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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

For Arabs all South Asians are Hindus, Hindu is used more as a racial term than religious term. @BLACKEAGLE is this right?

Unfortunately some Arabs are racist but I consider an Indian Muslim to be my brother as an Arab one. Islam does not care about nationality. There are 2 million Indians in KSA and they are good people by large.

Arabs have different opinions. What Blackeagle probably refers to is that he does not want brotherhood with the Shia Indians who constantly curse us Arabs or provokes him. To be frank then neither do I want anything to do with such individuals. Also first you need to fix your own home before thinking about fixing others homes.

Also Arabs are different depending on the country and even region. It is like thinking that every Pakistani/Indian etc. is the same.
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uncle mursi so sad :)

The issue in Egypt is not Muslim Brotherhood or Salafis.

The issue is Democracy. If you abrogate Constitution and derail Democracy through the power of Gun, then you will go back to the Mubarak like Dictatorship and we both know how well that fared.

You simply don't understand that democracy does not end at ballot box. A democratically elected government had to fulfill it's social contract toward people, else it lose it's legitimacy.
Who do you think will be the next president? Baradi?
Honestly I don't know. We are still in shock and celebration mode. Give it a few days or weeks and we may have a clearer picture.
When something has the name "Muslim" like Muslim Brotherhood, is mostly to take advantage of people passion to Islam to achieve political goals. We know MB, and they aren't any better than Iranian Mullahs.

This post deserve a Answer From BLACKEAGLE
Stop bringing Shiite into this thread. What is happening in Egypt has nothing to do with Iran nor Shia. Egyptians in the streets don't give a flying crap about them. So, plz spare us from this crap.
The Gen who was appointed by Morsi himself , over throws him... how ironic .....
they cut the tree before its even grow 1 meter do you notice ? its same as aziz ham watno style :lol:

At least in Pakistan, good or bad we have democracy where one lame and limping Zardari Govt. finished its five year term and peacefully handed over the Government to a new Government.
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