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Economy of Arakan Collapsed Down Beggars Everywhere

lol I dont hate any muslim. show me where did i insult a religion ? insulting others people is bangladeshi's very own tradition. the whole forum know it.
And believe it or not, nobody will sanction us for this... :rofl:
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lol I dont hate any muslim. show me where did i insult a religion ? insulting others people is bangladeshi's very own tradition. the whole forum know it.
Spew these garbage somewhere else. If BD people really hated people of other region then they wouldn't have given shelterd to ur Burmese Muslims when they were mercilessly getting murdered and raped by ur savage army.

Millions of ur Burmese Muslims r now living under the protection of our govt, eating our food and using our resources. These huge number of refuges r not only destroying the environment of our beautiful cox's bazaar area but also have become a theat to our natural resources. Many Bangladeshis have personally been affected due to this refuge influx since they have to share theirs income with Burmese Muslims now.

But still they r happily sacrificing their own comfort for the betterment of others with whom they have no relation. Because unlike Burmese monkeys we understand the sufferings of poor helpless people.

And believe it or no, nobody will sanction us for this... :rofl:
The end of this poor, uneducated, malnourished and savage nation is very near. Their atheist masters won't be able to save them for long.
Dont know what problem to u BDshi. ur people midset is so low. so we can also post a random clips with random title here if u guys can not show the original clips. ?

iy was in 1997. more than 12 years ago.
Yes, it is a 12 year old news. But, what is the present reality? Is not it worse as per IMF warning? Expect many more things if you do not change your xenophobic mindset. You have already become an internationally recognized pariah for torturing your own citizens including Rohingya. So, do not expect new FDIs unless you change the situation.

Once Burma was the rice-basket of the world. But, it has been ruined only because of bashing the non-Bamars. I became soooo fond of Burma/Rangoon after reading SRIKANTO (Srikanth) written by Sharatchandra who personally went there to work before WWll. That fond image is gone now because of the Bamar attitude towards others. Burma expelled all the Indians who went there to work during British time, and now it is Rohingyas who are its own citizens. Very sad and inhuman.
Lets enjoy the show.

BTW, EU sanction will be the next blow for their economy...

It cannot go on longer. The sooner BD allow them to settle back the better - if they stay too long I worry it will be difficult to resettle the people.

But Burma already reneged on earlier deal to take back the people? They cannot be trusted as their military is too unpredicatable. A no-fly-zone is the correct route.
It cannot go on longer. The sooner BD allow them to settle back the better - if they stay too long I worry it will be difficult to resettle the people.

But Burma already reneged on earlier deal to take back the people? They cannot be trusted as their military is too unpredicatable. A no-fly-zone is the correct route.

No-fly zone is not the way to go.

Next step is EU sanctions to destroy the Barman textile and other industries and this will be very very painful for millions of Barmans/dependents who rely on this for their livelihood. Once the average Barman goes hungry because of expelling Rohingya then the military may be forced to change track.
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That hurts man ... Those people are in serious trouble... Btw there seems to be a lot of greenery ... Those people should start cultivation ...
Greenery starts almost from eastern Bihar, encompasses all the land in its east that ends in Vietnam of mainland Asia.
lol it was happened many years ago in central Myanmar and also not even in arakan. it was started due to generous travellers giving food and money to children playing in the plain and walking besides the road. many travellers ( more than thousands ) used that road a day and when villagers know begging can earn Myanmar kyat equivalent 20 to 25 dollars a day ( children can earn even more ) and they realized the four family members can earn more than 3000 USD ( which is a lot more than normal job ) , then everyone in village come out and try to asking money. but if u go inside village , all have motor bikes , some even own truck. They work in farm as a career and this would be their extra job.

So stop insulting us by posting random clips from youtube given title as u like.
@waz request to clean this thread. @Nilgiri please mention moderators u know to close this thread. insulting will lead to nowhere except hatred. @Dubious

Let them, mods tolerate this when its certain stuff...so not much point tagging.

The thing is....they just lead people to the link under the video lol:


This is what happens when you are just not that bright and rush head in to post something thinking about feelings only.

Then this particularly not-bright one still posting with his account and picture in this day and age where BD govt has banned this forum from its citizens:


Myanmar should just stay focused...BD noise is just that...noise. Remember every day that goes on, just shows BD feckless weakness...they gotta wake up to that each day....it will just drive them nuts....so dont bother too much about bearing with them or wanting some level playing field of rules here. They need their drama outlet lol....and their low intelligence in the end just helps myanmar...and they dont even see how. Little kids always being taken for a ride like I said.

@Chinese-Dragon @SBUS-CXK
lol I dont hate any muslim. show me where did i insult a religion ? insulting others people is bangladeshi's very own tradition. the whole forum know it.
You are torturing and expelling your own Muslim citizens from their homeland in Arakan. What is your excuse to do this unless you do not hate Muslims? Do you really think it will go without a strong reaction at some point in the future?

Do not talk about some unrelated incidents in BD. We are not basically communal. There are some miscreants in every society, but have we ever tortured/expelled our own citizens be them Hindu or Buddhist? Did we allow people to torture the Buddhists in our middle to take revenge of the Muslim repression in Arakan?

It may be that the Burmese Junta wanted this kind of reaction here when it expelled the Rohingyas. So, keep on dreaming.

Myanmar should just stay focused...BD noise is just that...noise. Remember every day that goes on, just shows BD feckless weakness...they gotta wake up to that each day....it will just drive them nuts....so dont bother too much about bearing with them or wanting some level playing field of rules here. They need their drama outlet lol....and their low intelligence in the end just helps myanmar...and they dont even see how. Little kids always being taken for a ride like I said.
Not only that Burma should bring back all the Indian citizens that it expelled after its 1948 independence at gunpoint and all of them should make you the Chief Fanboy for Burmese Junta. Bloody idiot from west Bengal ghatia!!
Not only that Burma should bring back all the Indian citizens that it expelled after its 1948 independence at gunpoint and all of them should make you the Chief Fanboy for Burmese Junta. Bloody idiot from west Bengal ghatia!!

:cheesy: :lol: ....you seem to have gotten nutty. Will you be this angry next year when same ole same ole?...or even more angry?

Burma had the right to send back indians brought there by british. We worked it out with them...like we were doing similarly with Sri Lankans.

You are the types crying about this still. Just accept and take your people and integrate them into BD. The Arakan area was assigned to Burma....and these lot were always asking for Pakistan (remember that time you were proud member? till you changed to turncoats?) to intervene and annex from the get go for a reason....because they understood its partition dynamic and they wanted to be on the right side for them (without moving).

Then you expect burma to forget that simply....and only accomodate but never respond....they are to be totally different to all the 20th century case of population expulsions? As though your hands are clean with all the illegal immigration you lot do everywhere and then the way you did the CHT stuff too.

There are some miscreants in every society, but have we ever tortured/expelled our own citizens be them Hindu or Buddhist?

Ask CHT refugees that moved to NE India and Burma.
Burma had the right to send back indians brought there by british. We worked it out with them...like we were doing similarly with Sri Lankans.

You are the types crying about this still. Just accept and take your people and integrate them into BD. The Arakan area was assigned to Burma
No, Burma had no right to send back the Indians arbitrarily. Think of Malaysia. It did not do that kind of nasty thing. Bamars did it out of xenophobic mind.

Rohingyas were never our citizens to start with. You are an educated man. Read the history and do not fabricate it like @Homo Sapiens do all the time in some other cases. Rohingyas are Arakanese with a long history. Or, should we all go back to Africa where all of us originally belonged to, to begin with?

By the way, as per your and @Aung Zaya's claims if they are really from BD why do not they just go back to their homes instead of taking shelter in the Refugee Camps? Is it not logical that they do the same as the returning Indians did? Their mothers should be waiting with extended hands in that case, isn't it? Why it is not happening then? Do not always talk dumb, people may suspect your intellectual capability.
The Rohingya need to go back for the sake of their wider economy. Maybe this is reason why the US has not supported intervention yet? They are just allowing Arakan region to decline further

Decline of Arakan is in US Interest (to indirectly contain China by denying port access using chaos and destabilization there). Rohingya welfare is a convenient excuse.

They are biding their time and letting the chips fall where they may.

And they KNOW where the chips are headed to. :-)
Hate sin,not the sinner. What miyanmer did do poor Rohingyas, that are unforgivable.

But @Bangladeshi fellows, please show sympathy to poor beggars who are starving. Because clapping/enjoying others sorrow and pain is one of the worst savage act in this world.
Treat hungry people as human only, don't treat them with their nationality.

Those hungry beggars are not part of savage Burmese govt, but they are just hungry people. So please don't let yourself down. Thank you.

Savages got what they deserved.
No Sympathy for these poor, Burmese savages. Long may their sufferings continue.
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