect to Secularism you've got French type on one hand & a less Secular & more Pluralistic American or British kind on the other & so on & so forth for all the aforementioned ideology.

I think every party whether it comes with an Islamist approach to the situation or by way of some other Political Science approach, should be given a free run to put their case before the People & then let 'the Vote' be the touch-stone in deciding which way the people agree the most. For democracy is fickle & faulty but it has no alternative out there & the assumption that collective wisdom will prevail that the most number of people will not agree in error is the only way to go.
I disagree,as long as there are people who cant deside for themselfs because of illiteracy or because the village heads decide for them,or the man decides for the woman.
And you find it ok for this country to have democrasy.
Some countries cannot carry democrasy.
I am a strong skeptic of Islam and all religions and do not necessary agree with mullahs have got to say. For most part, all religions were born at the times of distress - no different than how Nazi party was born at the time when Germany was in distress.

If the message of islam was all that great, Muhammad wouldn't need continuous warfare and cult of jihad to spread it around. All hints indicate that the majority never accepted their submission to Islam and that lead to a massive exodus of talent masses from Arabia leaving only the utter uneducated backward salafi type people in-charge. The three khalifas were murderd on job and by the time the Ummayad seized power, massive massacre of sahaba's occurred in Medina - againt indicating that these people were playing a role in ongoing political nuisance.

I'm also a skeptic of Islam but I disagree with you on the Muhammad part. I do not believe that Muhammad is infallible or something, he was an ordinary human being and has his share of mistakes too. But aggressive warfare and expansionism wasn't undertaken under Muhammad's leadership. The wars were only with enemies (meccans) or conspirators (Banu Qurayza) and Muhammad did what any pragmatic leader would.

However, after Muhammad's death, with the 4 khalifas it's a different story altogether. At this point I would agree with you that jihad and warfare was used by the 4 khalifas and predecessors to spread Islam aggressively.
Moderately good dictatorship, but both are bad and people should not accept either.

Islamist are funny :D... They can't stop protesters from surrounding THEIR president's palace, and they want to prevent, and ban. Get back to earth Islamist, you have failed miserably, and will continue to fail. I have said it before, political Islam started in Egypt, and it will end in Egypt.

The result of coming Parliamentary elections would negate your point. Only harden dictators can stop the will of streets to be implemented against their wishes. The choice is in the hand of Egyptian people and i am more than sure that the composition of coming Parliament would be same as the abolished previous Parliament.
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