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Egypt announces international anti-Turkey alliance

First of all Turkey has no connection to the Ethiopian dam and secondly Turkey has a treaty with Syria and Iraq regarding Waterflow, its not Turkeys fault that there is a climate change and droughts in summer.
And regarding muslim countries, its your country that allies with Greece, Cyprus and Israel against a fellow muslim country even at a price of a smaller EEZ.
Or what your country does in Libya, collaborating with Russia and supporting a CIA operative to hand over Libyas ressources to foreign countries just to hit a fellow muslim country.

But keep playing that muslim card. :tup:

- Regarding Rivers water , your fellow Turkish said that .... I don’t know about that matter ... but as I can see here in this thread .... Turks are there in Ethiopia to help Ethiopians cutting water from coming to Sudan and Egypt ....

- So , you advise us to steal more territories to expand our EEZ ....?! Things doesn’t work that way

- Regarding Haftar ..... now I’m confused, is he a CIA operative or a Russian agent....?!

- About MUSLIM Card thing ..... yes I know it is only a card from your side .... but we believe in that .... we have a long history of defending Muslims and the core of Islamic world in Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

In fact, it actually took 365 years. It startedofficially just after the war of Ridaniye in 1517 and ended with the occupation of British empire in 1882.

The Egyptian -Khidivate- you mentioned (my guess) was actually linked to the Ottoman central state in its foreign affairs but it had free will on its domestics. (Just like Algeria)

Mehmet Ali Pasha, the founder leader of the Egyptian Khidivate and former Vilayet-i Mısır governor, also comes from a balkan Turkish family, originally from Konya, according to the Ottoman archives. (This issue is also related to the Ottoman settlement system. As an example, my family migrated to Anatolia after the balkans were lost, but our family records in the Ottoman archives are based on Konya-Karaman. Also modern Turkey's founding leader Atatürk's family had a similar history.)

In the same period, the Egyptian Khidivate Army structure was based on Turkish officers and traditional system. So as you explained here, the situation was not a nation conflict, but a dynasty struggle. (Egypt vilayet's naval ship orders to France and others were blocked from Istanbul, during theirs prefecture of Egypt. With the claim on Syria, the role of this intervention in the leap of the struggle to an international dimension is great which involving the other countries, but these can be discussed in another title and related section.)

Anyway... Despite all this, Turkey's legal rights on Egypt has ended with an international peace agreement in Lausanne.

Article 17 of the Treaty of Lausanne has excatly contain the following statement: "Turkey have been waive on the legal basis from Egypt and Sudan and this new legal status effective from November 5, 1914."

Legal bonds between Turkey and Egypt were end since 1914 according to international laws. And defacto status started with the occupation of British empire. Beyond that, everything is relative historical interpretations.

Even legal status may vary, even if the Egypt and Turkey dragged to geopolitically separate pole, the link between the two nations was never break. Turkish community in Egypt has never been separate from its nation, culturally or politically. (Of course, it is necessary to consider Egypt's history of military coups separately. Arab nationalist policies had negative effects on Egyptian Turks.)

Of course, this cultural affinity and neighborhood relationship could not only be created with the Ottomans.

There is an -our common- history dating back to Tolun Bey, one of the Nine Oghuzes in the 9th century. Tulunids has great importance in terms of Turkish history. It is the first state established by the Turks who accept Islam. And Turks have reached this honor, in Egypt.

(As you know, Oghuz Turks have had great services to Abbasid caliphate. Baghdad has been saved many times, and even Islamization of Anatolia begins with the another Oghuz leader Tuğrul Bey's great efforts which he saved Baghdad from Buveyh's invasion. Just like Tolunids, for centuries, Seljuks and many Turkish other Turkish Atabeys between these two periods saved Baghdad and the entire Levant - Baghdad geography from being burned and destroyed.)


Frankly, I find the discussion here ridiculous (for both parties) Trying to read dynastic struggles with today's nationalism could be one of the most important mistakes.

We are so intertwined that it is not possible to write another's history without each other. We are only brothers of each other. Do not upset each other. Governments can quarrel today, and meet tomorrow on common interests; do not wear yourself down for daily / temporary political issues.Best regards.

I respect your approach, although I have many comments .. But I will point here for 2 comments:

1- Ottman occupation ended by the Napoleons invasion of Egypt in 1798 that lasts 3 years ... after that date Egypt started to be separated from the Ottomans ... and a few years later gained more lands from Ottmans in Levant ,Hijaz, Crete and other EM islands.

2- Lausanne treaty was just signing a peace of paper to legalize an already existing status that lasts about 100 years .

at the End , all Muslim Nations affected in each other , protected each other and at that time there was no national state as it clear today ..... but the New Ottmans in Turkey that think that Egypt and other Arab countries are just a property or a legal right of the Turks that they can use to gain some cards during negotiations with the west ....!!

we will not allow this to happen ...!
pretending to be Egyptian doesn’t make you one .....
العب بعيد يا بلحاوي

What is he pretending? Just because he has different views? Pathetic. I can fool you badly by pretending, you are that easy to fool :D

I call on Turkish members to not to waste your time with people, who call Greeks their brothers.
They already don't consider who are against the puppet sisi is an Egyptian, like they know their first first first first first granddad was lol ..
العب بعيد يا بلحاوي
إن شاء الله ربنا هيخذيكم دنيا وأخره .....

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
( وَمَن يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُّتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا )
صدق الله العظيم
What is he pretending? Just because he has different views? Pathetic. I can fool you badly by pretending, you are that easy to fool :D

I call on Turkish members to not to waste your time with people, who call Greeks their brothers.

I have many friends inside and out side Egypt that are against Elsisi .... Cursing and criticizing him all day long :D

people who are living outside Egypt and supporting chao and terrorists in Egypt are not Egyptians...

people who to be considered ( Local Supporting elements ) to the occupation.... just like we have seen in Syria .... they are not Egyptians ...

Look who is playing with religion lol .. and they say that we use religion against them.

غبي و بلحاوي في نفس الوقت

مش عايز اشتمك .... عارف ان ده ميفرقش معاك كإرهابي افاق .... اللي زيك باذن الله هيفضل مشرد في البلاد
I have many friends inside and out side Egypt that are against Elsisi .... Cursing and criticizing him all day long :D

people who are living outside Egypt and supporting chao and terrorists in Egypt are not Egyptians...

people who to be considered ( Local Supporting elements ) to the occupation.... just like we have seen in Syria .... they are not Egyptians ...

مش عايز اشتمك .... عارف ان ده ميفرقش معاك كإرهابي افاق .... اللي زيك باذن الله هيفضل مشرد في البلاد
Who said I'm outside Egypt?
Man, this 272 years is just a blink of an eye in our great 7,000 years history ....

Egypt was ruled by Turkic Dynasties ( Tulunid , Ikhshidid , Bahry and Ottoman ) 868-969 , 1250-1517 , 1517-1878

and we payed them back and the Egyptian army was a few KMs from Istanbul after destroying the Ottmans Army and fleet in 1832 ...

then as usual , they opened their land for ( KOFFAR) letting the Russian Army to step in to protect Istanbul from the Egyptian Army ..... and asking the west ( France and England) to speak to the Egyptians to pull back their forces out of Anadolu.....

Egypt was ruled by Ottman Wali Albanian origin Muhammed Ali Dynasty between 1805-1953

and in 1830s France and The UK provoked and gave weapons to traitor Muhammed Ali Pasha to attack Ottoman Dynasty in Istanbul

between 1821 and 1829 the Ottman Empire fought against Iran,Russia,France and The UK
also the Janissaries were for Ottoman military power to catch up with Enemies. but the Janissaries were abolished in 1826

on the other hand little insects Greeks and Muhammed Ali Pasha rebelled against the Ottman Empire when Turks fought Iran,Russia,France and The UK

pathetic Greeks and Egyptians who were ruled by the Turks for centuries are talking about 1821 and 1832

between 1700 and 1918 the Ottman Empire fought Iran,Russia,France , The UK and Europe

know your place
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President Erdoğan said: "The operational existence of Turkey's most powerful bank, Ziraat Bank is a crucial stepping-stone for both Turkish and Ethiopian entrepreneurs. Another significant step is that Ethiopia has a hydropower potential of 50.000 megawatt. There are electricity problems. Therefore, they state that they are open to Turkish investors who want to build hydroelectric power plants here either as sole investors or in the form of partnerships. They express that they can provide purchasing guarantee of the state for the energy they produce. I believe that such an initiative would provide significant opportunities to meet the electricity demand as well as irrigational and drinking water need of Ethiopia.


He's coming atcha, Sissy.
This forum's official medium of discourse is English. If you have to post in another language then you have to post its English translation as well. If you do not, then it is against the rules and I will have to take corrective action. Refrain from it in the future.
- Regarding Rivers water , your fellow Turkish said that .... I don’t know about that matter ... but as I can see here in this thread .... Turks are there in Ethiopia to help Ethiopians cutting water from coming to Sudan and Egypt ....
He never said anything about cutting water, just that Turkey is also interested in Ethiopia which is normal, its a developing country with 100 million people, lots of potential, would be stupid not to invest there.

- So , you advise us to steal more territories to expand our EEZ ....?! Things doesn’t work that way
If there is a territory stolen than its that of Turkey, it has one of the lingest coasts to Eastern Med but is supposed to get the smalles EEZ? You wish!
Geopolitics is like wild west, the stronger ones get the bigges piece of the pie, international law is a joke that only weak countries have to obey.

- Regarding Haftar ..... now I’m confused, is he a CIA operative or a Russian agent....?!
Read about Haftars history, he got American citizenship for being a CIA operative, its not something that i invented.
Russians are just being opportunistic here.

- About MUSLIM Card thing ..... yes I know it is only a card from your side .... but we believe in that .... we have a long history of defending Muslims and the core of Islamic world in Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
Lol now that is a big joke, if you cared about muslim then you would not support puppet warlords trying to steal Libyan oil.
Or is your love for muslims the reason why you enforce Israels blockade on Gaza?

Cmon man, try to fool someone else.
He never said anything about cutting water, just that Turkey is also interested in Ethiopia which is normal, its a developing country with 100 million people, lots of potential, would be stupid not to invest there.

If there is a territory stolen than its that of Turkey, it has one of the lingest coasts to Eastern Med but is supposed to get the smalles EEZ? You wish!
Geopolitics is like wild west, the stronger ones get the bigges piece of the pie, international law is a joke that only weak countries have to obey.

Read about Haftars history, he got American citizenship for being a CIA operative, its not something that i invented.
Russians are just being opportunistic here.

Lol now that is a big joke, if you cared about muslim then you would not support puppet warlords trying to steal Libyan oil.
Or is your love for muslims the reason why you enforce Israels blockade on Gaza?

Cmon man, try to fool someone else.

Blockade on Gaza ...!?
This is so generic man:cheesy: .... the boarders are open years ago :enjoy:
This regime of ours trying to make enemies to make people forget about economy.
Egypt-Turkey-Libya should have worked together to secure their gas territories.

Greece is nothing along with Cyprus, wtf is cyprus position in political conflict? not to mention the old lady greece with their debts.

but Turks shouldn't blame us. We have Israel beside us trying to stop any improve in Egypt and there is also Al-Saud family and not to mention UAE. Those 3 are the engineers of Egypt's coup.
This alliance will be as effective as the Muslim NATO, Arab League, GCC, OIC, OPEC or any other organization with major Arab participation. Lol
then you have no need to be worried.

LMAO @ Turkey for being so stubborn and unlawful, even NATO allies like France have to stand up against this out of control Turkey...

You open Gaza only in the month Ramadan and close:-). This guy is like sissi, lying is in the blood.

BUt your country JUSt reestablished relations with the same oppressor of Palestinians so doesnt this make Turkey hypocritical?? you guys have serious identity issues.
Damn I am fvcking too late for this topic and it's already 6 pages full of idiotism and hatred from anti-Turkish baztards. I pass this one guys, someone tag me for the next party please.
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