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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

So basically what you are advocating is that Egypt goes back to the status quo...
How about those 20-30 million people that were protesting fiercly against Morsi?

You need to realise that Morsi governing Egypt, in long term, is untenable.

if 20-30 millions were protesting Morsi then where they were in the day that election had been held..May be they all have born after election date...dont believe anti-MB media ballons so much...
The only way of exiting from the that terrible turmoil is the respecting the result of election and wait for next election...There is no any democracy even no any religions and holly book which satisfy 100% of society..

I have a question regarding AKP hypocrisy:

If democracy is just the election, how is egyptian mursi legal but Iraqi Maliki is not legitimate?

Why does anyone need to fake the al Qaeda flag?
Just see how many users like you are pro mursi and have al Qaeda flag as avatar.

Use the word of ''hypocrisy'' for those who deserved.
If you will try to hide behinde exceptionals Adolf Hitler better exception than Maliki. Because he allready had came in power through elections....

Exeptionals never change the rules of true...An fair electoral system is the best option over all other alternatives..Even Military coup isnot accpted as the one of worst alternative model.

Dude, i can claim that none of any country which involved in military coup dont consider the national interest of Egypt as much as AKP government do..From west to East and Arap countries, every country supporting his puppets and trying to boost his proxies in Egypt for their own interests.

It is the bigest fatal error of you Egyptians by trusting on foreign states no matter west, East, muslim or arap countries..The best way is to keep Army distance from intervention of internal politics and create an mutual consensus on a fair electoral system...

If MB is bad then other parties sshould unite and prepare reasonable and appreciatable social, economic, health,educational and so on programms and projects in order to be able to challange MB..

No one fond of you Egyptians and care about your future somuch. It is time to be patient, calm and wise...
May Allah save Egypt from all Evils..
if 20-30 millions were protesting Morsi then where they were in the day that election had been held..May be they all have born after election date...dont believe anti-MB media ballons so much...
The only way of exiting from the that terrible turmoil is the respecting the result of election and wait for next election...There is no any democracy even no any religions and holly book which satisfy 100% of society..

Use the word of ''hypocrisy'' for those who deserved.
If you will try to hide behinde exceptionals Adolf Hitler better exception than Maliki. Because he allready had came in power through elections....

Exeptionals never change the rules of true...An fair electoral system is the best option over all other alternatives..Even Military coup isnot accpted as the one of worst alternative model.

Dude, i can claim that none of any country which involved in military coup dont consider the national interest of Egypt as much as AKP government do..From west to East and Arap countries, every country supporting his puppets and trying to boost his proxies in Egypt for their own interests.

It is the bigest fatal error of you Egyptians by trusting on foreign states no matter west, East, muslim or arap countries..The best way is to keep Army distance from intervention of internal politics and create an mutual consensus on a fair electoral system...

If MB is bad then other parties sshould unite and prepare reasonable and appreciatable social, economic, healt,educational and so on programms and project in order to be able challange MB..

No one fond of you Egyptians and care about your future somuch. It is time to be patient, calm and wise...
May Allah save Egypt from all Evils..

It was not my answer. What does mursi have that Maliki lacks?
What happened to the fireworks on tahrir square? The jubilant folks on the removal of morsi? Now it seems everything's going to hell, as predicted. Freakin idiots, removed a democratly elected leader by coup of armed forces. How can that ever be in favor of any country?
Don't lie, they wanted him out and supported the secular parties
come on moosh, be good sport! The only thing that the MB gave for the past year to the citizen of Egypt is dozes after dozes of religion with a rosey future that never came. Egyptian like others in the world, need work, food, education, habitat...They didn't get any of that but inflation, shortages of basic necessities...etc...The removal of Morsi was a must [since arab rulesr are not known to resign for their failures] was essential to save Egypt.

We lived it, I know what I am talking about...
M.Mursi is a real Leader after Jamal Abdul Nasir.
I think isreal and amreca is now happy what thay want is going to be done by Army of egypt.
M.Mursi is a real Leader after Jamal Abdul Nasir.
I think isreal and amreca is now happy what thay want is going to be done by Army of egypt.

No, Obama, and a lot of Republicans supported the Muslim Brotherhood, because they thought MB represents Muslim democracy. Their policy was totally wrong, since more than half of Egyptians rejected MB.

Now, they are aligned with Saudis, to oust MB.
I have two recommendations for you:
Build up girlish manners.
Comment less.

7abibi, that is because she is actually a male pretending to be a girl. Many other members have noticed this even Iranian members.

She moreover hates everything Arabic, Semitic, MUslim and likes to stick her nose in our internal Arab matters.

Let me repeat what some of my Egyptian brothers have already written here and most importantly on Arab forums.

Iranian influence in Egypt is ZERO. Egypt is an fellow Arab and Semitic country and its history, culture, traditions, language and religion (Sunni Islam) is tied to our Arab and Semitic world. KSA is a neighboring country of Egypt just across the beautiful Red Sea and the ties are ancient and the Hejazi dialects which more than half of KSA speaks is very close to the Egyptian dialects and many millions Egyptians have ties to Hejaz and other parts of the Arab world. Including a certain Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Iran on the other hand is non-Arab country, non-Semitic, a country that lies 3000km away from Egypt, not even a Sunni Muslim country and with a completely different culture, view of the world and politics, let alone language etc. although Persian is heavily influenced by Arabic and their alphabet is even based on the Arabic alphabet, religion and thus traditions and culture.

Also before IraniMALE2 starts to worry and meddle too much in our beautiful Arab world then she needs to deal with her isolated, poor, sanctioned and largely hated regime in the Arab and Sunni world that is a criminal and terrorist supporting regime that loves to meddle in every single Arab country. Deal with your cutting machines that cut fingers off in public, lashings and public hangings by crane that can take up to 2-3 minutes, worry about the millions of drug addicts in Iran (highest number in the world), all the poverty, unemployment and your political fiascos.

Just a little advice because I am getting tired of your nonsense and ignorance. Something you share with all Iranian members here who love to meddle in Arab matters despite knowing nothing about our world let alone speaking Arabic.

I am sure that there are normal Iranians but the bunch that is on this forum surely does not represent those individuals apart from a TINY minority although they are mostly clueless about the Arab world too.

Lastly KSA has aboslutely nothing to do with what happened in Egypt. We support every leader of Egypt that has legitimacy and is supported by the Egyptian people. That is a internal matter moreover. We care much more about the Egyptian people and the stability of Egypt than a few politicians and their parties. Does that clown believe that we can switch the light on and off and change the regime in Egypt and replace it with another as we please?:omghaha: Keep the nonsense to Iran.

EDIT: Mosab, no need to worry about that troll.
Iran is not a military dictatorship nor a liberal democracy.

Our system is setup in a way that makesures the military doesn't dominate, and other institutions in Iran keeps an eye out on the military.

But if Egypt turns into a liberal democracy, it will be much more friendlier to Iran.
Khamenei is the big boss. it is not called theocracy for no reason.

i would add that knowing both armies , pasdarans even check the activities inside the regular army.
they check if they won't be a problem for the king.. sorry the master of Iran , the 12th imam representative,
his majesty Khamenei :D

back to Egypt
seems journalists were asking to kick out the Al Jazeera journalist in the conference

The army issued more than one warning: That military personnel cannot be approached. This is common knowledge in any country in the world.

Egypt cannot be built by anger, it will be built by the strong arms of all Egyptians without any exception or discrimination. Those who demonstrate on Nahda Square are Egyptian citizens, our brothers and sisters. We call on them to remain peaceful. The EAF promise not to hunt down any person. All Egyptians are free men so long as they do not violate the law. There will be no martial law in the coming days.
once again
what happens in Egypt is Egyptian matter
some regimes have problems in their country want to distract their people like turkey tunis they care more about their brotherhood than their nations
the majority of the Egyptian people and the army and police can defend Egypt from the traitors
what happened made us better more united and proud of our homeland we regained control of our country and will not let anyone steal our homeland

Also what a moronic claim to say that Iran is the most "democratic state" in the Middle East. LOL. There is not a single gif that would be more fitting to ridicule that statement, LOL.

Ever heard about Turkey and countless of well-functioning, rich and stable Arab countries?

Clueless troll.

Why don't you show your newest cutting machine that cuts people hands off in public, your public hangings by crane that can last up to 2-3 minutes before the victim dies, your corruption, sanctioned, isolated and poor country etc. Your highest number of drug addicts in the world (percentage wise), especially heroin, your fake wannabe-Arab Iranian Mullah's and their infallible rule, your Mullah theocracy and so much more. Your president and so-called elections that are controlled by your ugly Mullah, and their selection of appointed candidates (LOL) is the biggest joke of "democracy" I have heard about. Especially when they are mere puppets of your fake Azeri Supreme leader who falsely claims to belong to the lineage of our dear Prophet Muhammad (saws). That alone is a great, great sin.

Just, WOW.

You are really a joke. Wonder what is behind that computer screen. Probably something very much looking like a male and a disturbed one at the same time. Not a pleasant sight AT ALL.

Instead of making 100 threads daily about the Arab world you better fix your own shithole. It needs fixing urgently. Maybe somebody would have some respect for you then, Mr. "big supporter of democracy but always keeping quite about my own un-democratic shithole".:omghaha:
once again
what happens in Egypt is Egyptian matter
some regimes have problems in their country want to distract their people like turkey tunis they care more about their brotherhood than their nations
the majority of the Egyptian people and the army and police can defend Egypt from the traitors
what happened made us better more united and proud of our homeland we regained control of our country and will not let anyone steal our homeland

Very well said Mahmoud. No one should interfere in Egypt internal matters.

for you then, Mr. "big supporter of democracy but always keeping quite about my own un-democratic shithole
Bro chill, you could get a ban or infraction again if you swear without symbols.

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