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Egypt foiled ‘Iranian’ plot to kill Saudi ambassador in Cairo: embassy advi

Even though it may sound that i am trolling but

See the case is that i have a friend whose name is persian and has middle name of wahab and surname of khan.

I never gave any thought to that.

I have learnt in history book about abdul wahab and always thought wahab to be some tribe in arabia.

But seeing the love between persians and arabs on this forum, i am not able to get as to how someone with a persian name have wahab as surname?( not trolling )

Thus i wanted to know whether it has some special meaning?

the same way most Europeans have adopted Christian names, Iranian muslims have adopted Islamic names. These names happpen to be Arabic. There is no mystery about it. In Iran, people's names tend to signify their religion, not always though. Some people are muslim but have Zoroastrian names and last names.
Even though it may sound that i am trolling but

See the case is that i have a friend whose name is persian and has middle name of wahab and surname of khan.

I never gave any thought to that.

I have learnt in history book about abdul wahab and always thought wahab to be some tribe in arabia.

But seeing the love between persians and arabs on this forum, i am not able to get as to how someone with a persian name have wahab as middle name?( not trolling )

Thus i wanted to know whether it has some special meaning?
not at all
wahab is not a tribe in saudi the name came from muhamed abd el wahab
as for your friend name some iranians have arabic names
their prisdent name is mahmoud ahmdi najad
I deem this particular news to be just another desperate propaganda by the fragile Saudi regime in light of the official denial of Egyptian government posted by Mahmoud_EGY before.


Bet the Saudis are burning after seeing this ^
Why do you even bother to answer them?
We cowards have done things in 3 decades that these 'braves' wet their pants when they even "think of doing" that in the last 6 decades.

because i think they have a nerve talking so much rubbish. I dont know what happens in their tiny minds but their agenda to constantly be blinded by the facts and have a constant rage against Iran is becoming tedious and boring. Either they should look at the facts and then post or just shut up. The story has been confirmed as nonsense and fake yet they want to constantly "Iran is bad" bla bla bla - pathetic mentality
Iranians cowards??
The only nation in the middle east to have the balls to stick up for themselves.
The only nation to be constantly hounded by the Zionists yet hold their head high.
The only nation to be put under unwarranted sanctions and keep fighting back.
The only nation not to bow to the pressures and command of the USA - yet you call them cowards?
I suggest they have the biggest hearts in the middle east.
I suggest you are talking nonsense and along with the guys thanking you are registered fools to hold this mentality. Even after reading that this story is a complete fabrication your obsession to constantly banter "Iran is bad" is pathetically obvious.
Look at the facts before coming up with such worthless posts.

Respect yourself, this is your openion which I find pathetic. If a country needs to antagonize all the world to keep her head high, then there is sth wrong with all people on earth except for "great" Iranians of course. Such a warmonger regime who spreads/instigates terrorism in Iraq, GCC, Morrocco, Africa, Yemen,...etc, should bاe despised not hailed. They are just street picked officials.

What do you call this?:
"Our naval forces are so powerful that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York,"
I always take the side of my country, but it doesn't mean I should agree with racist comments. I don't care whether Black Eagle or his likes thank my post or they don't, what I'm saying now is irrelevant of what they do, you could answer these guys better with logic. Insulting them personally or in a racist way won't help at all, not only it doesn't help, but it will give a bad impression too.
i dnt rly care if i come across illogical or racist to a few uncultured bedouins. I dnt know why i am wasting my time with them,usually i dnt respond to the trolls but when they are crossing the limit i will put them in their places (sandbox in their case) ------ shoma ham hamishe az iran va irani tarafdari kon va suzhe be daste in malakh khora nade
I deem this particular news to be just another desperate propaganda by the fragile Saudi regime in light of the official denial of Egyptian government posted by Mahmoud_EGY before.


Bet the Saudis are burning after seeing this ^

Egypt and Iran were enemies under Mubarak. After his fall, economic ties started and there are talks about opening embassies etc... Iranian ships passed through the Suez twice in the past year.

The saudis have been at odds in the past couple of weeks and there was the embassu closure issue.

This fake claim was an attempt to create issues between Iran and Egypt.
Respect yourself, this is your openion which I find pathetic. If a country needs to antagonize all the world to keep her head high, then there is sth wrong with all people on earth except for "great" Iranians of course. Such a warmonger regime who spreads/instigates terrorism in Iraq, GCC, Morrocco, Africa, Yemen,...etc, should bاe despised not hailed. They are just street picked officials.

What do you call this?:
"Our naval forces are so powerful that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York,"

Being street picked is better than being installed by foreigners. ;)
No one takes you guys seriously, so say what you like to say.
Respect yourself, this is your openion which I find pathetic. If a country needs to antagonize all the world to keep her head high, then there is sth wrong with all people on earth except for "great" Iranians of course. Such a warmonger regime who spreads/instigates terrorism in Iraq, GCC, Morrocco, Africa, Yemen,...etc, should bاe despised not hailed. They are just street picked officials.

What do you call this?:
"Our naval forces are so powerful that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York,"

here we go again

I will post the same thing I told you the page before. Instead of saying IRan this, shia that, realize that it's you arabs who are dragging arabs back.

You guys are killing each other wholesale on a daily basis, but your problem is Iran and our regime. You need to sort your priorities. Your cousins have been killing each other in Iraq for a decade under american occupation and many decades before that under saddam.

In syria it's the same. Today it's assad versus the rest, before that it was his father.

In Libya the same **** has been going on for 5 decades.

In Yemen, well that's a clusterfuck of a disaster that doesn't need a mention.

In the end you spend time talking about Iran when it's arab killing arab.

Your bullets, your guns, your blood, your culture, your secterianism, your tribalism, your lives.
Respect yourself, this is your openion which I find pathetic. If a country needs to antagonize all the world to keep her head high, then there is sth wrong with all people on earth except for "great" Iranians of course. Such a warmonger regime who spreads/instigates terrorism in Iraq, GCC, Morrocco, Africa, Yemen,...etc, should bاe despised not hailed. They are just street picked officials.

What do you call this?:
"Our naval forces are so powerful that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York,"

Firstly learn to spell before getting excitable.
Secondly - because Iran "doesnt tow the line" and bow to the west when they are told to does that make warmongers? Are you so daft that you are insinuating Iran is the nation that spreads terrorism? I think your hatred for Iran is pathetic and obvious.
Thirdly your blabbering about New York is off topic and not relevant to this thread.
The Egyptians have confirmed this story is fabricated and nonsense - deal with it and calm your hatred down.
Now where is my ignore list - you are going to join it as you really post nonsense.
LOL how cute Iran sucking up to Egypt after realizing you have no friends. The MB if any thing will more aggressive in their effort to counter Iranian influence. As freesyrian said, by losing Bashar Iran would have lost everything. Hamas to Egypt and Lebanon to Syria.

Meaningless rants are against the forum rules!!


and go spend some oil money on logic cuz you don't have any. With Mubarak Iran and Egypt had zero ties, political or other wise. Zilch, nada, nothing, hichi, kooft, safar < how's my arabic?

Now we have diplomatic ties, embasies are opening up, there's economic ties, our ships have passed the Suez twice in a matter of a year (after more than 3 decades) etc... and this genius says things will be worse.

Why do you guys act like the way you do? I feel embarassed for you.
Meaningless rants are against the forum rules!!

Im pointing out the story is fabricated and confirmed as nonsense yet you wish to continue bad mouthing Iran? I think the rants are being made by those that are not prepared to look at the facts and continue their blind hatred against Iran. So stop trying to moderate the forum and leave it to those that are qualified.
Their was no plot to kill anyone - period.

Egypt and Iran were enemies under Mubarak. After his fall, economic ties started and there are talks about opening embassies etc... Iranian ships passed through the Suez twice in the past year.

The saudis have been at odds in the past couple of weeks and there was the embassu closure issue.

This fake claim was an attempt to create issues between Iran and Egypt.

the Saudis should be more concerned about regaining lost influence in Egypt

since the fall of the Mubarak regime, relations have deteriorated significantly
Why are you so concerned on how we view Iran?
It non of your business. We don't need others to tell us who is or isn't our enemy.

You are on PDF - and i am sharing my opinion. Just because it doesnt agree with your systematic racism against anything Iranian - dont try to tell me what my business is and isnt. Why dont you attempt to be on topic rather than attempting to resort to personal attacks?
As i have said previously the story was fabricated and confirmed as nonsense - if you want to continue your rant take it elsewhere rather than polluting the forum with weak posts....

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