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Eastern Anatolian Conflicts 1800's - 1920 | News & Discussions

As the pope spoke out about the armenian genozide many politicians in germany were unhappy that the german government avoided the word "genocide". This changed now as Erdogan attacked the pope and insulted him.

The Bundestag (Parliament) demands that the events aren´t called a masscre and are clearly named as planned genocide. It is expected that president Gauck will also name it thatw ay in his speech regarding this event

Bundestag will nun doch von "Völkermord" an Armeniern reden - SPIEGEL ONLINE

France approved this genocide thingy in it's parliament.. Germany could follow the same.

Germany's and other European countries decisions accepted as "null" in our parliament.
I wonder why the European Parliament, France, Papal States never talk about the Belgian genocide in Congo

"Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908), the population of the Congo was reduced by half -- as many as 8 million Africans (perhaps even 10 million, in Hochschild's opinion) lost their lives."

'King Leopold's Ghost': Genocide With Spin Control

I also wonder what happened to the indigenous people of the Americas. Oh yeah massacres, inquisitions, slavery etc. BUT TURKEY how dare its imperial predecessor should allegedly do these things. Davutoglu is right. Its nothing but sheer racism.
I wonder why the European Parliament, France, Papal States never talk about the Belgian genocide in Congo

"Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908), the population of the Congo was reduced by half -- as many as 8 million Africans (perhaps even 10 million, in Hochschild's opinion) lost their lives."

'King Leopold's Ghost': Genocide With Spin Control

I also wonder what happened to the indigenous people of the Americas. Oh yeah massacres, inquisitions, slavery etc. BUT TURKEY how dare its imperial predecessor should allegedly do these things. Davutoglu is right. Its nothing but sheer racism.

Let's be honest.people are more shocked and sadened by genocide against white Christians than some distant African,Amerindian tribes.It's not fair but it's the truth,altough many downplay this.

Still,there are plenty of Africans in Congo,Amerindians in the Americas,not so much Armenians in Anatolia.And they lived on that land way before the Turks.Not that i'm saying that Turkey should part ways with its own territory now.
Still,there are plenty of Africans in Congo,Amerindians in the Americas,not so much Armenians in Anatolia.And they lived on that land way before the Turks.Not that i'm saying that Turkey should part ways with its own territory now.

and now they have their own land.. so this is fine..

to the always called turks did not lived there before they came from east, yes our forfathers did not lived there always but now it is in our bloodline too through our mothers.. there is no diffrence between those who had lived there before and those who did conqour this places because they mixed together..
Let's be honest.people are more shocked and sadened by genocide against white Christians than some distant African,Amerindian tribes.It's not fair but it's the truth,altough many downplay this.

Still,there are plenty of Africans in Congo,Amerindians in the Americas,not so much Armenians in Anatolia.And they lived on that land way before the Turks.Not that i'm saying that Turkey should part ways with its own territory now.
There are plenty of armenians today too. Not so many muslims in Armenia.
and now they have their own land.. so this is fine..

to the always called turks did not lived there before they came from east, yes our forfathers did not lived there always but now it is in our bloodline too through our mothers.. there is no diffrence between those who had lived there before and those who did conqour this places because they mixed together..

Buddy,i'm not accusing you of anything,i just explained what happenned.Better said because we're all hipocrites.Muslims moan about the crusades but forget islamic attacks on Europe.Jews moan about the Holocaust but treat Gazans like animals.Some Europeans moan about Anatolia being Greek/Armenian/Christian land but wiped out entire continents and repopulated them with Europeans.I can go on and on about humanity and the giant,round planet ,capital of hipocrisy in the universe and its citizens....planet Earth.
What I don't understand is Armenia has the nerve to constantly pressure Turkey and yet Turkey still continues to host around 40.000 illegal Armenian immigrants. Politicians in Ankara are too soft. What a disgrace.
Buddy,i'm not accusing you of anything,i just explained what happenned.Better said because we're all hipocrites.Muslims moan about the crusades but forget islamic attacks on Europe.Jews moan about the Holocaust but treat Gazans like animals.Some Europeans moan about Anatolia being Greek/Armenian/Christian land but wiped out entire continents and repopulated them with Europeans.I can go on and on about humanity and the giant,round planet ,capital of hipocrisy in the universe and its citizens....planet Earth.

Well at least you are honest enough to accept this hypocrisy and I can agree that it exists on all sides The problem is the EU patronizes third world nations morally by imposing for example trade barriers on nations that dont adhere to the principles of western liberal democracy (which of course includes freedom of expression). It subsequently however has no issue with countries like France declaring that non-acceptance of an alleged genocide is a crime. Anyone who expresses an opinion that what happened in Eastern Anatolia during war time is a lot more complex than a straight out genocide is a criminal in France! What a farce by a so called champions of democracy!

With regards to hypocrisy on the other side indeed Muslims too like to go on about Crusades without recognizing that it was Caliph Al Hakim destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchure that was one of the main reasons behind the Crusades in the first place. But then does that mean that the EU parliament is no better than an average lay Muslim on the street. Surely it has a greater intellectual capacity than mere individuals.
As the pope spoke out about the armenian genozide many politicians in germany were unhappy that the german government avoided the word "genocide". This changed now as Erdogan attacked the pope and insulted him.

The Bundestag (Parliament) demands that the events aren´t called a masscre and are clearly named as planned genocide. It is expected that president Gauck will also name it thatw ay in his speech regarding this event

Bundestag will nun doch von "Völkermord" an Armeniern reden - SPIEGEL ONLINE
And what exactly will change?
I wonder why the European Parliament, France, Papal States never talk about the Belgian genocide in Congo

"Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908), the population of the Congo was reduced by half -- as many as 8 million Africans (perhaps even 10 million, in Hochschild's opinion) lost their lives."

'King Leopold's Ghost': Genocide With Spin Control

I also wonder what happened to the indigenous people of the Americas. Oh yeah massacres, inquisitions, slavery etc. BUT TURKEY how dare its imperial predecessor should allegedly do these things. Davutoglu is right. Its nothing but sheer racism.

Because we give a shit. We want be sure that turley never enters EU. Thats the reason behind this.

And what exactly will change?

I think the reason behind is to divide turkey and germany a bit. Its not in german favour to be to close with turkey
Let's be honest.people are more shocked and sadened by genocide against white Christians than some distant African,Amerindian tribes.It's not fair but it's the truth,altough many downplay this.

Still,there are plenty of Africans in Congo,Amerindians in the Americas,not so much Armenians in Anatolia.And they lived on that land way before the Turks.Not that i'm saying that Turkey should part ways with its own territory now.

The Ottoman Millet system preserved the local culture and religion during the Ottoman rule. When the European countries conquered Ottoman territories in Balkan they killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim monuments. The Hungarian town Buda (Budapest) had Muslim quarter whose inhabitants were massacred and Mosques destroyed. Same happened in most Balkan states. The 40% population of Bulgaria was Muslim under Ottoman rule but after Russian sponsored rebellion nearly all of them were forced to migrate to Turkey.
The Ottoman Millet system preserved the local culture and religion during the Ottoman rule. When the European countries conquered Ottoman territories in Balkan they killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim monuments. The Hungarian town Buda (Budapest) had Muslim quarter whose inhabitants were massacred and Mosques destroyed. Same happened in most Balkan states. The 40% population of Bulgaria was Muslim under Ottoman rule but after Russian sponsored rebellion nearly all of them were forced to migrate to Turkey.

I've heard that narrative too , they say all the blondes they have in turkey aren't turk at all ...
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