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Egypt likely to get F-15s: CENTCOM chief

in 2003 Turkiye did not allow USA to attack on İraq from Turkish soil

and Gulf States ( S.Arabia,Kuwait,The UAE ) asked and financed invasion of İraq by The UK and USA

Only Kuwait formally approved of the invasion in Iraq.

Yet all the Gulf states remain allied to the USA just like Turkey is.

It was Turkey led by Erdogan that was held up as a model for Muslims of the world to emulate. Quite obviously it was done because Erdogan was an Israeli puppet/vassal state.


I can't find any Kuwaiti, Qatari or Saudi king shaking hand with Ariel Sharon the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla.

Turkiye offered Egypt to develop national defense Industry to become real military power
Turkiye has everything its own and Egypt is full off dependent on USA-Europe-Russia ( Egypt can not produce even BVR air to air missile and Cruise Missile )

Turkey has relied on Western companies for knowledge and technology transfer .

Example Atak helicopter from Italian A-129 helicopter, Hisar-O SAM from IRIS-T German SAM, Type 214 Submarines from Germany, Spanish LHD, British Engineering from BAE for TF-X fighter jet project.

but USA-France sold only useless platforms to Egypt as vassal state in Egypt through SISI and others since 1970s

F-16 Fighter Jet without BVR and land attack Cruise Missile
Rafale Fighter Jet without BVR and land attack Cruise Missile
FREMM Frigate without ASTER-30 SAM and EW System ( only 16 x ASTER-15 SAMs )
and many more

They wanted a vassal. The entire Egyptian armed forces have been neutered since 1973. Mossad keeps track of every development in Egypt, Syria, Iran, and before than in Iraq too. Only with Mossad approval could a chief of Egyptian Armed Forces rise to power. Same is the case in other colonies/semi colonies like Bangladesh in Indian orbit or Kazakhstan in Russian orbit.

Turkiye joined to NATO against Soviet threat in 1952
and NATO is not only USA , but 30 countries

Soviet Union does not exist anymore. NATO is the USA. If the USA leaves today, the rest of NATO members can not even deter Russia. With a rising China, USA decides to focus more on China which means no ability to counter Russia simultaneously and conducts wars against Muslims in Middle East and central Asia like they did from 2001.

If Turks don't like USA policies, they don't need to be allied with it. That's a contradiction.

I can't find any Kuwaiti, Qatari or Saudi king shaking hand with Ariel Sharon the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla.
whats going on here ?
to work for American-İsraeli interests

Turkey has relied on Western companies for knowledge and technology transfer .

Example Atak helicopter from Italian A-129 helicopter, Hisar-O SAM from IRIS-T German SAM, Type 214 Submarines from Germany, Spanish LHD, British Engineering from BAE for TF-X fighter jet project.

HISAR-O is nothing to do with German IRIS-T
and Type-214 Submarine , LHD are not Turkish military projects

Turkiye itself develops over 700 military projects and only British Engineering from BAE for TF-X fighter jet project ... nothing else
whats going on here ?
to work for American-İsraeli interests
View attachment 825871

I don't see the Israeli there.

Egyptian, Saudi, Emirati, Kuwaiti leaders are vassals installed by the Americans. If Turkey is allied with the Americans despite this, how can you complain about them again? That's a contridiction.

HISAR-O is nothing to do with German IRIS-T
and Type-214 Submarine , LHD are not Turkish military projects

Turkiye itself develops over 700 military projects and only British Engineering from BAE for TF-X fighter jet project ... nothing else

hisar- A

Iris T

Hisar A

Iris T

Soviet Union does not exist anymore. NATO is the USA. If the USA leaves today, the rest of NATO members can not even deter Russia. With a rising China, USA decides to focus more on China which means no ability to counter Russia simultaneously and conducts wars against Muslims in Middle East and central Asia like they did from 2001.

If Turks don't like USA policies, they don't need to be allied with it. That's a contradiction.

Russian threat is come back
Germany to increase defence spending for 110 billion euros in response to Russia

even only Germany and Turkiye can deter Russia
but USA control Germany-Japan-Turkiye , not to become huge military power again

Russia has only nuclear deterrent .. nothing else
The UK , France , Germany , Turkiye , İtaly and other European Countries together have more money , population and military technology that can create great military power to eliminate all threats without USA
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hisar- A

Iris T

Hisar A

Iris T


Turkiye has no any IRIS-T to coppy it
and Germany did not give any IRIS-T technology to Turkiye

HISAR use dual-stage Rocket Motor technology by ROKETSAN

HISAR Air Defense Family has been developed by Turkish ASELSAN and ROKETSAN
also SIPER high altitude long range Air Defense System is coming
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@MMM-E please this isnt a thread for you to show off your barely turkish weapons with european and american components all over that are literal copies of european systems. Morsi and his party were a failure in every single sector
You mean officially in our inventory?

If yes then there is :
- 218 F-16 with different varinants (from block 15 to block 52)
- 50 MIG-29M2 with our own specification (no one has it)
- 18 Mirage 2K
- 54 Rafales with all upgraded to F3R, I think not sure about F3R (30 Rafales on orders and it is officially)
- 75 Mirage 5 but we don't usually see them and we gave some of them to Pakistan

Trainers Jets :
- 52 Alpha Jet
- 119 K8
- M-346 (we were contracted with Alenia Aermacchi to have them)

In reserve (we don't use them at all) :
- 74 J-7 (chinese copy of MIG-21)
- MIG-21

True, the 2018 election was a joke. Inshallah the future will shine on Egypt. To have a developed country you must have good education and health.
Let's stop here because the thread is about F-15 and not the internals problems and future of Egypt. Maybe we can do a new thread to talk about it.
The 30 Rafales on order are F4R..The current inventory is being upgraded to F3R..
If the Israeli incorrect claims were propaganda, and Egypt and all arab air forces shot down in air combat, we would have seen at least one of the conflicts come out on the side of Arabs instead of Israelis prevailing in every instance. Ultimate and very sad defeat for all Arabs (and it stings me that they could not prevail to any extent) is a fact regardless of whose analysis made it to the press first.

And to risk going off-topic a little bit, I wish the Syrians had fought Israelis as viciously as they fought their own population over the last decade, there may have been some fear in Israel from a sovereign Arab nation instead of just Hizbollay
Here..for your education about these matters..

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I doubt Egypt would get F-15. The platform is very old. Being an early 70s design, its RCS is much bigger than Flanker. J-10C would make much better sense considering Egypt is not a big country and J-10C is good for phasing out Egypt's F-16 which is also single engine.
🎙️A member of the National Defense Committee in the Egyptian Parliament states that the ties between Egypt and Russia will not be stranded by the acquisition of F-15s.

The Pentagon confirmed that talks will continue to finalize a deal of Boeing F-15 Eagle air superiority fighters to the Egyptian Air Force (EAF).

During his visit to Cairo last month, Commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) General Kenneth McKenzie is said to have secured the outlines of the deal.

Procuring the F-15 alone is too risky for the Egyptian policies of diversifying its armament sources..And its strategic alliance with both Russia and the US.. So It is going to be either the F-15 along with the SU-35.. or Egypt will go just for the SU-35.. no other choices..
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The Pentagon confirmed that talks will continue to finalize a deal of Boeing F-15 Eagle air superiority fighters to the Egyptian Air Force (EAF).

During his visit to Cairo last month, Commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) General Kenneth McKenzie is said to have secured the outlines of the deal.

Procuring the F-15 alone is too risky for the Egyptian policies of diversifying its armament sources..And its strategic alliance with both Russia and the US.. So It is going to be either the F-15 along with the SU-35.. or Egypt will go just for the SU-35.. no other choices..
i think it will be wise to start building a new airbase (as if there wasnt already 3 new ones built) to face the upcoming logistical challenge
Israel is pressuring the us to agree on the f15 deal. @ israeli officials said to AXIOS that it is better for egypt to have F-15s instead of russian and chinese fighters.
This is the israeli plan according to my opnion. As you know what happened with the egyptian F-16s it is bound to happen with this deal as well. AIM-120C will be freed upon the american section in the EAF that is a no brainer but they will not allow the AIM-260 once it is up in 2026 and this missile will have a max range of 260-400km with a very advanced photothermal and AESA radar seekers. Once this missile is blocked in the future we will have the same dilemma the EAF suffered through during the 1990s. The only way to counter this is the resliance to not cancel the su-35 deal and if we were to get the F-15 then it will be accompanied with the su_35 to prevent the double standards of the west
2026 and this missile will have a max range of 260-400km

I think that's a bit of an exageration to be perfectly honest with you, Most sources list its maximum range to be somewhere around 200km with a no-escape zone of 60km.
I think that's a bit of an exageration to be perfectly honest with you, Most sources list its maximum range to be somewhere around 200km with a no-escape zone of 60km.
I think that number will change in 2026 and they wont obviously leak that info around. But its still a major blowback 200km or 400km we will be in the same dilemma AGAIN
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