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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

@Yzd Khalifa

Do you like Saudi Arabia to have real functional democratic system?
Alljazeera reporter got kicked out during Egypt's military spokesman conference...

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Similar to F$A terrorists, a "Syrian" MB/F$A terrorist was caught in Egypt, confesses shooting protesters in return for 500 Egyptian pounds from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

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Juntas' president Mansur now is unable to do any thing..No one dare to accept his porposal to undertake duty since the fear of people and shame of m.coup.

The countries which involved in commiting m.coup and celebrated juntas after few hours now denying every roles that they undertook..

Most probably this shamefull m.coup will doom to fail and would be the last m. coup in ME history.. From now on, neither Monarchies nor other regime could dare to intervene in uprisings through army againist their people.

I say again after this juntas doomed to fail a new era will begin and a new golden page will be open in history of ME. After that no any monarchy, dictator or regime must rely on their army against people.
Juntas' president Mansur now is unable to do any thing..No one dare to accept his porposal to undertake duty since the fear of people and shame of m.coup.

The countries which involved in commiting m.coup and celebrated juntas after few hours now denying every roles that they undertook..

Most probably this shamefull m.coup will doom to fail and would be the last m. coup in ME history.. From now on, neither Monarchies nor other regime could dare to intervene in uprisings through army againist their people.

I say again after this juntas doomed to fail a new era will begin and a new golden page will be open in history of ME. After that no any monarchy, dictator or regime must rely on their army against people.

And to add to that let people decide their future and their own country and reject outside orchestration of so called uprising which has no grass root or majority support.
And to add to that let people decide their future and their own country and reject outside orchestration of so called uprising which has no grass root or majority support.
it is not because you say it as a Foreigner that it is true ;)
you know people like you who have spoken instead of us in 2009 i knew many... some people cannot stop fantasm and believe they know the truth about a country they don't have minimum knowledge about

that's why it is always better to let Egyptians to give their knowledge here about the situation, bro.
And to add to that let people decide their future and their own country and reject outside orchestration of so called uprising which has no grass root or majority support.

So 17+ million protestors around the country on June 30th and beyond plus 22 million petition signatures calling for presidential elections isn't majority support?

Juntas' president Mansur now is unable to do any thing..No one dare to accept his porposal to undertake duty since the fear of people and shame of m.coup.

Yesterday he released a constitutional decree outlining the transitional phase (6-8 months) and its first step is to draft a constitutional assembly made up of constitutional experts, lawyers and judges in the next fifteen days. This move was welcomed by nearly all (politically informed) Egyptians, the only opposition remains in Rab3a Al3adawiya.

Please read or research whats actually going on in the country before commenting.

The countries which involved in commiting m.coup and celebrated juntas after few hours now denying every roles that they undertook..

This is an Egyptian uprising, nothing more. No foreign power could muster that much popular support.

Most probably this shamefull m.coup will doom to fail and would be the last m. coup in ME history.. From now on, neither Monarchies nor other regime could dare to intervene in uprisings through army againist their people.

A greater emphasis on analysis rather than empty statements would probably make people on this thread take you more seriously (the informed ones that is, not trying to be obnoxious or rude just telling the truth. If Im coming across that way then I apologise in advance)

I say again after this juntas doomed to fail a new era will begin and a new golden page will be open in history of ME. After that no any monarchy, dictator or regime must rely on their army against people.

The military acted as a response to the people. There were mass protests before the military got involved. In addition to that Morsis regime had already fallen before military intervention simply due to the number of ministerial resignations and civil servants kicking others out, while governates kicked out their governors,
Rubbish, where are you getting these numbers from, 17 million, 22 million, next you will be saying 100 million egyptians protested when the population is only 80 million.

Its ridiculous, where were all these idiots during the elections..

Its a democracy, the elected official got a mandate and you think mob protests can bring down a democratic government.

Especially mob protests that dont have official counts or monitors, these alleged 22 million signatures the liberal slime collected, how were they monitored, how were the results collated, were there any official observers no of course not, but you think collecting a few signatures gives you permission to over thrown an elected government.

Wait for the elections idiots, that way the opposition will then accept the results if they give you power

The muslim brotherhood is correct in not taking part in these elections, that would just give them legitimacy. This false and fake process should be opposed by all Muslims & the muslims brotherhood should resist and keep protesting with a massive protests every few months
So 17+ million protestors around the country on June 30th and beyond plus 22 million petition signatures calling for presidential elections isn't majority support?

Offcourse not. The population consist of 80+ million people... So U only got 25% support...
Rubbish, where are you getting these numbers from, 17 million, 22 million, next you will be saying 100 million egyptians protested when the population is only 80 million.

The numbers were estimated by Egyptian reconnaissance planes and satellites as part of the armed forces evaluation of the situation. The lowest estimate provided was 17 million, the highest figure was suggested (by someone I'm not really sure who) to be around 33 million. Even if you disregard these numbers or say they are an over exaggeration its still clear that the anti-Morsi supporters vastly outnumbered those in favour of his regime.

Again teezak hamra and this was just in Cairo.

Its ridiculous, where were all these idiots during the elections..
A lot voted for Morsi and Shafiq while others boycotted the elections or didn't participate at all. This wasnt just a protest held by those who opposed Morsi but those who had been sympathetic to the MB and those who had no political affiliations (you know the normal poor Egyptian people) and that's why these protests were so big (several times the size of those against Mubarak).

Its a democracy, the elected official got a mandate and you think mob protests can bring down a democratic government.

The democratically elected official overstepped (breached) his mandate and broke every electoral promise (manifesto ditched, also undemocratic) while overseeing major political failures (some that may have dragged Egypt into unneeded wars) and ultimately lead to mass protests which ended this elected leaders legitimacy. Democracy is a process not an event that happens every now and then.

As the representative house of parliament was dissolved because of electoral malpractice the Egyptian people had no other medium from which their views can be heard nor could they influence policy or debate and so used their constitutional, legal and democratic right to protest in the only place in which their voices can be heard, the street.

If the flags you display on your page are true then the British educational system has failed you and failed the nation. Read up on democratic principles or if you haven't reached A levels yet I suggest you take up Government and Politics as one of your subjects.

Especially mob protests that dont have official counts or monitors, these alleged 22 million signatures the liberal slime collected, how were they monitored, how were the results collated, were there any official observers no of course not, but you think collecting a few signatures gives you permission to over thrown an elected government.

Those who signed the petition also had to provide their national ID card number (those who were illiterate used their fingerprint or signature stamp) and photographs were taken of both them and the Tamarod petition with the ID card as such......


There werent any official observers because this movement started (and still is) from the grass roots up. Its founders (most of which don't exceed the age of 30) predicted they would gain around 2+ million signatures only, however, the movement snowballed and even reached the UK's and other countries shores.


Wait for the elections idiots, that way the opposition will then accept the results if they give you power
Maybe if you kept slander and insults at a minimum (respectable and informed) people would actually take your views seriously, however, the mannerisms you are using indicate that you are a repugnant human being.

The muslim brotherhood is correct in not taking part in these elections, that would just give them legitimacy. This false and fake process should be opposed by all Muslims & the muslims brotherhood should resist and keep protesting with a massive protests every few months

Tager bel deen we beh hayat elinsan maho mish inta walla elmorshid bet3ak il haymoto. Hasbi allah weni3ma alwakil and Im not even Muslim.

Offcourse not. The population consist of 80+ million people... So U only got 25% support...

There are nations which have populations in the billions and still they have never raised numbers any where near what Egypt has. Mobilizing 17+ million people is nigh on impossible, just ask any political activist.
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Yeah, but still, 75% seems to think otherwise.

how can you say that ? how you know what think 75% who didn't sign it ?
(75% already being over exagerated : if 22 million over 80 => 72%
if you take into consideration all people who are kids or too old, then you add all people in zones they didn't access petition , well you get much smaller % of people you don'"t know if they are ok with petition or not ok)
how can you say that ? how you know what think 75% who didn't sign it ?
(even if it is less than 75% and if you include kids not signing or too old people, well your number 75% is over exagerated;)

Add those without national ID cards and those home ridden or hospital caged plus those in prison or those who arent of age yet (A significant portion of Egypt is under 16, proof is its raging population increase) plus those abroad or who live in isolated parts of the country etc. etc. etc.

Some people just like to think in black and white and seem to forget we live in a world full of ambiguity and nuance.
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