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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

they give money to kids and for you it is a proof of something like giving mo,ney to gang?

man you should stop your propaganda MB one second ... you're sick :hitwall:
1/ who is copt ? frogman?
2/ why you say this? copt are bad persons ? why you blame people being copt?

Can you imagine if a Muslim minority were protesting democratic election results?

The global media coverage would be about evil Muslims-this and Islamists-that.

You would be hard pressed to find a single news report that didn't mention the protesters' religion.
Every country is striving to bring his puppet in power in Egypt.

I am sure there are many patriotic Egyptians who oppose MB and Morsi for legitimate reasons. That's fine and, in a democracy, you always have difference of opinion. Most elections are close and the losing side is always angry. However, these Egyptians are being used by special interest groups who want to install their puppet, as you mentioned.
they give money to kids and for you it is a proof of something like giving mo,ney to gang?

man you should stop your propaganda MB one second ... you're sick :hitwall:

:pop: You can't install a democracy in one day or two. It takes ages to get the core values of it.
Egypt is boosting economics thru international suppport, Saudi Arabia top most pay since the coup.

Anyway, a soldier in an unimaginable battlefield :butcher: :butcher: :butcher:

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Egypt is boosting economics thru international suppport, Saudi Arabia top most pay since the coup.

Anyway, a soldier in an unimaginable battlefield :butcher: :butcher: :butcher:

Old footage from Al3abasiya and not from the Republicans Guards officers club events. The video also doesn't show what hes shooting at. If he was trying to kill as many people as possible he would be firing in semi auto or full auto.
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@Jamaal Yelmaaz :tup:








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Gamaal Abdel Nasser was the responsible of assasinating the Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna and executed Brotherhood politician el Qutub who gained power secretly in Egypt. Nasser was also the responsible of placing hundreds of Brotherhood founders in the prison and Morsi was overthrown. Oh, King Faisal of Saud largely supported the Muslim Brotherhood during Nasser's rule. I don't understand, if they are confident that the MB is not going to win elections then why detained and placed them in prison all the time since Nasser's rule until Mubarak was toppled? What are they really fearing? In order to be confident about then you'll need someone to challenge you without being detained or end up in prison. People must realise this but the sad part is they cannot accept defeat, even through ballot.


I hope there will be an quickly comprimising nd concensus btwn MB and Foreigners incited, fooled all other groups on the only national interest of Egypt. So it is obliged to release Mursi and allow him back to his duty and later take decision of early election.

Egyptians currently may be poor but they are a great nation and i bleive they have a great wise as well.
No any puppet gov. managed to provide unity and peace in their country by now. They only could serve for their masters that distribute money very plenty.

Puppets and their masters should consider very well millions of people flew into streets and protest day and night despite of shortage of water, food and being attacked fiercly for days.

they give money to kids and for you it is a proof of something like giving mo,ney to gang?

man you should stop your propaganda MB one second ... you're sick :hitwall:

If you claim so certainly then i must ask you to know, Then why these weird men covertly distributed bunchs of money to children ? For what?
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If you claim so certainly then i must ask you to know, Then why these weird men covertly distributed bunchs of money to children ? For what?
well i can see that in Iran and i guess it happens in many countries
you can pay kids for many services, especially the famous one of distribution of ads or newspapers
in Iran they are many services in streets that kids are paid for , or even in bazaar
my father was selling for exemple candles when he was 14yo
you don't have kids doing this in Turkey?
Can you imagine if a Muslim minority were protesting democratic election results?

The global media coverage would be about evil Muslims-this and Islamists-that.

You would be hard pressed to find a single news report that didn't mention the protesters' religion.

Hey man, this is a poor point of view of yours but I have summarize it all after doing research, I'll share my opinion to see your thoughts.

A quite great tactics from the Gulf countries. Their goal was to make Egypt's economics go downward to destroy the MB's reputation toward the Egyptian people so they can be overthrown. I think the Western nations did the same thing. We all saw they were all cheering up for the military takeover and now they had received enormous $8 billion funds as a gift from the Gulf countries. The Egyptian army gets along with the American government because they receive billion dollars in funds and military packages each year so I wouldn't advice you to trust to them as you know they listen to them more than their own people.


I highly doubt it was 22 million attending the rally last week because the rebel campaign was formed by some youth supported by the liberals, the others and might as well as for the army because they did not stop the campaign or said a word about it months ago, did they? Sorry, this doesn't make any sense because without international observers or others is absolutely rubbish even the campaign enrollments was inpected by the anti Morsi groups. It's impossible and it is clear the Western countries and Gulf is an anti MB by proving their excited reaction last week. Even though, the economics was on decline after Morsi was elected but he stood still for five months (July to December) until the votes for the consititional amends on December, he still got more votes. I did research from reading interesting opinions from Western bloggers and journalist on the internet.
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