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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

just hearing bbc bangla service Britain and west does not want to tell it as coup but people expectation . hypocrisy have lost its shame and nakedly disclosing the true face of west promotion of democracy .:angry:
1. MUSRSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who was elected president of Egypt.
2. MURSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who wanted to make Egypt as an Islamic State.
3.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who is the hafiz of holy Quran
4.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who live in a house which is only one apartment flat not only that which is rent house.
5. MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who denied to hang his picture in the office.

My dear, The safety Israel experienced during one year of Morsi's rule, she didn't in Mubarak's time.

Four reasons why Israel may miss Morsi after all

So please don't bring the Islam card here.Besides, It's the decision of the Egyptians, it's their country they are living in and raising their children in it and even if they did a mistake, they will deal with the consequences. I don't think we have the right to interfere here.
Correction: supporters of democracy are angry.

Hypocrites are defending this military coup, which comes as no surprise to many of us.

I wonder where this love for democracy of Pakistanis goes in case of Bahrain or when they zealously support the Afghan Taliban against the Afghan and NATO forces.

Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are very angry :omghaha:

no body care but i dont like this happen to an elected man . be it mursi - nawaz or manmohan singh . because i learn the lesson army is for defense and democratic gov should complete its term
It's clear that you are not a student of history.

Ask the Iranians for a history lesson.

(The Americans don't need to be directly involved. The Egyptian army knows on which side its bread is buttered.)

So this is the new conspiracy that's brewing - the Americans conspired to oust Morsi because of, let me guess he was getting friendly with Russia and China.
So this is the new conspiracy that's brewing - the Americans conspired to oust Morsi because of, let me guess he was getting friendly with Russia and China.


When facts fail you, just shout "conspiracy" as a cop out. You might want to mention Jews also, to bring in the anti-Semitism card, just to be on the safe side.

1953 Iran was just a "conspiracy".

In case you still don't get it, Americans don't need to be involved. Their local minions (read Egyptian army) are more than happy to do the needful.

When facts fail you, just shout "conspiracy" as a cop out. You might want to mention Jews also, to bring in the anti-Semitism card, just to be on the safe side.

1953 Iran was just a "conspiracy".

Oh.....yes, you forgot the Jews.
My dear, The safety Israel experienced during one year of Morsi's rule, she didn't in Mubarak's time.

Four reasons why Israel may miss Morsi after all

So please don't bring the Islam card here.Besides, It's the decision of the Egyptians, it's their country they are living in and raising their children in it and even if they did a mistake, they will deal with the consequences. I don't think we have the right to interfere here.

Can you copy and paste the article here?
I wonder where this love for democracy of Pakistanis goes in case of Bahrain or when they zealously support the Afghan Taliban against the Afghan and NATO forces.

When did you see me support the Bahraini dictators?

The Afghan situation cannot be called a true democracy, with 150,000 foreign troops in the land.
There were also 91+ gang rapes in the protests.

That must mean that ... the protesters are anti-women and Morsi is pro-women.

Hint: the point is that protests are the natural medium for crazies of all kind to vent their frustrations.

Then you obviously don't know the MBs views on rape and that the whole country has a problem with sexual assault not just the opposition and the problem predates the 2011 revolution. So please stop with the distortions.
My dear, The safety Israel experienced during one year of Morsi's rule, she didn't in Mubarak's time.

Four reasons why Israel may miss Morsi after all

So please don't bring the Islam card here.Besides, It's the decision of the Egyptians, it's their country they are living in and raising their children in it and even if they did a mistake, they will deal with the consequences. I don't think we have the right to interfere here.

Israel was enjoying safety because the hamas and other brotherhood related group didn't want to embarrass a newly elected leader .
secondly his first duty was to clear the old regime dirt and then think about the others which he could not get the time to do.

... i will try to write more latter
In case you still don't get it, Americans don't need to be involved. Their local minions (read Egyptian army) are more than happy to do the needful.

Poor Morsi :disagree:, got done in by the backstabbing Egyptian army backed by the Jews and the Americans :rolleyes:
So this is the new conspiracy that's brewing - the Americans conspired to oust Morsi because of, let me guess he was getting friendly with Russia and China.

I dunno whether they did or didn't do that, but then again for a country that has a history of regime changes from Nicaragua to Iran, it wouldn't be a fantastic revelation if it turned out that they sent the 'right' signals to the 'powers that be' in Egypt to get rid of this new inconvenience called Morsi & his Brotherhood.

Heck we've probably had the odd regime change in Pakistan too because Uncle Sam had other plans in mind.

Can anyone prove it ? No....one doesn't leave their visiting card behind at the scene of the crime after they've had their fun...do they ?

On Topic - What @Developereo says has merit to it; some of us just draw a pair of blinders over our eyes & stuff our ears with ear plugs on the very mention of trigger words like 'Political Islam', 'Shariah' & the many other such ever so 'dirty words'.

That said, I've no love for Islamist Parties in Pakistan or elsewhere; whereas the Liberals are self-righteous, extremely condescending & have the tendency of throwing an emotional tantrum when someone doesn't agree with their presumption of what the 'right way of doing things' is; the Conservatives, especially the Islamists, are all of that plus they're also not the brightest of bunch nor the most well articulated.
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Can you copy and paste the article here?
Four reasons why Israel may miss Morsi after all

As Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi remains effectively powerless after the ultimatum set by Egypt's army expired on Wednesday, it was hard not to sense the levels of satisfaction in Israel. Though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the cabinet to keep quiet about the crisis in Cairo, there is little doubt that the ministers are delighted with the latest twist in the Egyptian saga.

But should they be?

Morsi, of course, is no Zionist. The word "Israel" has never passed his lips in public and his spokesman denies he ever sent President Shimon Peres a letter of thanks after the latter congratulated him on his election last year. However, his year of presidency has not harmed Israeli-Egyptian relations. Quite the contrary.

Here are four reasons why Israel could still end up missing Morsi:

1. Under Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood did the unthinkable when it affirmed the Camp David peace accords with Israel. Its leaders did talk of amending the treaty but they continued to uphold it, just as Hosni Mubarak's regime did before. Muslim Brotherhood members and government ministers may not have not with Israeli officials, but on the most crucial level for Israel - the security channels - cooperation was maintained and even improved, Israeli defense sources said, after a rocky period following Mubarak's fall.

Morsi's tenure was the first in which a large and popular Egyptian party that was elected in a democratic process supported, even if begrudgingly, the peace treaty with Israel, and justified it to the Egyptian people.

2. Israel feared that when in power, the Muslim Brotherhood – the ideological forebear of Hamas - would back the Palestinian Islamist movement and encourage it to launch missiles against Israel, while threatening Israel not to retaliate. Though, for a time, Hamas thought it was immuned, the Morsi administration actually did not try to stop Israel from launching Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza last year, in which Hamas' military leadership and infrastructure was severely damaged. Morsi was also successful in achieving a swift ceasefire that has engendered for the past eight months - an unprecedented period of calm in southern Israel - which is now being adroitly observed and enforced by Hamas. The Muslim Brotherhood has reined in Hamas in a degree that never existed during Mubarak's time.

3. In Mubarak's day, the Egyptian army failed to act decisively against smuggling operations in Sinai, and from there through underground tunnels, into Gaza. For the Egyptians, this was an opportunity to create regional balance between Israel and the Palestinians, while keeping the Bedouin tribes who control the smuggling satisfied.

Since Mubarak's fall, chaos has reigned in Sinai. But over the past year, under Morsi's rule, the army has been sent on more focused and forceful operations against Al-Qaida elements that have taken over parts of the peninsula, and more importantly for Israel, it has demolished large numbers of smuggling tunnels. The closeness between Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas has made Egypt more determined to fight extreme Islamists in Sinai and Gaza, as well as smuggling of arms.

4. Despite fears of a rapprochement between Iran and Egypt following the Muslim Brotherhood's electoral victories, the differences between Sunni Egypt and Shia Iran have widened under Morsi, and any chance of cooperation now seems very remote. Instinctively, the Brotherhood identifies with the Sunni rebels fighting the Bashar Assad regime. Hezbollah's deepening involvement in Syria on Assad's side has made the government in Cairo an implacable foe of the Lebanese militia.

Morsi's Egypt is firmly in the anti-Iran camp. Prolonged political chaos in Cairo will attract the West's attention away from the civil war in Syria and help Iran and its allies to continue propping up the Assad regime.
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