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Egypt - HAL offers to set up LCA and LCH manufacturing.

They don't allow Iran too from possessing nukes but that doesn't mean Iran doesn't have nukes.....

So you are making a comparison with Iran who actually has an open policy of enriching uranium versus a country that has no policy on anything nuclear related? Dude, if Egypt even dared to think nukes the Israelis and Americans would make sure to do the necessary. You know this too so stop pretending that Egypt has nukes.

We know you Indians like to lick scrotums when you have to achieve your goals, but remain realistic and stop over licking.
Politics is a dirty game..
Look at India what it was going to pay for 120 Rafael and what it paid for 36.
Politicians don't make decisions based on countries needs they make decisions on kickbacks and especially in our part of the world
yeah Egypt looks for its intrests
And JF-17 simply wasnt enough whatever the deal was

Currently Egypt doesnt have a running aerospace company, so the offer is not really giving any result. Compare it with Rafale manufacturing in Brazil where Brazil has already running aerospace company.
alpha jet
Ka-52 and mi-17 overhaul facilities
and soon a rafale manafacturing and overhaul facility
You Indians smoke some real good shit. I know you like to suck up, but Egypt is a nuclear power? Come on dude. Don't be stupid. You think Israel and the US would allow an Arab country to possess nukes?
If they cant stop the Su-35 deal you think they can stop nukes in Egypt?
If they cant stop the Su-35 deal you think they can stop nukes in Egypt?

You comparing Su-35 deal with nuclear weapons? Seriously? Who cares about Su-35. Nuclear weapons are the real deal. Egypt will never ever be allowed to utter the word nuclear. Let alone posses them. You guys are funny though. I like how you are fantasizing about Egypt going nuclear.
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You comparing Su-35 deal with nuclear weapons? Seriously? Who cares about Su-35. Nuclear weapons are the real deal. Egypt will never ever be allowed to utter the words nuclear. Let alone posses them. You guys are funny though. I like how you are fantasizing about Egypt going nuclear.
Egyptians are talking tossers
You comparing Su-35 deal with nuclear weapons? Seriously? Who cares about Su-35. Nuclear weapons are the real deal. Egypt will never ever be allowed to utter the words nuclear. Let alone posses them. You guys are funny though. I like how you are fantasizing about Egypt going nuclear.
The one who cares is the IAF
Unlike israeli nukes this is the working horse of the IDF and if its challenged with way more skilled and trained pilots with the same technological ability, the IDF will not cope with it
So far the soviets have placed Nuclear tipped Scud Bs during the 1973 war their fate after the war isnt known but soviet Ships were spotted in Alexandria upon the fall of the Ussr in 1990-1991 and Egypt has aqquired Classified American Black carbon technology And missile test sites are being overhauled and used for solid fuel propellant testing in Jabal hamza missile site
The crucial information is not known or hinted at. The missile program remains a mystery and so does the existance of nukes in Egypt
Even then you dont need WMDs to deter off nuclear israel
The Egyptian army is already enough That is increasing on the border every year
Israel currently is in a political turmoil it would be the perfect opportunity to make deals with corrupt officials and time will tell
All these are just shining toys if they can't help secure the country's military ambitions.
All these are just shining toys if they can't help secure the country's military ambitions.

Like what bases?

jf 17 block 3 and Hal Tejas mk1a...... Both are technically & equally the same capabilities aircrafts... If paf does not have any issue with the JF 17 block 3..... Why would be Hal tejas mk1a..
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The one who cares is the IAF
Unlike israeli nukes this is the working horse of the IDF and if its challenged with way more skilled and trained pilots with the same technological ability, the IDF will not cope with it
So far the soviets have placed Nuclear tipped Scud Bs during the 1973 war their fate after the war isnt known but soviet Ships were spotted in Alexandria upon the fall of the Ussr in 1990-1991 and Egypt has aqquired Classified American Black carbon technology And missile test sites are being overhauled and used for solid fuel propellant testing in Jabal hamza missile site
The crucial information is not known or hinted at. The missile program remains a mystery and so does the existance of nukes in Egypt
Even then you dont need WMDs to deter off nuclear israel
The Egyptian army is already enough That is increasing on the border every year
Israel currently is in a political turmoil it would be the perfect opportunity to make deals with corrupt officials and time will tell

The Egyptian army is a match against Israeli forces? Not even in a 100 years are Su-35 a match compared to nukes. Even if you had a thousand Su-35 the Israelis would let you have them. They wouldn't allow Egypt to possess a single nuke. There is a reason for that.
The Egyptian army is a match against Israeli forces? Not even in a 100 years are Su-35 a match compared to nukes. Even if you had a thousand Su-35 the Israelis would let you have them. They wouldn't allow Egypt to possess a single nuke. There is a reason for that.
Nukes are a deterent perhaps a genocidal weapon a last resort weapon when all fails
it isnt a weapon to be used conventionally to overcome the enemy forces unless you want to nuke your own teritory and even then it wont matter the Egyptian army is trained against biological and nuclear threats, nuking your own border to prevent Egyptian advance wont be suitable and will be penetrated and perhaps granting Egypt a card to gas the 7 million population of israel and they will start calling us nazis
Egypt posses radars and AD systems that can track and shoot down their aircraft taking off the said working horse of the IDF
Theyve ran all way to south korea to prevent russia from aqquiring semi conductors for their planes when Egypt was buying the Su-35 not after or before
And now you think if they cant stop these deals and others like advanced submarines, aircraft, ships and AD systems from their supposed allies that poses imminent danger for the national security of israel and superiorty of the IDF and make the israeli navy look like a child in such a short period of seven years now they can stop nuclear Egypt if it already isnt? You are overestimating the cababilities of the Mossad
to an infidel it is..
Even to rational believers they would usually know it’s unconfirmed to come in a historical context, yet believe in it knowing that’s what faith means.

suggest you do your homework first before attempting to even try to contest a vastly superior being.
Superior? You aren’t superior in terms of GDP, GDP Per Capita or education.
Currently Egypt doesnt have a running aerospace company, so the offer is not really giving any result. Compare it with Rafale manufacturing in Brazil where Brazil has already running aerospace company.
Correct in some context. The AOI was the local firm to locally assemble K-8 trainers, Tucano aircrafts, Gazelle helicopters, Alpha Jets and J-6 Farmers, they also manufacture F-16 spare parts. It’s not considered an aerospace company by many means, it does not carry out R&D but rather technical level services and support to the military. They are however capable of assembling airframes and integrating computers to pilot interface that since the past century...
Egypt isn’t planning an all out offensive against Israel, because then Nukes would make headlines...
Egypt is always guaranteeing it in return seems dangerous for Israel to ever carry out attacks or invasions to the Sinai. It’s a parallel race Egypt made sure to demonstrate in the 80s and 90s. For the era of 2000 to 2010 Egypt failed to keep up with this concept, now it’s pulling back.
Egypt will at least pursue missile warfare and bio-chemical warheads that would at minimum guarantee chunks of Israel’s population are targeted to even out a non-conventional war in Israel’s example of population concentration.

There is absolutely NO, and I mean NOOOOO way Egypt will ever buy JF17,
you have to look at where they are aligned and managed from,
and those people will NEVER let China take a foot hold in north africa.
They need Egypt to counter Turkey, and Pakistan's relationship with Turkey is far beyond
the mostly cold, and at best luke warm relations with Egypt.


Even if the JF17 came in for FREE, this is not going to happen.

If they cant stop the Su-35 deal you think they can stop nukes in Egypt?

Lets see when the first Nuclear Plant comes online.

As for now, Egypt needs to secure water before anything else, and it needs a LOT of electricity if it is going to do that.
There is absolutely NO, and I mean NOOOOO way Egypt will ever buy JF17,
you have to look at where they are aligned and managed from,
and those people will NEVER let China take a foot hold in north africa.
They need Egypt to counter Turkey, and Pakistan's relationship with Turkey is far beyond
the mostly cold, and at best luke warm relations with Egypt.


Even if the JF17 came in for FREE, this is not going to happen.

Lets see when the first Nuclear Plant comes online.

As for now, Egypt needs to secure water before anything else, and it needs a LOT of electricity if it is going to do that.
maybe change your debt trap policy and we will consider doing buissness
And who is "They" you mean the west? Use Egypt to counter a NATO member who keeps resource rich syria iraq and libya for westren companies to keep pillaging? What are you smoking
You comparing Su-35 deal with nuclear weapons? Seriously? Who cares about Su-35. Nuclear weapons are the real deal. Egypt will never ever be allowed to utter the word nuclear. Let alone posses them. You guys are funny though. I like how you are fantasizing about Egypt going nuclear.
Egypt is not going nuclear.. it has soviet nukes since 1973.. not sure if they are still potent!

Now Egypt is concentrating on civilian nuclear technologies..it doesn't have a military nuclear program.. but rather a good and important civilian nuclear program..


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