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Egypt likely to get F-15s: CENTCOM chief

I think that number will change in 2026 and they wont obviously leak that info around. But its still a major blowback 200km or 400km we will be in the same dilemma AGAIN

True, they might even go as far as phase out the AIM-120 since they wouldn't need it anymore and then it's back to nothing! lol
True, they might even go as far as phase out the AIM-120 since they wouldn't need it anymore and then it's back to nothing! lol
That is why it is better to stick with the SU-35SE also.. and get some Chinese platforms since they keep up with Western technologies in armament..
That is why it is better to stick with the SU-35SE also.

I don't disagree. As a matter of fact, I think they're better off with the Su-35.

What I'm trying to tell you guys is the US will not deliver any F-15s if the EAF decides it wants to purchase the Su-35 in any quantity also.

That was why the US has agreed to supply Egypt with F-15s since it was based on the EAF giving up on the Su deal. The EAF must've dropped the Su-35 deal without a doubt, because of this US condition on the F-15. That's why I was upset at them because they claimed they would pursue this independent purchasing way and not be so reliant on the US. It's a bit disappointing I agree.

They also should've purchased a batch of R-27s for the MiG 29s. It's a better missile than the R-77 and I'm not sure why they didn't get it.
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I don't disagree. As a matter of fact, I think they're better off with the Su-35.

What I'm trying to tell you guys is the US will not deliver any F-15s if the EAF decides it wants to purchase the Su-35 in any quantity also.

That was why the US has agreed to supply Egypt with F-15s since it was based on the EAF giving up on the Su deal. The EAF must've dropped the Su-35 deal without a doubt, because of this US condition on the F-15. That's why I was upset at them because they claimed they would pursue this independent purchasing way and not be so reliant on the US. It's a bit disappointing I agree.

They also should've purchased a batch of R-27s for the MiG 29s. It's a better missile than the R-77 and I'm not sure why they didn't get it.
Not sure Egypt will agree to wait 7 to 8 years before getting the F-15EX.. it took KSA 9-10 years of waiting before getting the latest F-15SA..!

Interesting article here that also claims the EAF purchased the R-27. Weird.
It has a lot of other very interesting information about the rif between the US and Egypt regarding the Su-35 purchase.

After Decades Refusing Egypt the F-15, U.S. Demands Cairo Terminate Plans to Aquire Russia’s Su-35​

In response to Egypt’s plans to modernise its Air Force with acquisition of an estimated two dozen Russian Su-35 ‘4++ generation’ air superiority fighters, the United States has issued a blunt warning that such purchases would result in American economic sanctions against Cairo. Officials stated regarding the purchase: “In terms of the expanding Russian influence in the region, that's obviously something which we are quite concerned. We don't see a lot of material benefits to engagements with the Russians… We just would encourage the Egyptians to turn more toward the West, toward the United States.” This was closely followed by a statement from State Secretary Mike Pompeo, who said regarding the sale: "We have made clear that systems were to be purchased that… would require sanctions on the regime," Pompeo told the Senate Committee on Appropriations. "We have received assurances from them, they understand that, and I am very hopeful they will decide not to move forward with that acquisition.” In response to Egypt’s plans to modernise its Air Force with acquisition of an estimated two dozen Russian Su-35 ‘4++ generation’ air superiority fighters, the United States has issued a blunt warning that such purchases would result in American economic sanctions against Cairo. Officials stated regarding the purchase: “In terms of the expanding Russian influence in the region, that's obviously something which we are quite concerned. We don't see a lot of material benefits to engagements with the Russians… We just would encourage the Egyptians to turn more toward the West, toward the United States.” This was closely followed by a statement from State Secretary Mike Pompeo, who said regarding the sale: "We have made clear that systems were to be purchased that… would require sanctions on the regime," Pompeo told the Senate Committee on Appropriations. "We have received assurances from them, they understand that, and I am very hopeful they will decide not to move forward with that acquisition.”


Egypt has extensively modernised its military capabilities since the coming to power of a new administration in 2013, which overthrew a strongly Western aligned Islamist government that year. The overthrow led the U.S. to freeze arms shipments to the country, which in turn was a considerable factor influencing Cairo to turn away from Washington for future arms purchases. However, a history of extensive and in the view of many excessive restrictions on American arms sales to Egypt were also reportedly at play in forcing Egypt away from American weapons - in particular jet aircraft. Since abandoning its defence ties to the Soviet Union under President Anwar Sadat in the mid 1970s Egypt has repeatedly sought to acquire high end air superiority fighters - namely the American F-15 Eagle. While these aircraft were sold to Saudi Arabia and Israel in large numbers however, Egypt was restricted to purchasing the cheaper and lighter jets such as the F-16 - ensuring a balance of power which favoured the Western Bloc’s more reliable clients. Furthermore, Egypt was the only major operator of the F-16 denied modern AIM-120 air to air missiles - meaning its aircraft would face an overwhelming disadvantage in combat with those of any other U.S. client.


Egypt’s move to upgrade its aerial warfare capabilities began with acquisition of the S-300V4 surface to air missile system and 45 MiG-29M medium weight multirole fighters. These were accompanied by purchases of complementary shorter ranged air defence platforms, and advanced long range air to air missiles such as the R-77 and extended range R-27 variants. With high end heavy air superiority fighters today manufactured only by the United States, Russia and China, of which only the first two offer them for export, it was to be expected that Egypt would turn to Russia for such systems due to the United States’ refusal to provide them. While the pretext for sanctions against Egypt is that the fighter purchase would provide funds to a U.S. adversary, with the contract estimated at $2 billion, the Su-35 in Egyptian hands also overturns the regional balance of power the United States has for so long succeeded in maintaining. The fighters are capable of surpassing any other platforms currently deployed in the Middle East or Africa in their air to air combat capabilities, including the advanced Algerian Su-30MKA and Saudi F-15SA, and are also capable of deploying hypersonic R-37M ‘AWACS killer’ missiles. These platforms retain a 400km engagement range and pose a major threat to support aircraft of Egypt’s potential adversaries such as the American and Saudi Saudi E-3 Sentries or Israeli Eitam AWACS platforms. Ultimately whether Egypt will yield under American pressure remains to be seen, but given its economy's fragility and heavy reliance on the Western Bloc this remains a considerable possibility.

I think someone just edited that and added it in. SC. I don't believe the EAF was allowed to purchase that missile from Russia because of its range and lethality. Either that or they just weren't interested in arming the MiG=29s with them and maybe were saving the expenditure for when they purchased the Su-35s. I've just never seen them mounted on any pic of any EAF MiGs.
They do show it here too!

Interesting article here that also claims the EAF purchased the R-27. Weird.
It has a lot of other very interesting information about the rif between the US and Egypt regarding the Su-35 purchase.

After Decades Refusing Egypt the F-15, U.S. Demands Cairo Terminate Plans to Aquire Russia’s Su-35​

In response to Egypt’s plans to modernise its Air Force with acquisition of an estimated two dozen Russian Su-35 ‘4++ generation’ air superiority fighters, the United States has issued a blunt warning that such purchases would result in American economic sanctions against Cairo. Officials stated regarding the purchase: “In terms of the expanding Russian influence in the region, that's obviously something which we are quite concerned. We don't see a lot of material benefits to engagements with the Russians… We just would encourage the Egyptians to turn more toward the West, toward the United States.” This was closely followed by a statement from State Secretary Mike Pompeo, who said regarding the sale: "We have made clear that systems were to be purchased that… would require sanctions on the regime," Pompeo told the Senate Committee on Appropriations. "We have received assurances from them, they understand that, and I am very hopeful they will decide not to move forward with that acquisition.” In response to Egypt’s plans to modernise its Air Force with acquisition of an estimated two dozen Russian Su-35 ‘4++ generation’ air superiority fighters, the United States has issued a blunt warning that such purchases would result in American economic sanctions against Cairo. Officials stated regarding the purchase: “In terms of the expanding Russian influence in the region, that's obviously something which we are quite concerned. We don't see a lot of material benefits to engagements with the Russians… We just would encourage the Egyptians to turn more toward the West, toward the United States.” This was closely followed by a statement from State Secretary Mike Pompeo, who said regarding the sale: "We have made clear that systems were to be purchased that… would require sanctions on the regime," Pompeo told the Senate Committee on Appropriations. "We have received assurances from them, they understand that, and I am very hopeful they will decide not to move forward with that acquisition.”

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Egypt has extensively modernised its military capabilities since the coming to power of a new administration in 2013, which overthrew a strongly Western aligned Islamist government that year. The overthrow led the U.S. to freeze arms shipments to the country, which in turn was a considerable factor influencing Cairo to turn away from Washington for future arms purchases. However, a history of extensive and in the view of many excessive restrictions on American arms sales to Egypt were also reportedly at play in forcing Egypt away from American weapons - in particular jet aircraft. Since abandoning its defence ties to the Soviet Union under President Anwar Sadat in the mid 1970s Egypt has repeatedly sought to acquire high end air superiority fighters - namely the American F-15 Eagle. While these aircraft were sold to Saudi Arabia and Israel in large numbers however, Egypt was restricted to purchasing the cheaper and lighter jets such as the F-16 - ensuring a balance of power which favoured the Western Bloc’s more reliable clients. Furthermore, Egypt was the only major operator of the F-16 denied modern AIM-120 air to air missiles - meaning its aircraft would face an overwhelming disadvantage in combat with those of any other U.S. client.

View attachment 827741

Egypt’s move to upgrade its aerial warfare capabilities began with acquisition of the S-300V4 surface to air missile system and 45 MiG-29M medium weight multirole fighters. These were accompanied by purchases of complementary shorter ranged air defence platforms, and advanced long range air to air missiles such as the R-77 and extended range R-27 variants. With high end heavy air superiority fighters today manufactured only by the United States, Russia and China, of which only the first two offer them for export, it was to be expected that Egypt would turn to Russia for such systems due to the United States’ refusal to provide them. While the pretext for sanctions against Egypt is that the fighter purchase would provide funds to a U.S. adversary, with the contract estimated at $2 billion, the Su-35 in Egyptian hands also overturns the regional balance of power the United States has for so long succeeded in maintaining. The fighters are capable of surpassing any other platforms currently deployed in the Middle East or Africa in their air to air combat capabilities, including the advanced Algerian Su-30MKA and Saudi F-15SA, and are also capable of deploying hypersonic R-37M ‘AWACS killer’ missiles. These platforms retain a 400km engagement range and pose a major threat to support aircraft of Egypt’s potential adversaries such as the American and Saudi Saudi E-3 Sentries or Israeli Eitam AWACS platforms. Ultimately whether Egypt will yield under American pressure remains to be seen, but given its economy's fragility and heavy reliance on the Western Bloc this remains a considerable possibility.

Imagine having 30+ AWACS fighters for air supremacy..That is what the SU-35SE is..
Not sure Egypt will agree to wait 7 to 8 years before getting the F-15EX.. it took KSA 9-10 years of waiting before getting the latest F-15SA..!

Really? That's strange because the Qatari F-15s (Pretty much the same thing as the EX) took about 4 years from signing the contract to the first delivery.

Problem is they'll never have both because they cant. And it sounds like they've decided on the F-15 if the general is right about what he said.
Don't buy all the Israeli propaganda. Egyptian military performed admirably in 1973. If they had better AC at the time, Israel would not exist today. That's why USA wont give EAF anything with good BVR.
Wrong, if Egypt had better AC in 1973, Egypt wouldn't have existed today. Israeli would have nuked Egypt back to stone ages.

Which by the way it still co do, so all these shiny new toys Egypt is hording up amount to nothing...
Wrong, if Egypt had better AC in 1973, Egypt wouldn't have existed today. Israeli would have nuked Egypt back to stone ages.

No they wouldn't. This has been discussed ad nauseum. The only time they would use them is if their own state was being threatened and they were about to be pushed into the sea.
In 1973, Egypt was fighting for Sinai, which is and will always will be Egyptian territory. They weren't interested in going into Israel and pushing them into the sea.

Which by the way it still co do, so all these shiny new toys Egypt is hording up amount to nothing...

LOL! Come on, maaaan! Be serious, Countries that have nukes don't just use them at first whim. They serve mostly as deterrents for other nuclear countries. Just like Pakistan and India. They still have to fight conventionally. So all those toys, every single one of them is super important. Besides, Israel is not on the table as an enemy, so you point is moot.
and get some Chinese platforms since they keep up with Western technologies in armament..
JF-17 would be perfect for that. It’s cheap so it Egypt won’t feel the price and can order in numbers and, it can be armed with top of the line Chinese munitions like PL-15. JF-17 could be Egypt’s low end fighter with sole purpose of accessing advanced Chinese munitions while Su 35, Rafale and F-15 form the tip of the spear.
Chinese won’t sell any flankers because Russians won’t allow. J-10C, there’s no point because Egypt already has Rafales, Mig 29, F-16 and Su 35. Those are all comparable class as J-10C whereas JF-17 is comparable to mirages so Egypt can use it to replace Mirage 2000’s and Mirage 5.
Also it would strengthen relations between us brotherly countries 🇵🇰🇪🇬
Really? That's strange because the Qatari F-15s (Pretty much the same thing as the EX) took about 4 years from signing the contract to the first delivery.

Problem is they'll never have both because they cant. And it sounds like they've decided on the F-15 if the general is right about what he said.
4 years to first delivery is not bad.. the Saudi ones were the first of that category,, it needed a lot of testing..first time fly-by-wire for F-15s too and much more new systems..
Also Qatar paid cash.. and there were no other deals at the time.. now you have the Indonesian deal for 36 F-15EX class.. So expect at least 5 years before first delivery..

Egypt has the F-16 and the Mig-29M/M2.. there is need to complement both..HaHaHa!

JF-17 would be perfect for that. It’s cheap so it Egypt won’t feel the price and can order in numbers and, it can be armed with top of the line Chinese munitions like PL-15. JF-17 could be Egypt’s low end fighter with sole purpose of accessing advanced Chinese munitions while Su 35, Rafale and F-15 form the tip of the spear.
Chinese won’t sell any flankers because Russians won’t allow. J-10C, there’s no point because Egypt already has Rafales, Mig 29, F-16 and Su 35. Those are all comparable class as J-10C whereas JF-17 is comparable to mirages so Egypt can use it to replace Mirage 2000’s and Mirage 5.
Also it would strengthen relations between us brotherly countries 🇵🇰🇪🇬
It was said before that up to 100 JF-17 were needed to replace the older F-16 blocks in Egypt.. those are Blk 15 and Blk 30.. But someone said lately (in a video based on some statements..) that Egypt was not convinced yet by the JF-17 BLK III..
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