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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I could swear by Allah that Morsi is a very blessed man indeed . I think that the Almighty wanned his hands clean from this bloodshed , so he was isolated . now Sisi and all those who autorized him r to answer for all this .
same for the bearded police officers ousted from the police force because of the beard .. this state is obsessed with ousting all muslims from its ranks n then waging war on islam .
but, there r still muslims in the army but they'de better come out soon , becasue the heads of their army r Kuffars , what are they waiting for, the shuhada Today are 200 , when will they move ?? when the shuhada r 100000 ??
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nothing special........more..........more blood & masacree will happen............

more innocent will killed in middle east include egypt,iraq,syria & all middle east......
chaos & war will come soon in egypt this is like prophet propechy......

This Chaos Is Beginning Of Imam Mahdi Era & The Great War Will come soon

Prophet Muhammad SAW Hadist About Chaos & War In Egypt & Middle East

AshSham, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait

Narrated from Ka'b bin Alqama : "There will be, after the Fitna (trouble) in AshSham, an eastern one (Fitna) which will be the devastation of the kings and the humiliation of the Arabs, until the people of the Maghrib come out." (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan, No. 53)

The people of AsSham (Greater Syria) will take prisoner the tribes of Egypt. (Ibn Hajar Haytahami, Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 49)

Ibn Hajr Al-'Asqalani narrated that Abu Idris Al-Khaulani heard from Nahik bin Surim Al-Sakuni that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "You will fight the unbelievers until the remnant of you fight on the River Jordan, you on the East of it and they on the West of it." (Ahmad

Abu Huraira said that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Iraq will withhold its dirhams and qafiz; Syria will withhold its mudd and dinar and Egypt will withhold its irdab and dinar. You will return to that position from where you started. You will return to that position from where you started. The flesh and blood of Abu Huraira bears testimony to it." (Sahih Muslim)

There will be devastation all around the World. Ultimately, Egypt will also be ruined, but until Basra is destroyed, Egypt will remain secure. The destruction of Basra will be due to Iraq's destruction. Meanwhile, the downfall of Egypt will come with the drying up of the Nile... (Qurtubi, Mukhtasar Tazkirah, p. 530)

From discoveringislam
nothing special........more..........more blood & masacree will happen............

more innocent will killed in middle east include egypt,iraq,syria & all middle east......
chaos & war will come soon in egypt this is like prophet propechy......

This Chaos Is Beginning Of Imam Mahdi Era & The Great War Will come soon

Prophet Muhammad SAW Hadist About Chaos & War In Egypt & Middle East[/B

AshSham, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait

Narrated from Ka'b bin Alqama : "There will be, after the Fitna (trouble) in AshSham, an eastern one (Fitna) which will be the devastation of the kings and the humiliation of the Arabs, until the people of the Maghrib come out." (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan, No. 53)

The people of AsSham (Greater Syria) will take prisoner the tribes of Egypt. (Ibn Hajar Haytahami, Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 49)

Ibn Hajr Al-'Asqalani narrated that Abu Idris Al-Khaulani heard from Nahik bin Surim Al-Sakuni that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "You will fight the unbelievers until the remnant of you fight on the River Jordan, you on the East of it and they on the West of it." (Ahmad

Abu Huraira said that Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Iraq will withhold its dirhams and qafiz; Syria will withhold its mudd and dinar and Egypt will withhold its irdab and dinar. You will return to that position from where you started. You will return to that position from where you started. The flesh and blood of Abu Huraira bears testimony to it." (Sahih Muslim)

There will be devastation all around the World. Ultimately, Egypt will also be ruined, but until Basra is destroyed, Egypt will remain secure. The destruction of Basra will be due to Iraq's destruction. Meanwhile, the downfall of Egypt will come with the drying up of the Nile... (Qurtubi, Mukhtasar Tazkirah, p. 530)

Welcome Back.

@Harmonia Dragon.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Any new prophecies or same old wine in new bootle. Oops :secret: Wine is Haram.
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Now, those Nasserist and athiest Frogman is going to say terrorist men only were killed only blabla etc fault without providing proof but to post useless propaganda articles. It's because they are Nasserist, similiar to Socialist and it is dicatorship. I don't trust socialist d*cks. No more excuses. The army did kill hundreds of people and brutally wounded thousand and what now? civil war? Gen Sisi stated he'll crush them then go ahead.

Never go full retard.
Not to forget all those Arab leaders who supported the coup n betrayed the Egyptian muslims , they have muslim blood in their hands . so to them I say prepare ur arguments in front of Allah .
Any new prophecies or same old wine in new bootle. Oops :secret: Wine is Haram.
sake (japan) lol ;)

Not to forget all those Arab leaders who supported the coup n betrayed the Egyptian muslims , they have muslim blood in their hands . so to them I say prepare ur arguments in front of Allah .

you are Allah?
LOL. You people are basically worshipping your holy "cows" that rule you - in other words the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's. You know Supreme Leader, Grand Ayatollah and other nonsense. Besides let us not even discuss your sects beliefs.

I bet that every single Iranian village from the deserts to the mountains have a picture of that Khomeini Indian.
I couldn't go any lower than this. Good luck

On topic: There is no recorded history that an army rule has brought democracy to a country.I don't think Egypt will be an exception. Western style democracy never seems to work in some ME countries. It'll either be overthrown or lead to more deaths.
no they r not tearing anyone apart , they r just picking a side , a phustat, the one of nifaq where there is no room for eman .
to hell with national unity if it means killing everything to do with islam .
yup i m back......haha..........
now im in kyoto............for learning japan languange & kenjutsu plus find beautiful japan lady hoho

but...........hey now egypt chaos................
prophet say now coming true one by one

hoho..................NEXT ALL ARAB ERASED & KILLED BY ZIONIST............Step By Step....& Slowly


Egypt will fallen.....nile river will dry because ethiopia,economic sanction is come soon..........& more blood is come

Goodbye Egypt Your Destruction Age Is Come Step By Step

This Is Your Fate................

Great Job Zionist.......Your plan Is Succes

O arab you want save................simple leave middle east...........

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