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Economy of Arakan Collapsed Down Beggars Everywhere

It is a bad for Bangladesh. Now Rohingyas would not be willing to go back to Arakan.
It is a bad for Bangladesh. Now Rohingyas would not be willing to go back to Arakan.
Rohingya actually dont care about handout but their property that they lost.
Rohingyas are 30% population of Arakan. The native Rakhine were definitely depended on the supply chain involving Rohingyas. As Rohingyas are gone so is the economic equilibrium of the state.
Myanmar seems like such a fertile land. There is no need for hunger or poverty.
Rohingya actually dont care about handout but their property that they lost.
Rohingyas are 30% population of Arakan. The native Rakhine were definitely depended on the supply chain involving Rohingyas. As Rohingyas are gone so is the economic equilibrium of the state.
Hope Rohingyas are still thinking in that line. But the truth is, as times goes by, more and more Rohingyas will lost hope of recovering their left over properties.
Hope Rohingyas are still thinking in that line. But the truth is, as times goes by, more and more Rohingyas will lost hope of recovering their left over properties.
Deep in my heart, I want them to stay and make BD as their home and move on.. I hope Bangladesh will come to term with that someday and put them in good use.
There is enough on this planet for everyone's needs ... but not for everyone's greed...
Apparently not, there is an event by the name of Ecological Debt Day organised every year to make us aware of our 'ecological imprint' that takes into account both human need and greed. It is sort of a doomsday clock and has inched closer by almost 3 months in the last 30 odd years.
Myanmar seems like such a fertile land. There is no need for hunger or poverty.
Burmese, specially the Arakanese do not have good work ethics. They just drink and gamble. You should read Arakan District Gazette 1917. There the British authority discussed at length about the nature of two community. Arakanese and Chittagonian(Then Rohingyas were called by British). Arakanese just drink, gamble and take as much loan as possible without the thought of repaying. While Chittagonian are described as hard working, frugal people interested in agriculture and business, take very little loan and repay timely. Drinking, gambling is not a problem among the Chittagonian. They developed Arakan's agriculture and business. That document indicate that, Arakanese are gradually loosing ground to the Chittagonian who dominate the economy. And that's why Arakanese resentment and hate is building up.
Burmese, specially the Arakanese do not have good work ethics. They just drink and gamble. You should read Arakan District Gazette 1917. There the British authority discussed at length about the nature of two community. Arakanese and Chittagonian(Then Rohingyas were called by British). Arakanese just drink, gamble and take as much loan as possible without the thought of repaying. while Chittagonian are described as hard working, frugal people interested in agriculture and business, take verly little loan and repay timely. That document indicate that, Arakanese are gradually loosing ground to the Chittagonian who dominate the economy. And that's why Arakanese resentment and hate is building up.
Exactly what happened to the Jews.
lol it was happened many years ago in central Myanmar and also not even in arakan. it was started due to generous travellers giving food and money to children playing in the plain and walking besides the road. many travellers ( more than thousands ) used that road a day and when villagers know begging can earn Myanmar kyat equivalent 20 to 25 dollars a day ( children can earn even more ) and they realized the four family members can earn more than 3000 USD ( which is a lot more than normal job ) , then everyone in village come out and try to asking money. but if u go inside village , all have motor bikes , some even own truck. They work in farm as a career and this would be their extra job.

So stop insulting us by posting random clips from youtube given title as u like.
@waz request to clean this thread. @Nilgiri please mention moderators u know to close this thread. insulting will lead to nowhere except hatred. @Dubious
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