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Egypt foiled ‘Iranian’ plot to kill Saudi ambassador in Cairo: embassy advi

baba, read the damn articles Mahmoud_Egy posted.
it's some **** the wahabis made up

Egypt is denying it

the guy who came up with it is on wahabi payroll
Wouldn't you stop your racism? You have been banned 3 times because of me reporting such posts. You are so weird people, in a funny way though.

Plz, don't turn it into sectarianism here, you know, calling names is not that hard. So plz stop it or I will inform the Mods. Thanx.
Wouldn't you stop your racism? You have been banned 3 times because of me reporting such posts. You are so weird people, in a funny way though.

Plz, don't turn it into sectarianism here, you know, calling names is not that hard. So plz stop it or I will inform the Mods. Thanx.
secterianism and racism?
Those are your trademarks my friend. You have a millenia year old patent on it.

The only two concerns you have in your life are: Iran and shiaism.

You only act like a victim when, as you said, you want to get me or somebody else banned.
The truth is clear for the world. The arab world is riddled with ethnic and secterian violence. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya... I can go on and on and on.

Shia killing sunni and sunni blowing up shia.
I respond in the same way they respond to me or my country. I suggest it is better for you to take the side of your country/people against these barbars who have done many injustice against Iran. You are being thanked by the biggest anti Iran troll. Doesnt that say something to you ?

I always take the side of my country, but it doesn't mean I should agree with racist comments. I don't care whether Black Eagle or his likes thank my post or they don't, what I'm saying now is irrelevant of what they do, you could answer these guys better with logic. Insulting them personally or in a racist way won't help at all, not only it doesn't help, but it will give a bad impression too.
no abd el wahab is reglar muslim name
wahabism is another thing
One more thing

I knew that wahab is a surname as i have read about abdul wahab in history books.

Also some people use surname from their mother's side as middle name.

What is the origin of Wahab?

I am interested since the first name is persian.
One more thing

I knew that wahab is a surname as i have read about abdul wahab in history books.

Also some people use surname from their mother's side as middle name.

What is the origin of Wahab?

I am interested since the first name is persian.
who's first name?
secterianism and racism?
Those are your trademarks my friend. You have a millenia year old patent on it.

The only two concerns you have in your life are: Iran and shiaism.

You only act like a victim when, as you said, you want to get me or somebody else banned.
The truth is clear for the world. The arab world is riddled with ethnic and secterian violence. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya... I can go on and on and on.

Shia killing sunni and sunni blowing up shia.

I am not religious unfortunately (may God guide me), my problem is your psychos regime & his Co who happen to be solely Shea. That's all, I avoid talking about religion because I don't have that religious knowledge that entitles me to debate, nevertheless I always stick to Political, military and history domains in my discussions which you people don't have an idea about.
One more thing

I knew that wahab is a surname as i have read about abdul wahab in history books.

Also some people use surname from their mother's side as middle name.

What is the origin of Wahab?

I am interested since the first name is persian.

Abdul is not Persian, it's purely Arabic.
Why iranians are so cowards

Iranians cowards??
The only nation in the middle east to have the balls to stick up for themselves.
The only nation to be constantly hounded by the Zionists yet hold their head high.
The only nation to be put under unwarranted sanctions and keep fighting back.
The only nation not to bow to the pressures and command of the USA - yet you call them cowards?
I suggest they have the biggest hearts in the middle east.
I suggest you are talking nonsense and along with the guys thanking you are registered fools to hold this mentality. Even after reading that this story is a complete fabrication your obsession to constantly banter "Iran is bad" is pathetically obvious.
Look at the facts before coming up with such worthless posts.
I am not religious unfortunately (may God guide me), my problem is your psychos regime & his Co who happen to be solely Shea. That's all, I avoid talking about religion because I don't have that religious knowledge that entitles me to debate, nevertheless I always stick to Political, military and history domains in my discussions which you people don't have an idea about.

Another failed attempt to claim Iran is supporting Shi3as in the region. Is Hamas shi3a? Was Yaser Arafat Shi3a? Are Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro even Muslim? Let alone being shi3a.

Iran supports any movement or any person around the world that defies what it calls western expansionism and imperialism. (In particular, the USA).
One more thing

I knew that wahab is a surname as i have read about abdul wahab in history books.

Also some people use surname from their mother's side as middle name.

What is the origin of Wahab?

I am interested since the first name is persian.
do you want to know about wahab as a name or wahabism ?
Iranians cowards??
The only nation in the middle east to have the balls to stick up for themselves.
The only nation to be constantly hounded by the Zionists yet hold their head high.
The only nation to be put under unwarranted sanctions and keep fighting back.
The only nation not to bow to the pressures and command of the USA - yet you call them cowards?
I suggest they have the biggest hearts in the middle east.
I suggest you are talking nonsense and along with the guys thanking you are registered fools to hold this mentality. Even after reading that this story is a complete fabrication your obsession to constantly banter "Iran is bad" is pathetically obvious.
Look at the facts before coming up with such worthless posts.

Why do you even bother to answer them?
We cowards have done things in 3 decades that these 'braves' wet their pants when they even "think of doing" that in the last 6 decades.

I am not talking about abdul wahab.One of my friend has a middle name of wahad.I was asking with that POV.

Wahhab isn't Persian either, it's purely Arabic. What name do you mean?
I am not religious unfortunately (may God guide me), my problem is your psychos regime & his Co who happen to be solely Shea. That's all, I avoid talking about religion because I don't have that religious knowledge that entitles me to debate, nevertheless I always stick to Political, military and history domains in my discussions which you people don't have an idea about.

us people only give a **** about what we produce, I couldn't care less what an F-22 is made of. You can waste your life on that stuff, but it doesn't mean we don't care about military hardware.

Also, as I said, your only concerns in this world amount to shia Islam and Iran. Every single sentence that you write inevitably ends up having something to do with IRan and shia Islam.

You guys are killing each other wholesale on a daily basis, but your problem is Iran and our regime. You need to sort your priorities. Your cousins have been killing each other in Iraq for a decade under american occupation and many decades before that under saddam.

In syria it's the same. Today it's assad versus the rest, before that it was his father.

In Libya the same **** has been going on for 5 decades.

In Yemen, well that's a clusterfuck of a disaster that doesn't need a mention.

In the end you spend time talking about Iran when it's arab killing arab.

Your bullets, your guns, your blood, your culture, your secterianism, your tribalism, your lives.
do you want to know about wahab as a name or wahabism ?

Even though it may sound that i am trolling but

See the case is that i have a friend whose name is persian and has middle name of wahab and surname of khan.

I never gave any thought to that.

I have learnt in history book about abdul wahab and always thought wahab to be some tribe in arabia.

But seeing the love between persians and arabs on this forum, i am not able to get as to how someone with a persian name have wahab as middle name?( not trolling )

Thus i wanted to know whether it has some special meaning?
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