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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I dunno whether they did or didn't do that, but then again for a country that has a history of regime changes from Nicaragua to Iran, it wouldn't be a fantastic revelation if it turned out that they sent the 'right' signals to the 'powers that be' in Egypt to get rid of this new inconvenience called Morsi & his Brotherhood.

Heck we've probably had the odd regime change in Pakistan too because Uncle Sam had other plans in mind.

Can anyone prove it ? No....one doesn't leave their visiting card behind at the scene of the crime after they've had their fun...do they ?

On Topic - What @Developereo says has merit to it; some of us just draw a pair of blinders over our eyes & stuff our ears with ear plugs on the very mention of trigger words like 'Political Islam', 'Shariah' & the many other such ever so 'dirty words'.

That said, I've no love for Islamist Parties in Pakistan or elsewhere; whereas the Liberals are self-righteous, extremely condescending & have the tendency of throwing an emotional tantrum when someone doesn't agree with their presumption of the what 'right way of doing things' is; the Conservatives, especially the Islamists, are all of that plus they're also not the brightest of bunch nor the most well articulated.

Makes sense, specially when the Americans are known for regime change - but I would credit the Egyptian population for the ouster more than any other entity - just going by the buildup to the protests.
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Don't count your chickens before they are hatched!
Islamist Al-Nour party came second in elections and are on board with this move of the military, most likely they are hoping for some kind of deals being struck now that their chief competitor is almost out of the game.
On Topic - What @Developereo says has merit to it; some of us just draw a pair of blinders over our eyes & stuff our ears with ear plugs on the very mention of trigger words like 'Political Islam', 'Shariah' & the many other such ever so 'dirty words'.

This has been the tactic of the losers, who dominate the internet and media, from day ONE: to portray Morsi and his supporters as "Islamists" or radical Muslims.
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There are lessons to be learned from here for MB and the ruling party in tunisia. MB should not have taken power in post-mubarak egypt IMO but should have allowed seculars to deal with the situation.

I confess I do not know that greatly all the political players in Egypt. But MB is a political outfit, has the majority support, how can they refuse to take up their responsibility to lead the nation?

The sucularists have no support, can not win election, who is then left? Someone has to step up.
Gulf states welcome Egypt changes

Dubai- Gulf states welcomed the Egyptian army's ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi on Wednesday following days of unrest in a country once seen by Gulf Arabs as an instrumental ally against rival power Iran.

The rise of Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt following the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 has unsettled most Gulf states, including the UAE, which feared it would embolden Islamists at home.

Qatar was alone among Gulf states in celebrating the 2011 Arab Spring revolt that toppled Mubarak, a foe of Iran and a longtime ally of the states that sit on nearly a quarter of the world's oil reserves.

Saudi state news agency SPA said King Abdullah sent a message of congratulations to the head of the Egyptian Constitutional Court, Adli Mansour, who had been appointed as interim head of state.

"In the name of the people of Saudi Arabia and on my behalf, we congratulate your leadership of Egypt in this critical period of its history. We pray for God to help you bear the responsibility laid upon you to achieve the ambitions of our brotherly people of Egypt," the message said.

The statement also praised the Egyptian armed forces for leading Egypt out of what it said was a "tunnel that only God knows its dimensions and repercussions".

The UAE also welcomed the change in Egypt, according to state news agency WAM, and praised the Egyptian armed forces.

"His Highness Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahayan, the Foreign Minister of the UAE, expressed his full confidence that the great people of Egypt are able to cross these difficult moments that Egypt is going through," WAM said in a statement.

"Sheikh Abdullah said that the great Egyptian army was able to prove again that they are the fence of Egypt and that they are the protector and strong shield that guarantee Egypt will remain a state of institutions and law," it added.

There was no word from Qatar, the only Gulf country to have publicly sided with the Muslim Brotherhood. Witnesses said the country deployed extra police forces around the Egyptian Embassy in Doha.

Qatar's emir stepped down last week in favour of his son, raising speculation the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas may be reconsidering its support for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Influential Muslim cleric Youssef Al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian seen close to the Muslim Brotherhood who had lived in Qatar for many years, is reported to be in Egypt. He had denied reports that Qatar's new emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, had asked him to leave the country.

Qatar has been a major financier of the Islamist groups around the Arab World, including Egypt's Brotherhood.

Gulf states welcome Egypt changes
When did you see me support the Bahraini dictators?

The Afghan situation cannot be called a true democracy, with 150,000 foreign troops in the land.

Maybe not you , but many other Pakistanis.

Your government also sent its troops to help the Bahraini government to put down the pro-democracy movement of its people.

Pakistani troops aid Bahrain's crackdown - Features - Al Jazeera English

As far as Afghanistan is concerned , I have seen not only Pakistanis supporting the Taliban against NATO forces but also against the Afghan forces and government. You are supporting violent religious extremists against a democractically elected government and their forces ? Some love for democracy that is.

Lets not kid ourselves , nobody here has any real love for democracy. We all want those governments in countries which suit our interests better.
Shariah will be back no body can stop it still Muslim brother hood has support of Millions in Egypt and also the Salafists they also have support of millions tout of kufr cannot stop shariah from coming they can delay it for sometime but not stop it is inevitable

Sir you will see soon Sir just wait and watch Sir Muslim brother has faced these things for 60 years they are still their those who did it to them they are all gone and these new cartoons will also become history and by trying to throw brother hood out you will make Salafis more stronger because Saudi Arabia will play their game and they would funds Salafis more and they are far more so called radicals than brother hood guys

Typical mullah art of BS...after deciding the fate of Pakistani's now you want to decide for Egyptians as well.....years of indoctrination, brain washing and enforcement can cause permanent brain damage.

Now some reality shock:


This has been the tactic of the losers, who dominate the internet and media, from day ONE: to portray Morsi and his supporters as "Islamists" or radical Muslims.

What I found most interesting going through the Article is, unless I've trouble comprehending, how it was stated that many of them (the Islamists) consider Democracy as Kufar & want to bring about an Islamic State through violence, in a clear cut allusion to the Islamists under question - Morsi & the Muslim Brotherhood. When it clearly appears that the author is either oblivious to or deliberately wishes to ignore the very real fact that the Muslim Brotherhood has always stood for the 'democratic process' whereby they've reiterated their desire to get their agenda institutionalized through the ballot. The few instances of 'violence' that has happened in the past, that can be attributed to them, is inconsequential when compared with what most of 'our' Political Parties have been up to in Karachi, in an entire year, for decades at a stretch.

Heck even the most Liberal or Secularist Elements in Pakistan agree to the fact that of all Parties in Pakistan's Political Capacity; only the Jamaat-i-Islami has had regular free & fair internal elections. No matter how much I may disagree with their interpretation of Political Islamic Paradigms, I could at least have the intellectual honesty of calling a spade a spade instead of going on an incessant vitriol on the mere mention of a Molvi Sahib talking about Politics.

We are - as a society - socially redundant in this case, across the board, that its very hard for us to accept an opposing view & respect it without having a vein in our temple burst because 'I'm right' & the other person must be an absolute 'idiot' for not seeing 'how right' I am. And this really does happens across the board - Islamists, Secularists, Moderates, Nationalists - You name it & we most probably do it !
I wonder where this love for democracy of Pakistanis goes in case of Bahrain or when they zealously support the Afghan Taliban against the Afghan and NATO forces.

excuse me 40,000 pakistanis death in order to fight those same talibans you regard as supported by pakistanis? and NATO and america and indians themselves are dealing with talibans now?

why deal with talibans?

taliban is still the might of afghanistan and NATO is not negotiating with taliban because it suits its interests in afghanistan? its because they have no other choice, simple as that

the rest of afghan government is not a democracy its a puppet government and i as well as you know this fact so please dont save face by saying that afghan government is any democracy

about pakistani soldiers in behrain, those violant protestors killed pakistanis in behrain, its a fact that those shias protesting dont want democracy, they just want khomaini to rule iran simple as that, if they were democratic they hadnt been killing pakistan expats like that
Guys ssorry for my ignorance. Just want to know what was Americas interest in Egypt and why would they do such?
Just as I read that MB was improving relations with China and Russia but could that be the "ONLY" reason?

Creating a sensational title doesn't mean you can twist the reality.

Mursi govt was not a tyrany nor governed by Sharia'a. It was a democratically elected govt by the will of the people. Wait until the west brings Muhammad al baradie.
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President Muhammad Morsi's fall is a blow to Muslims and not Democracy?

Check out how the non-Muslims are trying so hard to spin this injustice to install another puppet for the next 40 years.

Had President Muhammad Morsi lost at the ballot box, one could call it a loss to the Muslims but only deaf, dumb and blind would call this injustice as some kind of victory for Democracy.

Shame on all the losers. All the best Egyptians.

Not everyone is a islamic khilafah zealot...beside most of the Egyptians are Muslim by name and atheist by practice.
Islamism is a failed venture which leads to death, decay and war.

Creating a sensational title doesn't mean you can twist the reality.

Mursi govt was not a tyrany nor governed by Sharia'a. It was a democratically elected govt by the will of the people. Wait until the west brings Muhammad al baradie.

Going by your logic if Iranians bring fall of ayatollah regime in Iran that would also be due to US - right?
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excuse me 40,000 pakistanis death in order to fight those same talibans you regard as supported by pakistanis? and NATO and america and indians themselves are dealing with talibans now?

why deal with talibans?

taliban is still the might of afghanistan and NATO is not negotiating with taliban because it suits its interests in afghanistan? its because they have no other choice, simple as that

the rest of afghan government is not a democracy its a puppet government and i as well as you know this fact so please dont save face by saying that afghan government is any democracy

about pakistani soldiers in behrain, those violant protestors killed pakistanis in behrain, its a fact that those shias protesting dont want democracy, they just want khomaini to rule iran simple as that, if they were democratic they hadnt been killing pakistan expats like that

Your people were killed by the Pakistani Taliban. You guys support the Afghan Taliban. Everyone here understands the difference.

And it is not for you to judge to who is a puppet or not whether in Bahrain or Afghanistan. Fact is you haven't stood with the democracy in those countries because it doesn't suit your agenda. Nothing to be ashamed about in that. Everyone is the same.
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