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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

no they r not tearing anyone apart , they r just picking a side , a phustat, the one of nifaq where there is no room for eman .
to hell with national unity if it means killing everything to do with islam .

So where were you when your muslim bothers were being killed by security forces and phony Islamists under Morsi.

Where were you when Mahommed Mahmoud happened

Where were you when Maspero happened

Where were you when al3absiya happened

Where were you when Alathidiya happened

egypt will fallen.......dont worry until the destruction of basra in iraq...& nile river not dry....
the future of egypt is secure but more chaos & blood is came soon

This your fate........prepare.........
As if it's going worse. Pro democracy supporters like the unscarved lady video I posted and pro Morsi is increasing more and more after the army exposed themselves to be murderers or should I say Gen El Sisi?

Now, those Nasserist and athiest Frogman is going to say terrorist men only were killed only blabla etc fault without providing proof but to post useless propaganda articles. It's because they are Nasserist, similiar to Socialist and it is dicatorship. I don't trust socialist d*cks. No more excuses. The army did kill hundreds of people and brutally wounded thousand and what now? civil war? Gen Sisi stated he'll crush them then go ahead.
Really ?!! You had the almost the whole country in the streets yesterday giving the army and security forces green light to fight terrorism. The army is doing what the people wants them to do!! If i was you, i don't go to Egypt now because you would be targeted as a terrorist.
wow This is Indian vehicle...


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i fully condemn what is happening in Egypt by the illegal government
people are dying no need of this i dont care who is who or religion or race pro or anti
i want to see a democratic government asap free and fair election

after this under strict law those who killed must be brought to justice
Last night, mark a new way of dealing with terrorism in Egypt. I expect security forces to keep up their aggression.. Its time to wipe these MF out of Egypt completely, whether we are talking about ARMED protesters in Cairo and Alexandria, or organized militias in Sinai. Asking the world to intervene is not gonna work for the MB this time. They are so weak to even think about supporting them.. I am against military rule, but chapeau to the Egyptian army and intelligence for coming up with this plan to isolate the MB internally and with the world :toast_sign:

i fully condemn what is happening in Egypt by the illegal government
people are dying no need of this i dont care who is who or religion or race pro or anti
i want to see a democratic government asap free and fair election

after this under strict law those who killed must be brought to justice

Yes, they will. All the MB officials and leaders will spend the rest of their lives in prison, if not getting killed the the Egyptian people in action. Lets put it this way, soon they will meet their idols from El Banna, to Qutob, to Atta, and to Bin Laden.
I've been hearing supporters, former ministers and internationals etc accusing the firaun Sisi of this speech because it will lead to a civil war.

looks like civil war is not far a way i wish it dont happen
i am wondering how can he say this kind of things he is the military chief he is not here to control the country

for that there was a government
i think SISI wants to take Mubarak palace
Last night, mark a new way of dealing with terrorism in Egypt. I expect security forces to keep up their aggression.. Its time to wipe these MF out of Egypt completely, whether we are talking about ARMED protesters in Cairo and Alexandria, or organized militias in Sinai. Asking the world to intervene is not gonna work for the MB this time. They are so weak to even think about supporting them.. I am against military rule, but chapeau to the Egyptian army and intelligence for coming up with this plan to isolate the MB internally and with the world :toast_sign:

No body ever thought that the MB would bring it to the level of such violence like this, I'm impressed by the actions the provisional Gov't is taking, and the ultimatum being made by Sisi to call upon the MB to get involved into the road map.

looks like civil war is not far a way i wish it dont happen
i am wondering how can he say this kind of things he is the military chief he is not here to control the country

for that there was a government
i think SISI wants to take Mubarak palace

I don't think you can be more Egyptian than the Egyptians themselves :D
Last month when all those morons were celebrating Army takeover in Egypt, I had cautioned that destroying Democracy in Egypt will have deadly effect in the street. People, when you rule through street Power instead of Democratic Institutions, that is a recipe for disaster.

And here it is , Happy ? 120 dead and thousands injured. The death toll shall rise sadly.

I couldn't go any lower than this. Good luck

On topic: There is no recorded history that an army rule has brought democracy to a country.I don't think Egypt will be an exception. Western style democracy never seems to work in some ME countries. It'll either be overthrown or lead to more deaths.
I think democracy will work in Egypt. It will work with excluding the MB all together from the political life! Army, police, lefties, farmers, labor, ect.. have their differences, but we all have common grounds that aim our goals!! You don't have these common grounds with Islamist!! They don't even believe in countries, laws, system, borders, citizenship, ect... People realize that now, most people and Egypt has to take full advantage of the opportunity given to it to eliminate this cancer for good. Once eliminated we can all serve Egypt. Not saying life will be all dandy without them, it won't!! But at least we will get to work on our real problems and try to find solutions for them, instead trying to apply dark ages laws, exclude women, and minorities from building Egypt... You need to exclude terrorists to build a democracy, and to build human rights!! You can't give a group that wants to eliminate these rights the right to rule you or spread their ideology!! It didn't work very well for Germany with Hitler, why would it work for Egypt ?!!

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