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Egypt likely to get F-15s: CENTCOM chief

What are you trying to prove? That Egypt gets alittle less military aid than stated? :D

Pure idiotic lunacy coming from you. The AFs of Israel, Turkey, Taiwan, Pakistan and all of Europe flies older MLUd F16s equipped with the AIM-120 yet you somehow claim that Egypt is the exception... :D

Justifying eygptian F16s not having BVR because they are "Old" then go on to bark about having 220 F16s thus the numbers being a sufficient defence :D

220 F16s a sufficient defence against whom? Egypts main adversary has always been Israel and a few squadrons of "Old" Israeli F16s with AIM120Ds would swat all 220 egyptian F16s out the sky like flies

Deny it all you like the US/Europe/ Or even Russia would never sell Egypt squat that would remotely give it a competitive equality with Israel forget about competitive advantage. Egypt cant even take on poor old Ethiopia which doesnt even have an airforce.

Each and every paragraph of your post is a mind twist of dumb

Egypt has BVR that is atleast 100km+ in Meteor hence all this text of wall is nothing more then someone who is un-informed..

Ignorance is indeed bliss
What are you trying to prove? That Egypt gets alittle less military aid than stated? :D

Pure idiotic lunacy coming from you. The AFs of Israel, Turkey, Taiwan, Pakistan and all of Europe flies older MLUd F16s equipped with the AIM-120 yet you somehow claim that Egypt is the exception... :D

Justifying eygptian F16s not having BVR because they are "Old" then go on to bark about having 220 F16s thus the numbers being a sufficient defence :D

220 F16s a sufficient defence against whom? Egypts main adversary has always been Israel and a few squadrons of "Old" Israeli F16s with AIM120Ds would swat all 220 egyptian F16s out the sky like flies

Deny it all you like the US/Europe/ Or even Russia would never sell Egypt squat that would remotely give it a competitive equality with Israel forget about competitive advantage. Egypt cant even take on poor old Ethiopia which doesnt even have an airforce.

Each and every paragraph of your post is a mind twist of dumbYou wrote a lenghtly dump post
You just wrote a lengthily dump post by forgetting the CISMOA agreement and that it was the main reason for Egypt not getting the AIM-120 AMRAAM.. I bet you have no idea about it!.. since all the countries you've mentioned did sign that agreement with the US more than 30 years ago.. Egypt just signed it in 2018.. it has always refused to sign it.. So now you will feel stupid and half brained about posting your low life emotions out of ignorance.. since you jumped the main reason ..

So you better go educate yourself first about matters beyond your idiotic comprehension.. and then you come back and comment..
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They've already ordered 30 additional Rafales that we know of, bringing the total eventually up to 53/54. They are looking for more since they love that thing.

EAF has been looking for a heavy/air superiority fighter for over 20 years, hence why they went out and ordered the Su-35. This might be the 3rd or 4th time they either requested it or are close to making a deal.

If it's 24 aircraft as most prelim orders are, then I think they'll split the batch with 12 Strike Es and 12 Cs. The C is a beast in the intercept and one on one role. I think it's also a sure bet that the AIM-120 will be part of this deal.
Raffaele costs 200 mil a piece where's Egypt getting all that money from, do yall have decent foreign reserves to afford such ACs?
It’s the Israeli claims that state very few losses to the EAF, something highlighted in Lon Nordeen’s “The Phoenix Over the Nile” as the likelihood of IDF/AF crediting Egyptian SAMs with more .
EAF claim AFAIK was somewhere between 60 and 80 of the IAF jets, with over 20 stressed as confirmed by publishings from Helion & Co.
The claim of 60-80 was backed by the Soviet Union.
It’s the IDF/AF’a claim to be stated and globalized first, also forwarded by Shlomo Aloni’s books.
Egypt’s GDP has been in a rise with many attributes to the state, indeed: there are reports that Egypt hits the 500 billion USD mark in GDP in 2022, the IMF initially estimated over 400 USD billion in GDP. There is also the USAID.
If the Israeli incorrect claims were propaganda, and Egypt and all arab air forces shot down in air combat, we would have seen at least one of the conflicts come out on the side of Arabs instead of Israelis prevailing in every instance. Ultimate and very sad defeat for all Arabs (and it stings me that they could not prevail to any extent) is a fact regardless of whose analysis made it to the press first.

And to risk going off-topic a little bit, I wish the Syrians had fought Israelis as viciously as they fought their own population over the last decade, there may have been some fear in Israel from a sovereign Arab nation instead of just Hizbollay
r-77m r-37m
at the very least do a quick google search before wearing your keyboard warrior costume
googled it, as you suggested, and i found no mention of r-77m. just r-77. still not 100km. also, r-77s are crap, as demosntrated by PAF-IAF showdown in feb, 2019.

r-77m r-37m
at the very least do a quick google search before wearing your keyboard warrior costume
enjoy keyboard clown, this is a post by your egyptian brother, bot by a paksitani, chinese or turk.
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What are you trying to prove? That Egypt gets alittle less military aid than stated? :D

Pure idiotic lunacy coming from you. The AFs of Israel, Turkey, Taiwan, Pakistan and all of Europe flies older MLUd F16s equipped with the AIM-120 yet you somehow claim that Egypt is the exception... :D

Justifying eygptian F16s not having BVR because they are "Old" then go on to bark about having 220 F16s thus the numbers being a sufficient defence :D

220 F16s a sufficient defence against whom? Egypts main adversary has always been Israel and a few squadrons of "Old" Israeli F16s with AIM120Ds would swat all 220 egyptian F16s out the sky like flies

Deny it all you like the US/Europe/ Or even Russia would never sell Egypt squat that would remotely give it a competitive equality with Israel forget about competitive advantage. Egypt cant even take on poor old Ethiopia which doesnt even have an airforce.

Each and every paragraph of your post is a mind twist of dumb

Do you really need BVRs to hit the Israeli air force ?
Raffaele costs 200 mil a piece where's Egypt getting all that money from, do yall have decent foreign reserves to afford such ACs?
European countries meet their arms sales with long-term loans and their own financing. Simply, you don't cover the initial cost of these systems upfront, you borrowing.
The firing missile is the final step in a process of engagement. BVRAAM is an important multiplier, but not the only element of the equation. To enter the engagement, it is first necessary to detect the enemy aircraft. Who first see, have the first fire advantage. But if you don't have the means to fire mssile before the enemy within its detection range, this could be real problem.
I don't why there is a lot of hate towards our Egyptian Army and especially towards our Air Force and most of the times it comes from some Pakistanis (maybe bots). We are Muslim brothers No need hate especially this times because we need unity and not division.
could it be... :p:

I assume that the S-300V systems would be sourced from Egypt in exchange for the F-15 fighters USA agreed to deliver to Egypt.
I extremely doubt that’s the case, the S-300V is the prime source of Defence against ballistic missiles in Egypt.
Unless we learn of PAC-3s I’d deny any possibility of this happening, that is from where I see it.
@Oublious I am coming across more claims stressing on that point in particular, you have the right to be notified.
Chances are:
1) Egypt gives away its S-300VMs immediately for its use by the Ukrainian military against Russian attacks, from an Egyptian POV:
If we give away S-300s now, we also have the chance of being denied support from Russia with the Ka-52 fleet, MiG-29s in terms of expertise and spares. Egypt must be sure that the Congress would not vote against the sale of F-15s to Egypt (the sale of C-130J-30s was voted in favor of with the ratio of around 80:20 I think, with the motive that the C-130Js aren’t an “offensive asset”). In this situation we can also expect the deal to be rapidly offered before the US Congress members given Egypt seeks full guarantees.

2) The S-300s are given to the US for evaluation purposes, in this case the deal can take relatively longer in relation to case (1). With the S-300s likely remaining in Egyptian use until an F-15 deal is live.

The main reason most claim Egypt is giving away S-300s is because the US, unlike the usual, seems to be inches away from supplying Egypt with F-15s, during the time when correspondingly, Ukraine is said to be receiving S-300 systems from the west to aid its defense against Russia.
yes to wait for the TFX until 2035
also to focus on MIUS

MIUS is only realistic option in short time
MIUS is unmanned Fighter Jet will be able to fight against the highest capacity Fighter Jets in air combat through its advantages of unmanned combat and possessing the same advanced characteristics as 5th-generation stealth Fighters
The problem is that TF-X isn't like Bayraktars TB2 and 3. The drones are "easy" to manufacture and to produce but a fucking 5th generation aircraft will be hard when you don't have the experience to manufacture those type of fighters. To do it, you must get help from experienced countries like USA Russia and China but with your relation with USA rn is hard to ask them help, Russia problem with mass producing of SU-57 and China i don't think you have a good military relation with them. MIUS will be easier but hard also.
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