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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

But I thought your nose was pretty enough....why get a nose job when it ain't broken ? :unsure:
it was fashion

i know even some guys and girls who put bandage just to show they had money to do it LOL
Pakistanisage;4482736]What a troller like don't know is that a bigger number of Egyptians supported Mursi.

I am going by what i see on TV and internet but obviously you are blind and slow.

I guess they will educate you soon when they come out in the streets.

Yeah cause you guess and wish death and destruction to please you
It is their job. Running home/finance/civil supplies/foreign ministry is not.

That is a laymans argument, did I know about selling Accounting software before I started my job? did I know how to to drive? before someone taught me? Military men are professionals and on a senior level well educated they can learn fast and perform better than any idiot like Rahul gandhi or Sonia the dumb waitress.

Tell me what skills or education does Mayawati have? yet she is a Chief Minister is she not? what is her credentials? she has none!

Anyway this is going off-topic lets not discuss it here
Curiously no official position from the US yet,they're probably to busy listening what's Merkel talking with her husband in their bedroom.

U.S. Government also panned Morsi's speech, saying the address fell short of detailing the reforms the Egyptian leader needed to promise to quell widespread dissatisfaction with his rule.

State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. "felt there was an absence of significant, specific steps" in Morsi's Tuesday night speech. "Unfortunately, that was not a part of what he talked about in his speech.....There's more that he needs to do," she added during a daily briefing for reporters.

The comments expressed a greater degree of U.S. dissatisfaction with Morsi than previously acknowledged by U.S. officials. However, Psaki insisted that the criticism did not reflect a U.S. decision to back the opposition or the military.

"We haven’t taken sides and don’t plan to take sides," Psaki said. She acknowledged that she had no criticism to offer of the Egyptian military, despite a warning from military leaders that they would step in if Morsi's government and protesters did not come to an accomodation.

Psaki declined to outline specific steps the U.S. would like Morsi to take, beyond avoiding violence. However, she disputed claims by many protesters that U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson had sided with the government over the opposition.

In a speech two weeks ago, Patterson said she and the U.S. were "deeply skeptical" that protests would bring about positive change in Egypt. But Psaki said the full text of the ambassador's remarks showed she was not expressing a preference for the government. "We continue to support the right of all people to peaceably assemble and express themselves," Psaki said.
Isn't morocco,a berber country?

There is no Berber country in the world. Morocco is a country which is ruled by an Arab king and Arabic is the official language. The population is a mixture of Arabs, Berbers, Black Africans, Turks and others who have colonized/lived in Morocco throughout history. But the majority of the world's few million Berbers live in Morocco especially in the countryside.

The real (pure) Berbers live in the Berber homeland of Niger/Mali and all of Southern Algeria (Saharan Desert in other words) and are Tuareg (Black Africans). The Berbers living in Morocco and Algeria are not a homogenous group of people and a mixture of Arabs, Turks and other foreigners. Berbers are not a homogenous group at all. Modern day genetics confirm all this.

Don't post useless Berber propaganda. No Berbers in Egypt. Berbers belong in Mali and Niger and parts of Morocco and Algeria. In other words the Saharan Desert.

Berbers are not even a homogenous group of people. The only real Berbers live in Mali and Niger and are black Africans. There is no Berber country. Only a few millions even speak the language. It is completely irrelevant. All so-called Berbers in Morocco or Algeria have Arab or Turkish or Black African blood. Modern day genetics confirm this. Anyway all of them are Arabized and nearly all of them have Arabic names. Cry me a river.

This is your area of homeland and were Berber was spoken traditionally and areas were it is still spoken (different dialects and variants)



The Berber langauge is only 2200 years old. Another dream of a phantast.

Oh, Berber language is a Afroasiatic of which the Semitic branch is the biggest and Arabic particularly by far the biggest.

@Cheetah786-Just saw it on CNN,they say that the US may condemn the coup and cut aid to Egypt as a result.Could the military go on with this coup without US approval?
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But I don't see it comming to power due it's own internal strife and new free food ordinance.


discuss Indian politics in those two manhoos threads opened to deal with this very situation.

@Cheetah786-Just saw it on CNN,they say that the US may condemn the coup and cut aid to Egypt as a result.Could the military go on with this coup without US approval?

Obama is either stupid or is advised by fundamentalist left wingers.

No system including democracy is perfect.
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KSA has a much bigger and much more beautiful coastline than Algeria. In fact no other Muslim country has as long a coastline as KSA - only Indonesia has a longer one.

Our coastline is nearly 3000 km long. Algeria's coastline is less than 1000 km!
You are just like the fava bean seller on the flea market singing how sweet his beans are...I have never been in Saudi Arabia or Yemen nor intend to go to any of these places, but from what I have seen in my way to Iraq in the hay day, there is no comparaison to our coasts...

Hejazis/Yemenis/Omanis sailed across the world and spread Islam as far as the Swahili coast and Indonesia and remaining South East Asia and South Asia.
Like I said before, I want to take anything from the ability of the Yemeni sailing skills, but I doubt that their endeavour took them to Indonesia to spread Islam. That is false. Islam was spread in Asia like it was in other area of the world by islamized locals that liked the Message.
For sea fearing North African skills are well known, there is no reason for me to detail it...We owned the Mediterranean see as well the east coast of the Atlantic.

Anyway you Berbers are a minority everywhere and stateless people so I understand your daily frustrations
You keep repeating the same sad song...We are at home, the only homeless here, is you...and to be really uprooted soon...

Trying even to claim Makkah and Syria as Berber
I won't take the shine to the Arabs, the maggpie syndrome reside in the Arabs..not the Berbers, we know who we are and where we belong...Something that Arabs since of their corallement Day by the british, they don't know where they belong...just like the sand dune they crawled out from..here today..gone tomorrow..

Have a great day ...wahabi moustique..
@Cheetah786-Just saw it on CNN,they say that the US may condemn the coup and cut aid to Egypt as a result.Could the military go on with this coup without US approval?

No they had permission other wise Generals stand to lose over billion and half plus dont forget americans are already on ground in Egypt befor this ultimatum was given.
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@Cheetah786-Just saw it on CNN,they say that the US may condemn the coup and cut aid to Egypt as a result.Could the military go on with this coup without US approval?
Cutting military aid will make the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel void. Its not up for negotiation.
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morocco, algeria and tunesia are more berberic than arabic. they have been arabized, but are still berbers.
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