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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

The death toll from nationwide political violence in Egypt has climbed to 525 the health ministry said on Thursday.

Death toll from political violence in Egypt rises to 525 | Reuters

This is really sad news of course...

But we should note that the Muslim Brotherhood group in Egypt had weapons at the demonstration sites, and probably used them on the security forces during the crackdown.
If they had vacated the demonstration sites as peacefully as they sat there for over a month, then I think the casualty count would have been near to zero.

Once again, fundamentalist muslims; degrading a political conflict into violence (by bringing weapons to demonstrations for instance), only gets you farther away from achieving your goals.
wow, very horrible by the looks of BBC video

this exactly happens when the army is made to deal with civilian problems

but its still egypt's own army they should have observed restraint


i was eating lunch
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Tunisia: Ennahdha Party Statement on Egypt Massacre

Tunis, 14 August 2013

The coup authorities in Egypt have committed a massacre against peaceful protesters in Cairo squares and in other cities across Egypt killing hundreds and injuring thousands, including women and children.

Ennahdha Party which is following with pain and great concern the ongoing crime:

1. Strongly condemns this crime against the people of Egypt and its revolution, and condemns the grave violations against women, children and other peaceful civilians.

2. Express its complete solidarity with the Egyptian people and their right to regain their freedom and their rejection of the overturning of their will.

3. Calls on all Egyptian, regional and international parties to assume their responsibilities in ending this terrible crime and supporting the Egyptian people's struggle against the coup.

Ennahdha Party

Rached Ghannouchi

Tunisia: Ennahdha Party Statement on Egypt Massacre - Ikhwanweb
Ghannouchi: Anyone with a shred of humanity must stand against this military brutality

Speaking to 'Al Mutawassit' channel TV station Tunisia's yesterday Ennahda leader Rashid Ghannouchi said; "What happened is a brutality committed not by humans but by monsters driven by hate and ready to burn the world for a cheap authority, and shows that they have no regard for humanity or religion.
Those who kill young girls, children, women, and point their guns at peaceful protesters, as testified by the whole world, are nothing but politically-bankrupt individuals.
This is a bankrupt elite merging the military with a greedy class and with pseudo-liberals. They have committed this third or fourth massacre during this month proving their bankruptcy and the greatness of what they call political Islam that has stood firm, and continues to stand firm, in squares against all odds, demonstrating their convictions in the true peaceful message of Islam and the principles of humanity, the right to freedom, democracy and human rights.
What they refer to as political Islam has shown great heroism in contrast to the terrible failure of pseudo-liberals, progressives and modernists. Today, the whole world is witnessing that failure, as are Tunisians who are witnessing the brutalities of the model some wish to import to Tunisia.
If we ask the protesters in the "Rahil" sit-in: Would you welcome that the Tunisian authorities does what the Egyptian authorities- which you support- have done? How do you describe these authorities? Why are you silent about these massacres committed one after another? Do you share any values with their perpetrators? What values? Or do you sacrifice all your values and principles because of hatred of Islamists? What is left of these principles and values when you remain silent about such brutal crimes, or, worse, justify them?
What happened in Egypt is a form of immunization of the Tunisian revolution, which needs to be immunized, because what happened in Egypt is a clear indication that the Egyptian model is not to be emulated in our country. Tunisia exported the revolution to Egypt and some people want to import one of the most brutal and violent military coups in history to Tunisia.
Anyone with a shred of humanity in the world must stand against this military brutality although we do not consider all of the Egyptian army responsible, but only its leadership which is determined to rule over people's dead bodies and must be condemned.
Why has the United Nations not acted, and why have governments, including the Tunisian government, not called on the Security Council to convene to condemn these savage acts? Moreover the thinkers of the world and human rights organizations must all denounce this crime."
Ghannouchi: Anyone with a shred of humanity must stand against this military brutality
Algeria must boycott relations with coup government in Egypt, says politicians

Tens of activists gathered on Wednesday next to MSP party’s headquarters to protest against massacres in Egypt. They condemned the military coup and called for legitimacy and democracy.

Boudjemaa Ghachir: coup supporters’ presence in Algeria justifies their crime

President of the Algerian League of Human Rights Boudjemaa Ghachir said the presence of the Egyptian government’s representatives in Algeria justifies the massacres against Egyptian people.

He called on Cairo-based Arab Organization of Human Rights and all the human rights activists to unify to stop bloodshed in Egypt.

He also called on the Algerian government to remain attached to its positions and principles.

Farouk Ksentini: I coordinate with Boutrous Ghali to stop the crime

Chairman of the National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Farouk Ksentini described the killings among Egyptian protesters as a “full crime” and violation of human rights international charters.

“I am in contact with different human rights activists and lawyers in Egypt including chairman of the Egyptian Commission if Human Rights Boutrous Ghali to stop this massacre,” Ksentini told Echorouk on the phone on Wednesday.

“Egyptians have the right to protest as their rights were taken. The international community has to bear its responsibilities and open an international investigation,” he added.

Abu Djerra Soltani: repression led to bloodshed

Former leader of Algeria’s MSP party Abu Djerra Soltani said what is happening in Egypt is an automatic result of legitimacy violation.

He warned against the continuing imprisonment of Egypt’s leaders. “Coup supporters are held responsible for this bloodshed.”

Saida Ben Hebilis: all the parts are responsible for the killing of innocents

Human rights activist and politician Saida Ben Hebilis held all the parts in the conflict in Egypt responsible for the bloodshed.

“I warned in my articles about the Arab Spring’s Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya against anarchy and massacres. Those revolutions are a Zionist plan meant to destroy Arab and Muslim people.” she said.

She believes that the Arab Spring’s Revolution masterminds succeeded in their plans and gained its fruit in collective massacres in Egypt.

Abdellah Djaballah: Algeria has to suspend its relations with coup supporters

Leader of the Justice and Development front Abdellah Djaballah called on Algerian authorities and the international community to suspend their relation with coup supporters in Egypt following their crimes.*

He adbised Egyptian soldiers and policemen to not obey their leaders because they are repressive orders.

He also called on the international community to bear its responsibilities regarding those crimes ad massacres in Egypt.

Echorouk Online - Algeria must boycott relations with coup government in Egypt, says politicians
I always laugh when Muslims play the Hitler card.....what defined Hitler? Hate for Jews....what defines Muslims? The same.

Hitler isn't defined by his hatred for Jews and neither are Muslims.
It is a fact that Christianity is the most anti-Jewish religion in history.
How can Jews survive in Yemen for 1500 years if Islam was intrinsically anti-Jewish?
When Christians ethnically cleansed Jews and Muslims from Spain, many Jews fled to other Muslim lands to live the life like they had in Andalusia.
Hitler isn't defined by his hatred for Jews and neither are Muslims.
It is a fact that Christianity is the most anti-Jewish religion in history.
How can Jews survive in Yemen for 1500 years if Islam was intrinsically anti-Jewish?
When Christians ethnically cleansed Jews and Muslims from Spain, many Jews fled to other Muslim lands to live the life like they had in Andalusia.
Hitler is very famous for genocide of Jews. Anyway @Juice Islamist is not the same than Muslim and even inside Islamists people think very different

Algeria you are a joke. In Yemen there are almost no Jew . From 50 000 they are now 300
so next time check google before speaking

They were some Christians killing Jews, and they are some Muslims killing Jews
Andalousia seems to be very far away, sadly. I hope Islam would be a light again. Now it is darkness and violence.
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I always laugh when Muslims play the Hitler card.....what defined Hitler? Hate for Jews....what defines Muslims? The same.

That just shows your total ignorance about the world.

Do you know how many Jews, Iranian saved from the Nazis??

and Persian Jews have lived in Iran for over 2,000 years, Muslims never wiped them out.

Yet, it was always the Europeans that kept killing Jews , first in Spain and then in Germany.

Looks like Israel, going to beach, or do a picknick watching when people get slaughtered by the militairy.

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