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Egypt likely to get F-15s: CENTCOM chief

The problem is that TF-X isn't like Bayraktars TB2 and 3. The drones are "easy" to manufacture and to produce but a fucking 5th generation aircraft will be hard when you don't have the experience to manufacture those type of fighters. To do it, you must get help from experienced countries like USA Russia and China but with your relation with USA rn is hard to ask them help, Russia problem with mass producing of SU-57 and China i don't think you have a good military relation with them. MIUS will be easier but hard also.

Turkiye is working with British BAE Systems and Rolls Royce to develop the TFX and turbofan Engine

and TFX will have block 0 , block1 , etc

in 2030 , even 4,5 gen Fighter Jet will be enough to match with Russian SU-35 , French Rafale and American F-15 in the region

in 2035 the TFX will be real 5th gen Fighter Jet

MIUS will be game changer which will be able to fight against the highest capacity Fighter Jets

Endurance : 5 Hours
Service ceiling : 40,000 ft
Cruise speed : supersonic 1,4 mach
Payload : 1.5 Tons

-- AESA radar and next-generation avionics, sensor fusion
-- Internal weapon stations
-- Stealth flight capability
-- The ability to hide from Radars
-- Aggressive maneuverability with delta canard and vertical stabilizers
-- Smart fleet autonomy equipped with artificial intelligence
-- Turbofan engine

The first flight of a prototype in 2023


if we are talking about BVR Combat

-- MIUS will have stealth capability with Internal weapon stations
-- MIUS will have AESA Radar - data link for cooperative engagement capability to use 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar and 450 km CAFRAD naval AESA Radar , 600 km E7-T AEWC to detect Rafale , F-15 or SU-35 and to guide GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air missiles on Rafale , F-15 or SU-35

stealth MIUS can detect Rafale , MIG-29M2 , SU-35 , F-15 , before they detect MIUS and game over in BVR combat
Turkiye is working with British BAE Systems and Rolls Royce to develop the TFX and turbofan Engine

and TFX will have block 0 , block1 , etc

in 2030 , even 4,5 gen Fighter Jet will be enough to match with Russian SU-35 , French Rafale and American F-15 in the region

in 2035 the TFX will be real 5th gen Fighter Jet

MIUS will be game changer which will be able to fight against the highest capacity Fighter Jets

Endurance : 5 Hours
Service ceiling : 40,000 ft
Cruise speed : supersonic 1,4 mach
Payload : 1.5 Tons

-- AESA radar and next-generation avionics, sensor fusion
-- Internal weapon stations
-- Stealth flight capability
-- The ability to hide from Radars
-- Aggressive maneuverability with delta canard and vertical stabilizers
-- Smart fleet autonomy equipped with artificial intelligence
-- Turbofan engine

The first flight of a prototype in 2023
View attachment 824956
View attachment 824957

if we are talking about BVR Combat

-- MIUS will have stealth capability with Internal weapon stations
-- MIUS will have AESA Radar - data link for cooperative engagement capability to use 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar and 450 km CAFRAD naval AESA Radar , 600 km E7-T AEWC to detect Rafale , F-15 or SU-35 and to guide GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air missiles on Rafale , F-15 or SU-35

stealth MIUS can detect Rafale , MIG-29M2 , SU-35 , F-15 , before they detect MIUS and game over in BVR combat
Didn't UK firms restricted their implication in the TF-X projects?. I heard something like that.
I don't why there is a lot of hate towards our Egyptian Army and especially towards our Air Force and most of the times it comes from some Pakistanis (maybe bots). We are Muslim brothers No need hate especially this times because we need unity and not division.
Pakistanis have nothing against Egypt and I see no reason as to why they should

I think those guys who are making those statements are just mentally challenged in general, so don't take them too seriously, I don't think even other Pakistanis do
I don't why there is a lot of hate towards our Egyptian Army and especially towards our Air Force and most of the times it comes from some Pakistanis (maybe bots). We are Muslim brothers No need hate especially this times because we need unity and not division.
I am very sorry if you feel that way, I don't think there's hate cause hate is a very strong word and you only do it to your enemies (although some members might have this feeling for gulf because for last 5 years they are are cozying up to india)
but I think military fanboys on this forum feel that Egypt as a leading fighting force in the ME and arab world specifically should not just focus on getting the best, shiniest equipment but other basic core things are missing - like getting jets from all over the world is not the best technique
Didn't UK firms restricted their implication in the TF-X projects?. I heard something like that.

11 days ago ISMAIL DEMIR ( head of the Presidency of Defense Industries ) said Turkiye has started cooperating with United Kingdom-based Rolls-Royce on the engine to power the TFX

and Turkiye has started producing the TFX for roll out in 2023
I am very sorry if you feel that way, I don't think there's hate cause hate is a very strong word and you only do it to your enemies (although some members might have this feeling for gulf because for last 5 years they are are cozying up to india)
but I think military fanboys on this forum feel that Egypt as a leading fighting force in the ME and arab world specifically should not just focus on getting the best, shiniest equipment but other basic core things are missing - like getting jets from all over the world is not the best technique
I didn't mean hatred as hatred but you understood what I meant. hahaha.

11 days ago ISMAIL DEMIR ( head of the Presidency of Defense Industries ) said Turkiye has started cooperating with United Kingdom-based Rolls-Royce on the engine to power the TFX

and Turkiye has started producing the TFX
Honestly that is a very good step for your defense industry and I hope the best for you. I am jealous but happy for Turkey hahaha. Inshallah maybe you can see a cooperation between Egypt and Turkey in the future
@Oublious I am coming across more claims stressing on that point in particular, you have the right to be notified.
Chances are:
1) Egypt gives away its S-300VMs immediately for its use by the Ukrainian military against Russian attacks, from an Egyptian POV:
If we give away S-300s now, we also have the chance of being denied support from Russia with the Ka-52 fleet, MiG-29s in terms of expertise and spares. Egypt must be sure that the Congress would not vote against the sale of F-15s to Egypt (the sale of C-130J-30s was voted in favor of with the ratio of around 80:20 I think, with the motive that the C-130Js aren’t an “offensive asset”). In this situation we can also expect the deal to be rapidly offered before the US Congress members given Egypt seeks full guarantees.

2) The S-300s are given to the US for evaluation purposes, in this case the deal can take relatively longer in relation to case (1). With the S-300s likely remaining in Egyptian use until an F-15 deal is live.

The main reason most claim Egypt is giving away S-300s is because the US, unlike the usual, seems to be inches away from supplying Egypt with F-15s, during the time when correspondingly, Ukraine is said to be receiving S-300 systems from the west to aid its defense against Russia.

If we look to the latest deals with Americans it looks possible, but this is a risky deal like you wrote. You made a deal with Russians, they can refuse to sell you parts of MIGS. Ther is no other country then Egypt with the S-300VM.
You made a deal with Russians, they can refuse to sell you parts of MIGS.
Looking at the state of Russia right now, they might need to profit from defence sales no matter what, especially if they are allowed in USD. If the US is determined to sanction Russia futher I believe not only Egypt, but most Russian equipment recipients would be in trouble. When the EAF stopped receiving spares from the Soviet Union post 1973 the EAF depended on spares from Eastern European countries like Poland, when it comes to MiG-29M2s no other country operates that variant except Algeria who would be more likely to look for spares elsewhere if needed rather than retire the newly delivered silverjets.
Same goes for Ka-52s.
🎙️A member of the National Defense Committee in the Egyptian Parliament states that the ties between Egypt and Russia will not be stranded by the acquisition of F-15s.

Egypt instead of wasting money on the yesterday years F 15's regardless whenever they are manufactured should ask for the F 35's. If USA refuses the F 35's then Egypt should buy S 500 from the Russia.
It’s said that the number of F-15s in question is around 40, with leading news outlets highlighting the variant to be of a similar standard as the F-15EX/SA/QA.
I doubt that Egypt will aquire F-15s through USAID alone, if paid for I do believe it would be possible to have around 40 or even 50 F-15s.

Funny you mention that because us old guys were advocating that same exact thing 20+ years ago. We were telling the EAF "go and lobby the US by offering them partial payments and maybe they'll start issuing the more advanced weaponry." But then I read somewhere that is not the way Foreign Military Aid works based on the agreement. The US has to pick up the entire tab. A sale would need to be done separately and completely paid for by the EAF. They've never paid for anything as far as I know.
Egyptian air force may become the best in the region. But who is the enemy? I don't think Egypt has anymore enemies after the friendship treaty with Israel :unsure:
Egyptian air force may become the best in the region. But who is the enemy? I don't think Egypt has anymore enemies after the friendship treaty with Israel :unsure:
Turkey is often trying to steal Egypt Oil and Gas off the shore of Egpy using some pan-turkish ideology so Egypt, Greece and Saudi punish Turks and Turks now the black sheep of the West.
Turkey is often trying to steal Egypt Oil and Gas off the shore of Egpy using some pan-turkish ideology so Egypt, Greece and Saudi punish Turks and Turks now the black sheep of the West.
Oh, very interesting. I thought that the North African Arabs did not have any external military threats anymore :ashamed:

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