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Egypt likely to get F-15s: CENTCOM chief

4 years to first delivery is not bad.. the Saudi ones were the first of that category,, it needed a lot of testing..first time fly-by-wire for F-15s too and much more new systems..
Also Qatar paid cash.. and there were no other deals at the time.. now you have the Indonesian deal for 36 F-15EX class.. So expect at least 5 years before first delivery..

Egypt has the F-16 and the Mig-29M/M2.. there is need to complement both..HaHaHa!

It was said before that up to 100 JF-17 were needed to replace the older F-16 blocks in Egypt.. those are Blk 15 and Blk 30.. But someone said lately (in a video based on some statements..) that Egypt was not convinced yet by the JF-17 BLK III..

Why JF-17 tho?
Less expensive than let's say Typhoon or Rafale.. and it has good Chinese and Pakistani weapons..

I am not sure if that was ever in the consideration for Egyptian air force and plus they already operate so many different platforms
Ok lets add modern infront of BVR
Sparrow or aim54 phenix or mica arent BVR like aim120 meteor mica er pl12 or pl15

That's ok. Only a matter or time before the Meteor arrives, the MICA NG, the R-27ER, possibly the R-37M AWACS killer (with the Su-35SE) or the AIM-120(C/D) AMRAAM for these new F-15s as well as at least 100 of the fleet's F-16. The R-37M is dubbed "The AWACs KILLER" since it's primarily designed to take out AWACs aircraft at great distances and automatically crippling an air force in the air right in the middle of their engagement. This is EXACTLY why your friends to the north of us are actually pushing the F-15 sale to the EAF because they see it as less of a threat than the Su-35SE equipped with the R-37M

There is also a possible deal being discussed as we speak about the EAF acquiring 75+ MiG-35s with the new Zhuk-AE AESA radar and built-in designator as long as MiG and Russia provide the EAF with somewhere around 300-500 R-37Ms. Coupled with the R-27ERs that supposedly are in stock with the EAF for the MiG-29M/M2 with a range of 110 km, all thee missiles will be like falling under the Christmas tree where all the presents are and finding out they all have your name on them!!! lol

The MICA IR & EM are state of the art missiles and the MICA ER has an active radar homing seeker and MICA IR has an imaging infra-red homing seeker. Both seekers are designed to filter out countermeasures such as chaff and decoy flares. A thrust vector control unit fitted to the rocket motor increases the missile's agility. The missile is capable of lock-on after launch (LOAL) which means it is capable of engaging targets outside its seeker's at-launch acquisition range. Mounted on the Rafale, the MICA IR can provide IR imagery to the central data processing system, thus acting as an extra sensor.

All this sophisticated tech has angered your Israeli friends that they bitched and complained at the French to no end. Ranges on those missiles are between 60km & 80km and frankly, that's all the Rafale needs to take out enemies at any distance since the French have adopted a technique using SPECTRA to jam the enemy's radar and close the distance to the missile's range (which is still quite beyond visual range) and take them out.

Then when the Meteor arrives with the next batch of Rafales, they'll have the option of using its maximum 160km - 200km range although it's more of the missile's propellant technology and smart computer that are more impressive than its range. Being able to loiter and change targets in mid-flight etc. makes it one of the eventually most sophisticated missiles. Your friends are going to be very upset about that.

Nope.. that's all for the moment.. but seeing the last transport aircraft deal .. It will be expected to be one of the latest upgrades of the F-15..

Are you referring to the 12 C-130Js that were just approved? If so, talk about milking the price! Did you see how much that contract was for?

On paper, the Egyptian Air Force looks pretty powerful:

* 218 F-16s
* 24 Rafales (30 on order)
* 17 SU-35s

(Also 119 K-8s!)

No BVR? There must be a few R-77s with the SU-35s and why would Rafales not come with BVR?

Same exact missiles used on the French Rafales, including the Talios targeting pod, AASM HAMMER precision guided munitions and SCALP cruise missiles.




You forget EURO Fighter typhoon....


Combat readiness of Egypt Airforce will be doubtful, they crashed 2 new fighters before corona time. Rafale and ther Mig29, it will cost years to master and millions dollar to keep it air worthly. Should not amaze you if they get EF... :p:

There was never any Eurofighter under consideration. The Italians wanted to make them part of their mega deal offer to Egypt which included the 2-4 Bergamini FREMMs, 24 Eurofighters, 20 M-346 Arimachi trainers, 20 Falaj OPV Corvettes and 1 military satellite for $9.2 billion. But We weren't interested in the Typhoons and only ended up purchasing the 4 FREMMs of which 2 have already been delivered. So please, stop making things up just to pile on Egypt and make it look bad along with all the other haters on this thread.

And big deal if they crashed a jet of each!?!?! That kinda thing happens in every single airforce and you going to tell me the tuaf has never had a crash!? Considering both the MiG-29M/M2 and the Rafale are both very sophisticated fighter jets and are the first time EAF pilots are flying twin engine aircraft (beside that tired old F-4 Phantom IIs they flew in the mid-80s), I'd say they've done very well and absorbed those two aircraft with incredible ease. Also there is no proof of the Rafale crashing at all, either. That was a rumor of the K-8 Karakorum that crashed and somehow it got twisted into a Rafale. So the truth is only 2 MiG-29s crashed in 2017 and one in 2019 and both were from technical failures which MiG corporation has since replaced. Again, please stop spreading lies.

could it be... :p:

I assume that the S-300V systems would be sourced from Egypt in exchange for the F-15 fighters USA agreed to deliver to Egypt.

Yeah, no! Don't assume anything for the sake of bashing the Egyptian army. Unless you have a credible source that supports such a lie, then best not spread it or you'll be called out on it.

The deal with the US was to give up the deal with Russia for the Su-35 and they would sell/give us F-15s. Nothing to do with the S-300.

Right when even the Emiratis are closing in on F-35s and IDF already flies 50 or so? This makes little sense in the face of adversarial capabilities. These F-15s will be sitting ducks in terms of the threats the EAF faces.

Ok, then what would you suggest they do? Since you obviously know what's best for the EAF even better than all the Egyptian Air Force generals and brass and men who've served for 40+ years, many of whom fought in 1973 etc. Since they already went and requested the F-35A and were denied, what would you suggest they do?

The same ones you tout and promote and praise who have 50 F-35s also have over 70 F-15s and plan on acquiring more. Yet you don't seem to think it's a 50 year-old useless platform, only for the hated EAF, right? Oh and in the Saudi RSAF they have over 200 F-15s and just got their last order completed yet they're not sitting ducks with a 50 year-old F-15? Just the hated EAF, right?

let's see who else? Oh yeah, the JASDF Japanese Air Self Defense Force with their 200+ F-15s are not backwards and flying 50 year-old platforms, just the hated Egypt, right? lol

How many billions of dollars did Qatar just pay for its recent order of 36 F-15QAs? Not a 50 year-old design in their hands, though, right? Just when it comes to the EAF. I think it will be just great and I hope all the negative & biased haters people don't get too bent out of shape.
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Ok, then what would you suggest they do? Since you obviously know what's best for the EAF even better than all the Egyptian Air Force generals and brass and men who've served for 40+ years, many of whom fought in 1973 etc. Since they already went and requested the F-35A and were denied, what would you suggest they do?

The same ones you tout and promote and praise who have 50 F-35s also have over 70 F-15s and plan on acquiring more. Yet you don't seem to think it's a 50 year-old useless platform, only for the hated EAF, right? Oh and in the Saudi RSAF they have over 200 F-15s and just got their last order completed yet they're not sitting ducks with a 50 year-old F-15? Just the hated EAF, right?

let's see who else? Oh yeah, the JASDF Japanese Air Self Defense Force with their 200+ F-15s are not backwards and flying 50 year-old platforms, just the hated Egypt, right? lol

How many billions of dollars did Qatar just pay for its recent order of 36 F-15QAs? Not a 50 year-old design in their hands, though, right? Just when it comes to the EAF. I think it will be just great and I hope all the negative & biased haters people don't get too bent out of shape.
I don't hate EAF and neither do I claim to know more than anyone else here. I also have no bone in this fight except that I wish Egypt well. So before you get emotionally defensive, do pay heed to the situation on hand.

Your example of JASDF does not apply here because their force composition includes F-35s as well to counter any potential 5th gen. threat from the PLAAF. Qatar, Saudis don't have Israel as a potential adversary, Egypt does.

The reason I am pointing out the fallacy in this EAF approach is that in the counter-air scenario, Egypt is already facing a 50 F-35 fleet with IDFAF with at least another 50 on order. It would be more prudent to buy into additional Rafales with some stealth and a full BVR potential to boot. Anything from the Americans is subject to the usual AIPAC checks. The Israelis can use their F-15s to effect against the EAF because they have 5th gen air cover. EAF won't have this luxury and on top of it, the US restrictions can be applied at any time.

Perhaps this is all being purchased through FMS/US military aid so go for it as you will have an upgraded bomb truck and a good air-to-air system for catering to 4.5 gen. threats.
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How many different types of fighters Egypt will buy? At this rate nothing will be left. Next Typhoon and gripen.
Pathetic unorganized AF. dozens of different fighters, no BVR, No awac support, never won an air war in its history.

They need to spend on better leadership and strategic planning
Mansoura air battle. Meteor (contracted not in egypt yet)r-77 mica sparrow. E2-C hawkeye. Ground radars with ranges exceeding 1000km.
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