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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Brothers and sisters, what we are seeing is a war being waged against islam.

If u r a muslim with a beard and affraid to be harmed by the thugs put on a cross and tell them u r christian , they will give u a ride home


True Muslims form a human shield to protect the church from MB terrorists!

Policemen pray while Egyptian Muslims form a human shield around a church.

Emre Belozoglu from fenerbahce,

After scoring his goal, he does not celebrate.
İnstead he makes the Rabia sign and prays for support to the Muslim Brotherhood.

PM Erdogan: There are two scenes in Egypt; one is of those who follow the pharaoh, and the other is of those who follow Moses.

PM Erdogan: State terrorism is being carried out in Egypt.

PM Ergodan: Those who staged the coup ignored the will of the people, and brutally killed their own citizens.


Hundreds of Saudi intellectuals sign pro-Morsi statement of support

More than 1,700 Saudi intellectuals have issued a statement of support for pro-Morsi protesters who are calling for the return of Egypt's "stolen constitutional legitimacy". The statement also expressed appreciation for the peaceful protests in the face of army provocation.

According to Tawasul website, the signatories called for the powers opposing the elected president to follow constitutional means to sort out their differences.

Among the signatories on the statement are Dr Saud Abdullah al-Fansyan, Dr Khalid al-Ujaimi, Dr Mohsen al-Awaji, Dr Awad al-Qarni, Dr Sanhat al-Otaibi, Dr Ahmed bin-Said, Dr Abdul-Rahman al-Tamami and Dr Said al-Ghamedi. This is the text of the statement:

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Compassionate

Statement of Saudi intellectuals in support of Egyptians

All praise be to Allah, who says: "The believing men and believing women are allies of one another." Allah's peace and prayers be upon His Prophet, who says: "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body, when one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." The Prophet also says: "Be kind with Egyptians because they are our kinship."

In the light of the current incidents going on in Egypt, and based on the aforementioned Qur'anic and prophetic texts, and following the advice of the Prophet, peace be upon him, we the undersigned affirm on the following:

We respect the choice of the Egyptians for their legal and legitimate leadership, as the process of choosing him was based on all global constitutions and systems. We call for them to stick to the legitimacy of the elected president Dr Mohamed Morsi, whose term in office was supported by the national referendum on the Constitution.
We believe in the sanctity of blood, and we condemn the massacre committed [on Monday] at dawn, as well as the killings taking place in the streets and pray for Allah to pour His mercy upon them. We appreciate the peacefulness of the protesters, who dismiss violence and avoid clashes with the army and other security staff.
We affirm the right of the Egyptians to administer their internal and external affairs alone and we reject regional and international interference, which tries to impose guardianship on them. Such interference opposes the values of Egyptians' history and notable position, which is respected in the Arabic and Islamic worlds.
We appreciate the just international positions, which refused to recognise the military coup in Egypt and called to return constitutional legitimacy to Egyptians.
We condemn the policy of censorship and news blackout, which was imposed by the coup authority as it closed the channels that broadcast the facts. We call for the mass media to stick to objectivity when they cover incidents and not to broadcast propaganda and false news.
We call for our people in the land of Kanana (Egypt) to remain patient, stable and steadfast until legitimacy is returned to them. We remind them that victory is their fate by Allah's will. We also remind them with the advice of our Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, for the believers of Egypt when they faced Pharaoh: "Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah . He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous."

May Allah protect Egypt from any all misfortunes, return legitimacy for them, and protect them from conspirators.
Saudi religious scholars condemn military coup in Egypt

In a statement sent on Thursday to Anadolu News Agency, a group of 56 Saudi Arabian religious scholars have condemned the military overthrow of Egypt's elected president Mohammad Morsi. The scholars described what occurred in Egypt as "unquestionably a military coup and an unlawful and illicit criminal act".

The scholars called on the de facto Egyptian authorities to "resort to dialogue and ballot boxes in order to resolve the conflict." They described the deposition the elected president of Egypt by the Minister of Defence (Abdel Fattah al-Sisi) as "a clear violation of the people's will ."

The scholars asserted that several regional and international actors have been plotting to overthrow "Egypt's legitimate president" from the moment he took office in late 2012; by deliberately sabotaging his government. They noted that certain political parties namely the National Salvation Opposition Front and Tamarod Movement were formed in Egypt for the specific purpose of overthrowing Morsi's government.

Among those who signed the manifesto are: Mohammad Naser Al Suhaibani, Ali Bin Saeid AlGhamdi, Abdul Aziz bin AbdelMohsen AlTurki, Hasan Bin Saleh AlHameed, Mohammad Bin AbdelAziz AlKhodari, Mohammad Bin Sulaiman AlBarak and AbdelAziz Mohammad AlFouzan
The only reason why a deal wasn't reached between the army and MB is the Saudi and UAE pressure on Sissi to finish the brotherhood and completely crush the peaceful protesters and they will substitute any loss of US aid.
read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/w...nted=1&tntemail0=y&_r=1&emc=edit_tnt_20130817
This traitor is stealing his people's money and giving it the new pharos. What a sad day when EU and US are more concerned about casualties than other Arab governments.
The Egyptian government just announced today they received Billions from gulf deposited in the central bank as a reward to the massacre: @Adly_Mansour
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