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Egypt and Turkey, politically was bad relations but economically excellent.. how about future Military relations..

Why should they give you the source codes? You're the least dependable ally in NATO.

Turkiye is the best in NATO ... problem is terrorist supporter bandit USA -France and crying kid Greece

-- Turkish Army is the only NATO Army which fought against ISIS
-- Turkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to Poland for NATO's Baltic Air Policing operation against Russia
-- Turkiye closed Bosphorus against Russia because of war with Ukraine
-- Turkish UCAVs helped Ukraine against Russia
-- Turkish Incirlik Air Base was headquarters for allied Air Forces to fight against ISIS
-- Turkish Forces controlled capital of Afghanistan and Kabul Airport
-- Turkiye saved Europe from millions of Syrian,İraqi,Afghan refugees
-- Turkiye hosts major part of NATO's Air Defense Umbrella ( Kurecik Radar Base ) to defend Europe from Russian and İranian Ballistic Missiles

what about useless Greece and France for NATO ? nothing

USA , Greece and France support terror organizations against NATO member Turkiye to kill Turkish soldiers and people
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-- Turkiye saved Europe from millions of Syrian,İraqi,Afghan refugees
Partially. Still let hundreds of thousands to pass and got nice money from EU for the ones in Turkey ;)

-- Turkish UCAVs helped Ukraine against Russia
And now won't let Sweden and finland in NATO

-- Turkish Army is the only NATO Army which fought against ISIS
No,but it's probably the first one that assisted them in destroying Syria and killing the Kurds

-- Turkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to Poland for NATO's Baltic Air Policing operation against Russia
And yet,still wants to buy more S-400s

- Turkish Incirlik Air Base was headquarters for allied Air Forces to fight against ISIS
And Jordan. And Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

-- Turkiye closed Bosphorus against Russia because of war with Ukraine
And let rich oligarchs in Turkey?

-- Turkish Forces controlled capital of Afghanistan and Kabul Airport
When? A few days before it fell? Or a few days after it fell? Did you stop the Taliban? :P

USA , Greece and France support terror organizations against NATO member Turkiye to kill Turkish soldiers and people
Day-dreaming MMM-E sees enemies everywhere. If we're all your enemies,then leave NATO.
Partially. Still let hundreds of thousands to pass and got nice money from EU for the ones in Turkey ;)

not even thousands of refugees to pass .... Turkiye closed borders

and €3-6 billion in 6 years not nice money from 28 Countries
alone Turkiye spent over $50 billion for over 4 million Syrian refugees in Turkiye

And now won't let Sweden and finland in NATO

Sweden and Finland support terror organization PKK/YPG against NATO member Turkiye to kill Turkish soldiers and people

Sweden and Finland use arms embargo against NATO member Turkiye

And yet,still wants to buy more S-400s

if USA doesnt sell PATRIOT even F--16V to NATO member Turkiye

even France blocked EUROSAM to work with NATO member Turkiye to develop Air Defense Systems

And Jordan. And Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

only stupid idiots can flight to Syria from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to fight ISIS

Turkish Incirlik Airbase is so close to Syria and its a NATO base

Jordan. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are not NATO members
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And let rich oligarchs in Turkey?

Turkiye is not bandit Country to steal money-super yacht-houses-etc from Russian Oligarchs

They are civilians and nothing to do with the Russian Armed Forces

where are your so-called democrasy and human rights ? hypocrite Europe - USA

When? A few days before it fell? Or a few days after it fell? Did you stop the Taliban? :P

Turkish Forces were 20 years in Afghanistan

and Turkish Forces controlled capital of Afghanistan and Kabul Airport for 6 years

Day-dreaming MMM-E sees enemies everywhere. If we're all your enemies,then leave NATO.
Daydreamer Greeks are crying everwhere , if You see Turkiye as the least dependable ally in NATO...... then leave NATO

useless Greece and France which are nothing for NATO
With such political behavior, no codes will not be given to you again, but neither ..... screw.

192 F-16 block50+/52
35 F-16 block70 ( OZGUR modernization )
40 F-16V or 30 Eurofighter
192 S400 Air Defense Missiles ... ( more 36 S400s with 192 missiles on agenda )

also We are developing our projects HURJET , TFX and KIZILELMA Fighter Jets

also 150 km SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

The US blocked sale of UCAVs to Turkiye
RESULT : Turkiye was become Drone super power in the world

now USA is blocking F35 to Turkiye
RESULT : Turkiye will become Fighter Jet super power in the world

better worry about your Greece which is 100% dependent on USA-Europe
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Whatever you tell him,he replies "lies" or "Naaaah". No arguements,no evidence,just "Naaaah". And expects you to take his opinion as if a professor is talking 😂

You have no evidance .. only lies and bla bla ... nothing else

my post is 100% truth ..... read again but dont cry ok ?

Turkiye is the best in NATO ...

-- Turkish Army is the only NATO Army which fought against ISIS
-- Turkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to Poland for NATO's Baltic Air Policing operation against Russia
-- Turkiye closed Bosphorus against Russia because of war with Ukraine
-- Turkish UCAVs helped Ukraine against Russia
-- Turkish Incirlik Air Base was headquarters for allied Air Forces to fight against ISIS
-- Turkish Forces controlled capital of Afghanistan and Kabul Airport
-- Turkiye saved Europe from millions of Syrian,İraqi,Afghan refugees
-- Turkiye hosts major part of NATO's Air Defense Umbrella ( Kurecik Radar Base ) to defend Europe from Russian and İranian Ballistic Missiles

what about useless Greece and France for NATO ? nothing
You are overestimating the turkish industry. And i cant imagine replacing the k2 or abrams with a prototype tank based off the K2
Sorry but the turkish industry is well rated overestimating isn't the word to describe it. Some projects/equipments are good and some not.
It is shame that they are non existant, hopefully Egypt realise that they are ripped off by their nato and russian suppliers for mostly downgraded equipmemt.
altough i think that west and russia will do all in their power to prevent closer military industries connections between two countries due strategic implication of that development.
Just imagine that Egypt decide to replace their tank fleet with Altay and that is just tip of iceberg
Altay we can't buy it because there is a big chance that Egypt will build K2 Black Panther locally exactly like the Altay.

Tamam,laka ya akhy.
Guys stop arguing the thread is about Egypt and Turkey. Not about Greece and Turkey online "war" hahahaha. @Foinikas pls ignore him hahaha.

as always Greeks FOINIKAS terrorized thread about Turkiye

be a real man and stop taking Greek side ... be neutral
Sorry but the turkish industry is well rated overestimating isn't the word to describe it. Some projects/equipments are good and some not.

some not ? which one ?

stop defamation about the Turkish Defense Industry which has high quality NATO standard

better go and buy Chinese Weapons or low versions of French weapons like FREMM Frigate without Electronic warfare system and armed with only 16x SAMs

Egyptian F-16s even lacks BVR and land attack cruise missiles
Egyptian Rafales lacks METEOR and SCALP Missiles

USA-France never will give sophisticated weapons to Egypt .. because of Israel
Only in the papers ? maybe in your lies

Turkiye modernized 41 Pakistani F-16s
View attachment 856445

Turkiye modernized 163 Turkish F-16s to block52 standard ( CCIP modernization )

Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)
Modular Mission Computer
Advanced interrogator/transponder
Integrated precision navigation
LCD Color MFDs
Improved AVTR System
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
High speed Anti-Radar Missile Targeting System
ASELPOD Targeting Pod

View attachment 856446
View attachment 856447

also Turkiye has started modernization of 35 F-16 block30s ( OZGUR modernization block70 standart )

we are waiting for Aselsan AESA Radar
View attachment 856451

ASELSAN Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)

SPEWS-II is an advanced, internally mounted self protection system specifically designed for F-16C Fighter Jets

-- Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
-- Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Suite
-- Deceptive RF jamming
-- Intelligent control of chaff/ flare dispenser systems
View attachment 856453
Turkiye also modernised Jordanian F-16's

With such political behavior, no codes will not be given to you again, but neither ..... screw.
It is obvious that you're jealous on Turkish defence industry.

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