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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

We have been warned about the nature of the Jews, they were the enemies of the prophet, and they are our enemies now

The occupation of Jerusalem and oppression of Muslims by the Jews is an open declaration of war upon all Muslims
I agree, the armed forces should have tried to disperse them from the early days, but what about what's taking place in Sinai?
There is no word that can express what the Egyptian army did...She played right in the hand of the MB's. The MB's wanted to show to the world that their stand was peaceful, even though they barricaded the streets , which is in itself, an act of rebellion and instead of the Egyptian army or the police taking action in the early days to disperse them, they acted 5 weeks later. The MB's wanted blood in the Egyptian army hands, they got it.

And with the ties that the Egyptian MB's have with their Lybian fellows and their open arsenal, no one can even forecast the future of Egypt.
mass suicide according to Sisi's ministery of health .
Mortuaries refuse to hand over bodies to the relatives if they don't sign a certificate saying for exemple : " this guy has committed suicide (with 4 bullets in the head) " !!
this is Rabia after Sisi burned it to the ground , the guy owner of the video wrote " the MB burning Cairo streets " !!

Because they did!! They burned everything before they left!!

This man is said isawi the very definition of a terrorist , he was responsible for killing many peacful protesters in Mansoura .
This is him in the UAE where he recieved trainement


WOW, are you a retard or something ?!!
There is no word that can express what the Egyptian army did...She played right in the hand of the MB's. The MB's wanted to show to the world that their stand was peaceful, even though they barricaded the streets , which is in itself, an act of rebellion and instead of the Egyptian army or the police taking action in the early days to disperse them, they acted 5 weeks later. The MB's wanted blood in the Egyptian army hands, they got it.

And with the ties that the Egyptian MB's have with their Lybian fellows and their open arsenal, no one can even forecast the future of Egypt.

So you agree that Sisi made a stupid move. What will MB do next? Is it going to be civil war, Syria style?

My personal opinion, the combination of Sisi-MB makes for a perfect combination for a civil war, and this is just the beginning. And regional govt.'s need to make contingency plans considering what the outcome may mean for them.

@Yzd Khalifa, in case of a civil war, what side do you think Salafi's will take and how about GCC govt.s?

Also lets keep in mind that a civil war in Egypt where Gulf govt.'s supporting the Army is a dream come true for Iran, who will inevitably support MB.
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Algeria must boycott relations with coup government in Egypt, says politicians

Tens of activists gathered on Wednesday next to MSP party’s headquarters to protest against massacres in Egypt. They condemned the military coup and called for legitimacy and democracy.

Boudjemaa Ghachir: coup supporters’ presence in Algeria justifies their crime

President of the Algerian League of Human Rights Boudjemaa Ghachir said the presence of the Egyptian government’s representatives in Algeria justifies the massacres against Egyptian people.

He called on Cairo-based Arab Organization of Human Rights and all the human rights activists to unify to stop bloodshed in Egypt.

He also called on the Algerian government to remain attached to its positions and principles.

Farouk Ksentini: I coordinate with Boutrous Ghali to stop the crime

Chairman of the National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Farouk Ksentini described the killings among Egyptian protesters as a “full crime” and violation of human rights international charters.

“I am in contact with different human rights activists and lawyers in Egypt including chairman of the Egyptian Commission if Human Rights Boutrous Ghali to stop this massacre,” Ksentini told Echorouk on the phone on Wednesday.

“Egyptians have the right to protest as their rights were taken. The international community has to bear its responsibilities and open an international investigation,” he added.

Abu Djerra Soltani: repression led to bloodshed

Former leader of Algeria’s MSP party Abu Djerra Soltani said what is happening in Egypt is an automatic result of legitimacy violation.

He warned against the continuing imprisonment of Egypt’s leaders. “Coup supporters are held responsible for this bloodshed.”

Saida Ben Hebilis: all the parts are responsible for the killing of innocents

Human rights activist and politician Saida Ben Hebilis held all the parts in the conflict in Egypt responsible for the bloodshed.

“I warned in my articles about the Arab Spring’s Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya against anarchy and massacres. Those revolutions are a Zionist plan meant to destroy Arab and Muslim people.” she said.

She believes that the Arab Spring’s Revolution masterminds succeeded in their plans and gained its fruit in collective massacres in Egypt.

Abdellah Djaballah: Algeria has to suspend its relations with coup supporters

Leader of the Justice and Development front Abdellah Djaballah called on Algerian authorities and the international community to suspend their relation with coup supporters in Egypt following their crimes.*

He adbised Egyptian soldiers and policemen to not obey their leaders because they are repressive orders.

He also called on the international community to bear its responsibilities regarding those crimes ad massacres in Egypt.

Echorouk Online - Algeria must boycott relations with coup government in Egypt, says politicians

You cite echorouk...What do expect?
All the ones cited by the newspaper, The common Algerian is oblivious to their opinions or statements. We know what they did in the 90's and what they have done after being resuscitated by Bouteflika. Algerian may not like the Egyptian army's heavy hand, but they understand her action.
this is Rabia after Sisi burned it to the ground , the guy owner of the video wrote " the MB burning Cairo streets " !!
Video showing Muslim Brotherhood terrorists burning their own stuff before they left their sit-in.
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The Salafists won't side with the Muslim Brotherhood at all. One thing the MB might use to gain their sympathy is by declaring a holy war, but, the Salafis are smarter than what the MB thinks, most prominent Salafi figures had already took a stance against the MB.
@Yzd Khalifa, in case of a civil war, what side do you think Salafi's will take and how about GCC govt.s?

It is a complicated question :what: all I know is my country isn't happy about this.

Video showing Muslim Brotherhood terrorists burning their own stuff before they left their sit-in.

I can't believe how smart the leftists were :o they befriended the Salafis! Why do you think the Salafis chose to stick it with you guys?
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they killed themselves and burned themselves up


No, they didn't kill themselves, i never said that!! They burnt their stuff before they left their sit-ins as the videos i tagged you in shows. That is why the whole area looked on fire!! They also burnt a lot of police vehicles, and their is a lot of videos showing that!! Why do you think the average Egyptian citizen is against the Muslim Brotherhood ?!! Its because of stuff like that
I agree, the armed forces should have tried to disperse them from the early days, but what about what's taking place in Sinai?
Even though, its an Egyptian territory, The Peace treaty made it like a no man land. Plus the Sinai is the only area where the topography allows armed rebellion. The good thing, it is sparsely inhabitant, and it is in the army favor, since the troops won't be held to a certain moral fighting standard.
Arabic speakers
@JUBA @Arabian Legend @BLACKEAGLE @Mosamania @Ceylal @Frogman @agentny17 @Mahmoud_EGY @tyrant

What do you guys think about this interview :what:?

Even though, its an Egyptian territory, The Peace treaty made it like a no man land. Plus the Sinai is the only area where the topography allows armed rebellion. The good thing, it is sparsely inhabitant, and it is in the army favor, since the troops won't be held to a certain moral fighting standard.

Yes, I'm well-aware of the Camp David stipulations, but we have to give them credits for what they did these days :-)
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