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Educated Indians' support for Modi is a sad let down

I see it differently, with their love/hatred most of them are illogical......

look at the rhetoric presented,

We both know what this selective outrage is about. For every idiot from BJP blabbering there is a equally stupid voice from UPA, crime and intolerence hate speech happening is not a BJP invention and something we have seen today. Sena has been doing this stuff since the 80's irrespective of their electoral position or who is in power, what is so new or so alarming. This is 1/6th of the world population, attribute 1/6th of problems in the world to it.

Nothing has changed in the constitution, nothing has changed in drastically in policy matter, the only change I see is Congress today fighting for it's survival. That is the only tangible measurable change that Modi has brought about, it's the fluttering before the flame goes out for good.

As far as objectivity is concerned, I rip through policies that I feel are regressive irrespective of who is in power.
I think bar few, most people just want to see a modernizing India. We want jobs, housing, clean air, we want to transform to a modern society. That is what Modi promised, everything else is extraneous. As for this religious tu tu me me ...a pox on both their houses!

The very reason Modi is elected is for the reason mentioned above...... There is lot of hope on Modi....... And the country believes in him and expect him to steer the country towards growth and prosperity........

But the problem is the image he has...... I get a feel that most of the people across country has forgotten his old Image of Godhra ...... But he has his comrades who hasnt forgotten the image, and believe he has become PM because of the old image....... They are the reason why we are in the state today...... While the PM want to steer the country towards growth, his stupid comrades are busy saving cows, and with the help of idiotic media these guys are hijacking the agenda's govt is put in place.......

Who the fcuk are you to provide unsolicited advice ? ...... go first preach to your friend abjktu. If you had any shame or integrity you would have been advice him to keep quite when I have clearly told him to piss off and not bother me again.

Even if you don't have integrity, at least demonstrate some intelligence.

You joined today, and as far as i know i havent seen abjktu for a long time (i assume magudi is his duplicate id which you are reffering to ) but how do you know him if you joined today....... Lord Manavan????
You joined today, and as far as i know i havent seen abjktu for a long time (i assume magudi is his duplicate id which you are reffering to ) but how do you know him if you joined today....... Lord Manavan????

Stop lying you do not know Magudi is Abjktu :sick: ...... you think you can close your eyes and others will think its Night ?
look at the rhetoric presented,

We both know what this selective outrage is about. For every idiot from BJP blabbering there is a equally stupid voice from UPA, crime and intolerence hate speech happening is not a BJP invention and something we have seen today. Sena has been doing this stuff since the 80's irrespective of their electoral position or who is in power, what is so new or so alarming. This is 1/6th of the world population, attribute 1/6th of problems in the world to it.

Nothing has changed in the constitution, nothing has changed in drastically in policy matter, the only change I see is Congress today fighting for it's survival. That is the only tangible measurable change that Modi has brought about, it's the fluttering before the flame goes out for good.

As far as objectivity is concerned, I rip through policies that I feel are regressive irrespective of who is in power.

Well I have nothing to talk about UPA.....They are the worst bunch of politicians available today, probably worse than mayavati's comrades....... and we all know how desperate UPA's to get their vote bank back.....

But you cant blame UPA for the idiotic statement made by idiots of NDA.......

Stop lying you do not know Magudi is Abjktu :sick: ...... you think you can close your eyes and others will think its Night ?

Actually even if i open my eyes it is night here now..... well i do not follow people here.....
Stop lying you do not know Magudi is Abjktu :sick: ...... you think you can close your eyes and others will think its Night ?
Its you who started insulting my ethnicity..
But i don't come up with female names like indrani or madhu greenleaf to fool other male members in this forum..what's your real intention??..This is not a xossip forum after all..
Its pretty clear that its always night for you. Eyes closed or open. No wonder you are friends with dark creatures.

Our conversation is OVER. do not bother to reply.

Thanks a lot for ending this conversation, see you in your next id.....
socialism is coming soon.

LOL jamahir you sort of confirm the fact that the tide has turned. Its quietly comforting :)

year 2017 will see a renewal and revival.

and i am doing my bit, online and off-line. :D

If its as successful as your clockless anti social processor, then we have nothing to worry.

We will not always live under the boot. We muslims are chaffing under Modi rule. You people do not understand the communalism Modi represents. It is unfortunate because it is pushing us muslims away from the idea of India. Never before have we muslims felt so threatened than now. Daily killings of muslims on one excuse or the other-cow slaughter, respecting Pakistan... we might rebel.

As a Lucknowi I know how my people feel. You could have won us over but you not only failed to do that but are also pushing us towards Pakistan.

Havi saab the 'We' muslim you talk about are living in pakistan. Happily i believe so.
Ignoring the childish enthusiasm prompting this outburst, allow me to ask a few gentle questions.

We muslims are chaffing under Modi rule. You people do not understand the communalism Modi represents. It is unfortunate because it is pushing us muslims away from the idea of India
Modi is bad for us, our unity and for India as a whole. I whole heartedly agree but then you should be jumping up and down with joy. Why in the name of holy ghost are you warning us ? And how is that unfortunate for you?

2. Of this part
we might rebel
Again you are warning us. You should sneak up this rebellion up our posterior. So when it hits us, we don't even have the time, space or inclination to fart.
Don't warn us. Just do it what are you waiting for?

3. This drivel of being a lucknowi is hilarious. I sometimes wonder whether are you telling 'us' or convincing yourself that you still have a bit of lucknowi tehzeeb left in you.

By the way, I don't need a visa to go to lucknow, you do :D.

But the consistency with with you bring up your lucknowi origins makes me grin every time i read it. Its almost like you regret your ancestor's migration to pakistan.

As a Lucknowi I know how my people feel. You could have won us over but you not only failed to do that but are also pushing us towards Pakistan

Bhai saab , you are already 'IN' pakistan !
At least I wont vote for Modi govmt next general election....bad performance...he is acting like someone else has a remote control when it comes to civilian issues! ..And he has not been able to pass most of the key reforms....now dont blame congress for that...the same BJP opposed those same reforms (Manmohan was too far literate economist than modi)and now seeking congress support or blaming it... If Modi cant get over RSS and VHP influence, he will be thrown out of power in next election..wait and watch..
The very reason Modi is elected is for the reason mentioned above...... There is lot of hope on Modi....... And the country believes in him and expect him to steer the country towards growth and prosperity........

But the problem is the image he has...... I get a feel that most of the people across country has forgotten his old Image of Godhra ...... But he has his comrades who hasnt forgotten the image, and believe he has become PM because of the old image....... They are the reason why we are in the state today...... While the PM want to steer the country towards growth, his stupid comrades are busy saving cows, and with the help of idiotic media these guys are hijacking the agenda's govt is put in place.......

The way I see it, fringe elements in any population tend to be emotional, think with their hearts and most of all very COMMITTED. Modi cannot completely alienate the fringe, because they will be the first to throw a tantrum and move away from the BJP. At the end of the day democracy is a numbers game. The same way the republicans in the US have to tolerate the tea party, the BJP has to tolerate some of the more extemist elements of the right wing. Congress forced this on them through their tactics. This can change only once the BJP has a better grasp on power, then they can afford to move to the center from the religious point if view. As far as economy goes, I don't think they are all that right wing anyways.
Its you who started insulting my ethnicity..
But i don't come up with female names like indrani or madhu greenleaf to fool other male members in this forum..what's your real intention??..This is not a xossip forum after all..

Why are you still talking to me you shameless creature. :sick: What part of piss off do you not understand ? .......... go whine with your master nair.

Thanks a lot for ending this conversation, see you in your next id.....

No need to thank me. the pleasure is all mine.
no, sicko is right.. you have a psychopathic hate for dogs, it matches your irrational love for muammar

how nice... you didn't even address the links and the vid.

sanghis don't have concern for humanity one bit.

see the last section of this post.

- will gaddafi's rotten corpse rise too?

why should it?? there are living people to spread the ideology and work towards "world jamahiriya".

And what happened under UPA?
no rapes, no terror attacks, no scams no nothing?

irony was that in the citizens' protests after the 2012 amaanat rape/torture case, some sanghi groups came with their obscene flags and chants, supposedly in support of amaanat... these were the same thugs and psychos who had beaten up ladies in a mangalore disco in 2009 and subsequently set loose a reign of "moral policing" terror in mangalore and elsewhere ( orissa, for example )... the lawyer for amanaat's torturers, m. l. sharma, later made anti-human statements that were very much in line with sanghi ideology.

by the way, sanghis owe their current existence to the congress party so sanghis should profusely thank congress party every day... if in 1947 or later, the socialists would have taken over the system...

I don't like dogs too jamahir. But we can't just cull them... :D

but we must, for the good of humans and cats.

in russia is this people's movement ( Russian Doghunters Have No Nightmares ).

The man who uses the online nickname Dogmeat says he sometimes kills 20 dogs over the course of a single night with an air gun, accompanied by a single friend.

now, i have shot at dogs with a .22 air-rifle and the pellets didn't kill them... so i am confused which gun was used by the above person.

in new iraq ( Baghdad Stray Dogs Problem: Officials Have Killed 58,000 In 3 Months ).

in china from just a few days ago ( Chinese district: Get rid of your pet dogs or we'll kill them - CBS News )...
"No person is permitted to keep a dog of any kind," said the notice posted on gateposts around the community of mostly high-rise apartment blocks. "Deal with it on your own, or else the committee will organize people to enter your home and club the dog to death right there."

that's the spirit !! :enjoy:
The way I see it, fringe elements in any population tend to be emotional, think with their hearts and most of all very COMMITTED. Modi cannot completely alienate the fringe, because they will be the first to throw a tantrum and move away from the BJP. At the end of the day democracy is a numbers game. The same way the republicans in the US have to tolerate the tea party, the BJP has to tolerate some of the more extemist elements of the right wing. Congress forced this on them through their tactics. This can change only once the BJP has a better grasp on power, then they can afford to move to the center from the religious point if view. As far as economy goes, I don't think they are all that right wing anyways.

Who is it that you are calling "fringe" ? .......... is the church fringe ? ....... are the maulvis fringe ? or do they represent and lead the main stream ?

Modi has no desire to alienate the "fringe" as you call them. He is part of them. Has not Modi spoken against "Pink revolution" in CLEAR Terms ? Has not the nation heard him say that ?

SO is the whole nation now Fringe ?

You can continue to pretend that Modi is not a Hindtuva guy, when his whole history is NOTHING BUT Hindutva. BJP has NO DESIRE to move away from the religious point of view. Their whole purpose and existence is Hindutva. They last time they tried to move away from it, Advani became a joke and BJP lost big time.

What does that tell you ? What does India want ?

What the "seculars" like nair call the "fringe" IS the Mainstream reality of India. Just because he has difficulty accepting the truth does not mean its not the truth.
LOL jamahir you sort of confirm the fact that the tide has turned. Its quietly comforting :)


do you mean the right-wingers are seeing defeats ( which they are )??

If its as successful as your clockless anti social processor, then we have nothing to worry.

that is coming too, though since it will be through a software emulator initially ( don't have money for fpga board presently ), it will take some more time.
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But the problem is the image he has...... I get a feel that most of the people across country has forgotten his old Image of Godhra ...... But he has his comrades who hasnt forgotten the image, and believe he has become PM because of the old image.......
Unfortunately, you are wrong here. Modi is a thoroughbred Sakha man. When your basics are so hard-coded with RSS values, how can you believe he is supporting secular, modern India and fast developing India to a first world country(!!). This is what is called "fringe theory" where some of the bhaktas believes only a few are misguided and the supremo is so peaceful and development oriented man. eg: only believing Sakshi Aaswami and such fringe groups or people are extremists(which is wrong). Reality is such extremists shows the real RSS-BJP ideas. Why do you think he will not care for RSS agendas? The common people especially Hindus are misguided and trapped into religious bigotry. This is the successful testing of Gujarat experiment across India. I believe namesake RSS fellows also don't understand how it is in the top RSS durbars where the absolute hatred for India's multi ethnic, multi religious existence is attacked. They are Hitler/Mussolini modeled rulers who want control of Hindus and India now. The truth is, RSS is a aryan concept. The Brahminical rulers brainwashes the shudars to attack their targets - the Infidels. Now, mainstream Hindus are being attracted to "Soft Hindutva". Just like Mappila's/Muslims supported Khilafat movement due to the religious inclination. Same here.
Unfortunately, you are wrong here. Modi is a thoroughbred Sakha man. When your basics are so hard-coded with RSS values, how can you believe he is supporting secular, modern India and fast developing India to a first world country(!!). This is what is called "fringe theory" where some of the bhaktas believes only a few are misguided and the supremo is so peaceful and development oriented man. eg: only believing Sakshi Aaswami and such fringe groups or people are extremists(which is wrong). Reality is such extremists shows the real RSS-BJP ideas. Why do you think he will not care for RSS agendas? The common people especially Hindus are misguided and trapped into religious bigotry. This is the successful testing of Gujarat experiment across India. I believe namesake RSS fellows also don't understand how it is in the top RSS durbars where the absolute hatred for India's multi ethnic, multi religious existence is attacked. They are Hitler/Mussolini modeled rulers who want control of Hindus and India now. The truth is, RSS is a aryan concept. The Brahminical rulers brainwashes the shudars to attack their targets - the Infidels. Now, mainstream Hindus are being attracted to "Soft Hindutva". Just like Mappila's/Muslims supported Khilafat movement due to the religious inclination. Same here.

:lol: ....... :enjoy:

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