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Eastern Anatolian Conflicts 1800's - 1920 | News & Discussions

I wish turkey a good economy and and a nuke too , and i'm not being sarcastic

Just curious , you have the same avatar , he was some serious A-brat on that forum , maybe i'm being paranoid ..

Well sorry to hear that but no I'm not him.
I don't think we're in a very good position if our politicians whine like kids. At the beginning of AKP reign EU literally walked softly and so did the US, they didn't know where they had Turkey, but these past 13 years has more or less made AKP predictable. We need to bring back the uncertainty factor, but the more AKP holds on to power and moves their own ppl into position the worse it gets.

If I recall the readmission deal is timelimited, should just terminate it and help our Syrian brother and sisters to reach greener fields :)

Turkey ratifies Readmission Agreement, 8 July 2014
I give a shit about turkish members. I love it when this happens.

The only reaction that matters is Erdogan and he usually falls into the trap and reacts like an angry 6 year old stomping on the ground. Its priceless when his head gets red and its always same.

When france declared it a genocide. When netherlands did it. When the pope did it and when the european parliment did it. And evryone knows that it will happen next week again :D

It doesn´t matter what turkish members think because turkey is no democracy.

Ottoman Empire is long gone. Today's Turkey is not responsible for wrong deeds of Ottoman era, if there were any.
If your father has killed someone and now court punishes you for his act. Will you be ready for that ?

And German president should bring six million Jews back to life before talking about any other genocide.

Well Turkey's electoral system is actually democratic. If you say not, please change here on Wikipedia page. Thanks.
Has Netherlands, France and so on recognized their passed in Africa, Asia and America? :lol: them talking about this subject is like a retard talking about science or history. Simply not worth to be taken serious. :lol: I think Germany is better. They have archives on WW1 and know better. Turks and Muslims suffered as much as Armenians in the civil war.
Some people here don't realize how politics work. Do you honestly believe anyone in europe gives a shit about armenia or turks feelings and so on? What you see here is cold power calculation. There was a time when leftist europeans leaders like chancellor Schröder and french president Chirac ruled who wanted to bring turkey in the EU. Great efforts were done to achieve this. But times had changed. As chancellor Merkel stepped into office she made clear that she will never allow turkey into EU. Sarkozy in france followed this. The conservative idea is a priviliged partnership. That and nothing more. The armenian question is a weapon to simply trigger constant distance and to make sure, that turkey can never meet the expectations. Nobody in Europe expects that turkey would accept the genocide, infact it would be a worst case scenario. The constant bickering and demands from EU cooled down the will of many turks to join the EU. Chancellor Merkel is known to be one of the worlds most cunning leaders. That she let Gauck hold the speech can be seen as planned provocation by her.

What you see here is simple cold diplomacy done. Aside from a few green "do good" politicians nobody in europe cares about the armenian event. I think the only ones who dont realize this are armenians, some hypernationalisg turks and some leftist gender do good greenies in the EU parliament.

Such things can change fast. Belarus and its leader Lukashenko were snubbed a dictatorship and avoided from EU leaders. Now he is seen as friend, invited and visited just to snub Putin. Nations have only interests, no morals. Get used to it.
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Some people here don't realize how politics work. Do you honestly believe anyone in europe gives a shit about armenia or turks feelings and so on? What you see here is cold power calculation. There was a time when leftist europeans leaders like chancellor Schröder and french president Chirac ruled who wanted to bring turkey in the EU. Great efforts were done to achieve this. But times had changed. As chancellor Merkel stepped into office she made clear that she will never allow turkey into EU. Sarkozy in france followed this. The conservative idea is a priviliged partnership. That and nothing more. The armenian question is a weapon to simply trigger constant distance and to make sure, that turkey can never meet the expectations. Nobody in Europe expects that turkey would accept the genocide, infact it would be a worst case scenario. The constant bickering and demands from EU cooled down the will of many turks to join the EU. Chancellor Merkel is known to be one of the worlds most cunning leaders. That she let Gauck hold the speech can be seen as planned provocation by her.

What you see here is simple cold diplomacy done. Aside from a few green "do good" politicians nobody in europe cares about the armenian event. I think the only ones who dont realize this are armenians, some hypernationalisg turks and some leftist gender do good greenies in the EU parliament.

Such things can change fast. Belarus and its leader Lukashenko were snubbed a dictatorship and avoided from EU leaders. Now he is seen as friend, invited and visited just to snub Putin. Nations have only interests, no morals. Get used to it.
Everybody in Turkey already knows this. That is why Erdogan takes EU development funds and don't care about the requirement for entrance. If you look how he deals with social media and such it is clear indication. If I was France or Germany I would also not want Turkey with strong national and religious identity. They are very hard to assimilate in European culture but Europe has no other choice than to accept turkish islam as part of Europe imho. It is a power struggle that will only weaken Europe and Turkey.
Everybody in Turkey already knows this. That is why Erdogan takes EU development funds and don't care about the requirement for entrance. If you look how he deals with social media and such it is clear indication. If I was France or Germany I would also not want Turkey with strong national and religious identity. They are very hard to assimilate in European culture but Europe has no other choice than to accept turkish islam as part of Europe imho. It is a power struggle that will only weaken Europe and Turkey.

the current reality is Merkels priviliged partnership. The current relationship is best for both sides. And because of this the armenian issue will be used again and again. I think the other side is not too sad about it either.
@MarkusS agreed. A special and upgraded partnership is a better solution. Turkey doesn't need the full institutions of the EU, same goes the other way around. An honest, constructive and pragmatic partnership would be much better than infinite bickering between everyone.

Although Schengen would have been nice.
I give a shit about turkish members. I love it when this happens.

The only reaction that matters is Erdogan and he usually falls into the trap and reacts like an angry 6 year old stomping on the ground. Its priceless when his head gets red and its always same.

When france declared it a genocide. When netherlands did it. When the pope did it and when the european parliment did it. And evryone knows that it will happen next week again :D

It doesn´t matter what turkish members think because turkey is no democracy.

haha! you talk about democracy but the new world is nothing but BS. its amusing to see a a person like you who actually thinks he is free but is actually systematically brainwashed to believe that you have something that others don't! now going on to the Armenian genocide? i know for a fact the only reason why the Armenian genocide has light shed upon it is because the soured relationship between Isreal and turkey. you people call genocide but forget what Italy did in Libya? or Germany in Russia ? yall should start looking in you own shirts to find out what your worth of grain is.
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