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Egypt Buys Rafale and FREMM

PM Modi is going to visit France in April and during that visit Rafale deal and even Nuclear deal will be finalised.

Within a week more details will be out regarding this 24 Rafale fighter plane for Egypt .

i hope this time they do it ... not just empty words , as we are hearing this from years now /
Associated Press

Some points.

Egypt will become the first foreign buyer of Rafale fighter jets, French officials said Thursday, purchasing 24 of the multi-role French-made aircraft as part of a 5.2 billion-euro (US$5.93 billion) defense deal that will strengthen Cairo's military might in a tense and violent region.

Egypt, a decades-long American ally whose army receives up to $1.3 billion in military aid from Washington each year, has been seeking to diversify its arms providers. Its military remains largely U.S. trained and equipped, but Russian news agency Interfax said this week that Moscow has $3.5 billion in new contracts with Cairo for military aircraft, air defense missiles and other weapons.

Egyptian media have reported that Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates funded other recent Egyptian defense deals. Egypt has been seeking to create a military pact with those two countries and Kuwait to take on Islamic militants, possibility around the Middle East.

The Egypt deal comes weeks after Indian officials announced they were close to a 12 billion-euro deal to buy 126 Rafales.

Which variant Egypt will get ?

i hope this time they do it ... not just empty words , as we are hearing this from years now /

The deal is on track.

Everything is normal: France on Rafale deal | Zee News
February 5, 2015

India is insisting that Dassault Aviation, which manufactures Rafale, cannot renege on the Request for Proposal (RFP) clauses, which it had initially agreed to.

They say France must stick to the price that it had quoted in the RFP and guarantee clause under which Dassault has to stand guarantee for the planes that would be manufactured by state-owned HAL.
The deal is on track.

Everything is normal: France on Rafale deal | Zee News
February 5, 2015

India is insisting that Dassault Aviation, which manufactures Rafale, cannot renege on the Request for Proposal (RFP) clauses, which it had initially agreed to.

They say France must stick to the price that it had quoted in the RFP and guarantee clause under which Dassault has to stand guarantee for the planes that would be manufactured by state-owned HAL.

One has to take account of inflation, the French- Indian deal has been dragging its feet for quite a while now.
The Egyptian deal shows the total price per unit for the rafale, including its weapons, training, spare parts, etc to be around 200 $ million, and not sure if it includes any ToT in it.
Egypt will get another 24 or 26 of these in the near future and many other Arab countries will follow suite, so there might be a total of 150 Rafales if not more for the gulf region alone.
France has nothing to lose now that it has finalized its first Rafale deal in a region where it wanted to sell it most for decades now. So India might still get its Rafales, but on some French terms, otherwise France will not give it much thought, and will concentrate on a bigger market, not only for its jets but the big requirements for modern frigates (at least 25) for the middle east, submarines (around 50), BVR missiles, air defense and much more, that will amount to more than a 100$ billion dollars against which the 12$-20$ billion (including the Scorpene Submarines) Indian deal does not look much.
Always knew the Egyptians would want Rafale (since they operate Mirage-2000) but did not think they could afford them.
OK, if those planes purhased by gulf states money that is so good and congrats.

Any way each plane cost approximitly 185 million dollar the rest for the fremm.

Now India in bad situation their negociation will be hard.
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