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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Who gave and shipped the weapons to the MB? Who sat the camps in Sub-Saharan Africa? You may love your country, but we don't dislike you.

No, I said an ally not a potential ally.

What weapons exactly? Can you prove that Iran has shipped any weapons to MB of Egypt?
I know you don't like Iran, but you should try to be the rational enemy here. The only thing Iran and KSA shared regarding Egypt is that they both had problems with MB.
If Iran were smart they would make numerous statement in support of M.B justice islam etc

The current egyptian regime already hate iran so iran loses nothing by supporting M.B and when the M.B orcconservatives come back to power they would remember what Iran did
But didn't the alliance between MB and Iran ended during the current Syrian conflict? Hamas broke off with Iran recently I think and Morsi was giving speeches to send fighters to Syria to fight Assad, one month before he was toppled.
Morsi was trying to save his face a few weeks prior to the uprising bro.

Thanks for the Qataris for their help to the Gazans. Now, Iran can stop signed its $23 million dollars checks per month for good!
Arabic speakers
@JUBA @Arabian Legend @BLACKEAGLE @Mosamania @Ceylal @Frogman @agentny17 @Mahmoud_EGY @tyrant

What do you guys think about this interview :what:?

Yes, I'm well-aware of the Camp David stipulations, but we have to give them credits for what they did these days :-)

I believe it's true. Given that the Jordanian MP is almost the most active branch after the Egyptian one, I have been observing them for quite a while. I came to a conclusion that they can't be trusted at all. They would pretend to be peaceful and take advantage of every single law to their advantage including demonstrations, sit-ins, propaganda and incitement. But when they feel that the time is right under the right circumstances they would use all means to achieve their goals, be it terrorism or treason or anything else.

They follow the saying "The end justifies the means".

They are as well back-stabbers, we remember how brutal leftest Arab regimes were with the MB in several Arab countries. They were brutally massacred and the the only countries that embraced them and offered them refuge were Jordan and the GCC especially the KSA. But as soon as they found a footprint in those countries they started spitting their venom against their regimes. In a comment about this, prince Faisal said that "letting the MB was a mistake that we won't ever make again". Jordan and HM king Hussein himself suffered allot for their help to the MB in Syria during the 70s which was concluded with a mass massacre of them in Hamah in 1982.

This is not Islam Yzd. Muslims are not ungrateful and backstabbers.
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You know with whom I'm troubled let just take off your mask and mines :lol:
What weapons exactly? Can you prove that Iran has shipped any weapons to MB of Egypt?
I know you don't like Iran, but you should try to be the rational enemy here. The only thing Iran and KSA shared regarding Egypt is that they both had problems with MB.

You will want to check out the Egyptian militaris press briefs to see for yourself.
the salafis are not enemies of Iran nor is the MB an ally of Iran, the MB's economic advisors wanned to open up to all the world including the Iranians, they were stupid, also they say somethings that I personaly can't swallow, they have some serious disgusting deviations regarding the religion of the shia . but I believe events in Sham r with no doubt an eye opening to the next MB generation, meanwhile the salafis boot lovers were barging all year about Morsi's blind eye on the shia infiltration of Egypt, but now, the r silent about the secularisation of the constitution they helped write . the war on islam in Egypt couldn't be more ferocious, the burning of masjids by thugs n the coptic gangs black block (masjid al kaid ibrahim in Alexandria foe exemple ), the murder n attacks on bearded n niqabi sisters (Mansoura for exemple) .... the only explanation is that hizbu nur is created by the Egyptian secret services .
If Iran were smart they would make numerous statement in support of M.B justice islam etc

The current egyptian regime already hate iran so iran loses nothing by supporting M.B and when the M.B orcconservatives come back to power they would remember what Iran did

Iran is making statements against the coup and is condemning the current Army brutal crackdown of MB. This is a golden opportunity for Iran to bridge the Shia-Sunni divide and isolate Salafi's as sectarian extremists.
the salafis are not enemies of Iran nor is the MB an ally of Iran, the MB's economic advisors wanned to open up to all the world including the Iranians, they were stupid, also they say somethings that I personaly can't swallow, they have some serious disgusting deviations regarding the religion of the shia . but I believe events in Sham r with no doubt an eye opening to the next MB generation, meanwhile the salafis boot lovers were barging all year about Morsi's blind eye on the shia infiltration of Egypt, but now, the r silent about the secularisation of the constitution they helped write . the war on islam in Egypt couldn't be more ferocious, the burning of masjids by thugs n the coptic gangs black block (masjid al kaid ibrahim in Alexandria foe exemple ), the murder n attacks on bearded n niqabi sisters (Mansoura for exemple) .... the only explanation is that hizbu nur is created by the Egyptian secret services .

Noor party is an extension of Saudi Secret service.

In my opinion El Baradei would be the best leader of Egypt.

But Saudis don't like him at all.

and Jews practically hate his guts...

But the chances of him coming to power is not good.

and He is the only one that resigned and condemned the actions of Egyptians army yesterday.

so yes he is a secular leader, but he has way more dignity and respect for his people that anyone else in Egypt right now.
the salafis are not enemies of Iran nor is the MB an ally of Iran, the MB's economic advisors wanned to open up to all the world including the Iranians, they were stupid, also they say somethings that I personaly can't swallow, they have some serious disgusting deviations regarding the religion of the shia . but I believe events in Sham r with no doubt an eye opening to the next MB generation, meanwhile the salafis boot lovers were barging all year about Morsi's blind eye on the shia infiltration of Egypt, but now, the r silent about the secularisation of the constitution they helped write . the war on islam in Egypt couldn't be more ferocious, the burning of masjids by thugs n the coptic gangs black block (masjid al kaid ibrahim in Alexandria foe exemple ), the murder n attacks on bearded n niqabi sisters (Mansoura for exemple) .... the only explanation is that hizbu nur is created by the Egyptian secret services .

One of the most important quality of a warrior is agility and flexibility. One has to see opportunity quickly and take advantage of it. The Syrian war was a golden opportunity for MB to embrace GCC govt.'s and come together with them. But looking at what @Yzd Khalifa mentioned in his post, Morsi was playing catching up and lip service till very late and not mending their relationship quickly enough with GCC govt.'s and distance themselves from Iran. I think this was the crucial mistake that allowed Army, secular/liberals and Copts to pounce on them and get rid of them, at the expense of the larger Sunni Muslim world interest. Now this killing of hundreds if not thousands has created the possibility of a civil war and hence a great opening for Iran.
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The Egyptian nation used to be one the biggest supporters of the Palestinian nation but now it is being pushed toward a civil war just the same as Tunisia, Libya etc.
Israeli politician, Danny Ayalon, stated in 2010 that in order to ensure the security of Israel other Muslim countries must be divided into smaller countries.
This statement is a clear evidence that shows the unrest in Egypt has been created by U.S. and Israeli intelligence services.

We are concerned about what is happening in #Egypt. Considering the things that are being done in this country, the idea that a #CivilWar may break out in Egypt is gaining strength on a daily basis and this is a disaster. It is necessary for the great people of Egypt and #political, #scientific and #religious personalities in this country to take a look at the current situation and see what catastrophic consequences this situation may have. They should see the current situation in #Syria. They should see the consequences of the presence of western and #Zionist mercenaries and #terrorists wherever they are active. They should see these dangers.

The intervention of foreign powers - the way it is witnessed in the present time - will produce nothing except for loss and harm. The problems of Egypt should be solved by the people of Egypt and the outstanding personalities of Egypt. They should think about the catastrophic and dangerous consequences of this situation. If, #God forbid, there is #mayhem and if, God forbid, a civil war breaks out, what can then preclude this? In such conditions, there will be excuse for the intervention of superpowers which are the greatest disaster for any country and #nation.

We are concerned. We would like to offer a #brotherly piece of advice to outstanding Egyptian personalities, the people of Egypt, political and religious groups and religious scholars. They should think of a solution on their own and adopt this solution on their own. They should not allow foreigners and powers - whose intelligence services have, most likely, played a role in creating this situation - to make more interventions.
In all these events, the Zionist regime and usurpers sit and watch this situation with satisfaction and they feel comfort. Should this be allowed to continue?

Ayatollah #Khamenei, 06/08/2013

Noor party is an extension of Saudi Secret service.

In my opinion El Baradei would be the best leader of Egypt.

But Saudis don't like him at all.

and Jews practically hate his guts...

But the chances of him coming to power is not good.

and He is the only one that resigned and condemned the actions of Egyptians army yesterday.

so yes he is a secular leader, but he has way more dignity and respect for his people that anyone else in Egypt right now.

It is not a question of who prefers who and who is the right leader, but who has public support and who wins the election, if the Army ever allows an election again that is, and does not exclude any specific political party or group from election.
I believe it's true. Given that the Jordanian MP is almost the most active branch after the Egyptian one, I have been observing them for quite a while. I came to a conclusion that they can't be trusted at all. They would pretend to be peaceful and take advantage of every single law to their advantage including demonstrations, sit-ins, propaganda and incitement. But when they feel that the time is right under the right circumstances they would use all means to achieve their goals, be it terrorism or treason or anything else.

They follow the saying "The end justifies the means".

They are as well back-stabbers, we remember how brutal leftest Arab regimes were with the MB in several Arab countries. They were brutally massacred and the the only countries that embraced them and offered them refuge were Jordan and the GCC especially the KSA. But as soon as they found a footprint in those countries they started spitting their venom against their regimes. In a comment about this, prince Faisal said that "letting the MB was a mistake that we won't ever make again". Jordan and HM king Hussein himself suffered allot for their help to the MB in Syria during the 70s which was concluded with a mass massacre of them in Hamah in 1982.

This is not Islam Yzd. Muslims are not ungrateful and backstabbers.

The Saudies have their mistakes, but they apply some of charia but when it comes to treason n backstabbing ur jordanian leadership is the best at that , it's not like if the US wants the Kings n princes off their chairs so they would ally with the MB, it's not like if the Iranians want ur king out so they pay the MB to oust him , and yet ur media keeps talking about the MB and their invisible foreign allies n their evil organization that wants to bring about a totalitarian evil empire ... .
The Jordanian army is an extention of the US army , ur king Cries on the tomb of the devil attashirk, that king of urs is the strategic ALLY of the jews and the US n they wouldn't know what to do with out him , what is this if not backstabbing the muslim ummah, in the first month he backstabbed Morsi n visited that fool in itihadia , I don't know a traitor bigger than ur king.
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