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Egypt announces international anti-Turkey alliance

then you have no need to be worried.

LMAO @ Turkey for being so stubborn and unlawful, even NATO allies like France have to stand up against this out of control Turkey...

BUt your country JUSt reestablished relations with the same oppressor of Palestinians so doesnt this make Turkey hypocritical?? you guys have serious identity issues.

But your country destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan with the hands of Amreecans. Look to your old president admitting how they help bush invading Iraq and Afganistan...:-)

Thats why bush called you axis of evil and he was right.

So how is going with second export product terrorists exporting to muslims countries?

Iran is number 1 hypocrite country, if you had the chance to destroy other Arab states witht he help of Israel you would work with them. Thats why you are the axis of evil....

now get lost hizbi trash....
Everyone knows that Israel and Egypt would just sit back and watch if there was a conflict between Turkey and Greece. .

Why would Israel want to see its JUST RECENTLY RECONNECTED BROTHER Turkey in a conflict? that doesnt make sense. Turkey has decided being allies with Israel is worth it, at least now..so that means that Israel wont be naturally happy seeing Turkey in conflict and having difficulty. You accuse other countries of kissing Israeli butt, but Turkey your country is doing ALOT of it too, especially recently. dont be a hypocrite.

But your country destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan with the hands of Amreecans
No, AMERICA destroyed Iraq, and America is YOUR NATO ally....correct? so please , stop shifting blame. Everyone today(except you) admits US's invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan destroyed them. Iran only facilitated the initial removal of the host regimes, that was it. You do know that Iran helped Taliban hit US troops in Afghanistan right? You just blame Iran because you are so biased about Iran, you cant be objective and fair when judging Iran.

Look to your old president admitting how they help bush invading Iraq and Afganistan...:-)
So what? that was just the initial invasion/deposing of Saddam and the Taliban respectively

Thats why bush called you axis of evil and he was right.
That doesnt change the fact that Iran didnt destroy Iraq or Afghanistan. Actually bro, Iran has contributed billions of dollars towards helping modernize a very old, uneducated Afghanistan. So your comments are really just hot air. or are you just jealous that Iran has actually contributed more, in all ways to Afghanistan's stability than Turkey has? CHill bro.

So how is going with second export product terrorists exporting to muslims countries?
When i saw "export" in your comment it made me want to ask you how TUrkey was doing also with buying Syrian mercenaries and exporting them to Libya?? You dont need to ask me, you should already know from your country.
Iran is number 1 hypocrite country, if you had the chance to destroy other Arab states witht he help of Israel you would work with them.

Thats why you are the axis of evil....
Fake Iranian weapons are still available to for live demonstrations.

now get lost hizbi trash....
are you mad that Hizbollah is actually still close to Israel(and TUrkey's strike on Hezbollah only had a short term effect btw) and pressuring Israel scared while a hypocrite like Turkey is sleeping with ISrael, again, why? why validate this bad behaving country called Israel? You cant lead the MUslim cause because you arent allying with other Muslims, you're 100% strategically with the Christian + Jewish front..then you come on PDF and play tough. I really dont understand. I dont hate TUrkey, but if u push me and keep pushing me, i will let you have it. its up to you.
I don't think Egypt is even close to Iran situation.

Anyone is better than sisi even a frog. That moron stupid looking guy is making enemies to Egypt from nowhere, Turkey,Tripoli,Yemen,Ethiopia, Sudan and etc.
how cud you forget Qatar ..just saying.
"That moron stupid looking guy is making enemies to Egypt from nowhere, Turkey,Tripoli,Yemen,Ethiopia, Sudan and etc".
I was like this is Sisi's plan to have more enemies who cud you forget Qatar as enemy.
World war 3 is just around the corner.

Eastern Mediterannean Front between MENA and South European countries against Turkey and her “unclear” alliance (likely Anglo nation ~ Brexit led Britain and US).

The Middle Eastern Fromt between Turkey and US against Iran, Syria and their MENA allies.

The Pacific Front between Asian countries, USA against China and her “unclear” alliance.

The Indian Ocean Front between India and the Commonwealth nations against China and her “unclear” alliance (likely Pakistan and Iran).

Unclear alliances will be revealed soon.

Not to mention, the social unrest and mass unemployment going on all over the world due to pandemic. The “you know who” sees a global conflict a cure to their internal problems. 99% enployment by activating wartime production and victors would be in a golden age.
stop fooling some naive Muslims by that ....:tdown:

you support Israel with Cement and iron to build the Apartheid wall to expel Palestinians and steal more land :-)

Stop fooling naive Muslims by that....


You buy GAS from Israel...:-)...

The list goes on, i doubt that israel buys cement and iron from Turkey. But buying gas from israel is a fact.

Look to the source like you....

Turkey-based Kurdish Mezopotamya News Agency reported.

wtf news agency was that fund by UAE...:p:
stop fooling some naive Muslims by that ....:tdown:

you support Israel with Cement and iron to build the Apartheid wall to expel Palestinians and steal more land :-)
We make legal business, Turkey never claimed not to have diplomatic and economic relations to Israel.
But you guys on the other hand do your talks in secret throught mediators like US but pretend to not to recognize Israel as sate, hypocracy much?
Well ok Egypt does recognize Israel because of some historical happenings though, gotta give you that.
So what? that was just the initial invasion/deposing of Saddam and the Taliban respectively


You whole text is irrelevant, not going to answer. But why is working with amreecans permitted to destroy enemy of Iran like Saddam and Taliban? You have killed muslims in Iraq, because of you they are still in civil war like Afghanistan.
We make legal business, Turkey never claimed not to have diplomatic and economic relations to Israel.
But you guys on the other hand do your talks in secret throught mediators like US but pretend to not to recognize Israel as sate, hypocracy much?
Well ok Egypt does recognize Israel because of some historical happenings though, gotta give you that.

No, you are mixing between Arab countries ..... AGAIN .....

Egypt ( the only Muslim and Arab country that REALLY fought Israel ) .... choosed peace in public .... that’s why all Arabs boycotted Egypt in late 70s

So , we fought in public a real fight ( not keyboard warriors) ..... we made peace in public .
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No, you are mixing between Arabs countries ..... AGAIN .....

Egypt ( the only Muslim and Arab country that REALLY fought Israel ) .... choosed peace in public .... that’s why all Arabs boycotted Egypt in late 70

So , we fought in public a real fight ( not keyboard warriors) ..... we made peace in public .

I think it's quite offensive to several other Arab states that sent their troops which engaged with direct war against Israel. That is Jordan, Iraq and Syria whom were all three involved majorly. The Syrians were very active in the northern front and Iraq had major involvement, you just erased all that like it was a joke lol.

The other Arab states assumed supportive roles.
I think it's quite offensive to several other Arab states that sent their troops which engaged with direct war against Israel. That is Jordan, Iraq and Syria whom were all three involved majorly. The Syrians were very active in the northern front and Iraq had major involvement, you just erased all that like it was a joke lol.

The other Arab states assumed supportive roles.

Sure thing, Syrians are our brothers in arms, and other Arab countries specially Iraqi forces in the Syrian front that stopped Israeli forces from invading Damascus .....

but I’m not talking about participation , I’m talking about aligning all state abilities for war .... attacking and being attacked in our soil ...

and as you know , once the peace agreement signed between Egypt and Israel , there was no other thing can be called ( WAR ) between Israel and any other country.
- Regarding Haftar ..... now I’m confused, is he a CIA operative or a Russian agent....?!
Kind of both I belive. Not a thing unprecedented in history.

If you need an example, check how many times did Egypt flip in between USA and USSR during the cold war.

Who pays more. Very likely he started under USA's wing, and then when they got bored of him, and saw his lacklustre performance, he did the Nasser thing.
Not really.
All of them are our brothers, we are a middle eastern country .. since when we ally with cyprus or france or greece? those european countries don't mean anything to us, we don't share same culture not religion not even food.

You obviously dont know the history of your own country...
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