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Eastern Anatolian Conflicts 1800's - 1920 | News & Discussions

President Gauck is known to hold nothing back at his speeches. He does not care about diplomacy and names the things what they are.

When he last visited turkey last year it ended in an eklat. He openly critisized the lack of democracy, the autocratic behavior of erdogan, the discrimination of minorities and the lack of freedom of speech. Gauck virtually detonated a diplomatic nuclear bomb. Erdogan was so angry about this that he lost it in public and shouted that Gauck may have forgotten that he is the president of a great nation and not a priest anymore (Gauck was once a priest).

Now at 24st april an event regarding the armenian genocide is planned and the Bundestag and chancellor Merkel organize it. The word "genocide" is avoided and its mostly called massacre in the german documents. German foreign minister Steinmeier said that it should not depend on words alone to take some pressure out of it....

But the main speech is planned to be hold from President Gauck. The german head of the nation. Media asked his office if or not he will call it a genocide in his speech. The office made no specific staement regarding that...but said he won´t hold anything back.

Insiders say that both the german foreign office as well as the turkish foreign office planned to hold it down because they both know their respective presidents. The clash last september was already epic but this one has the potential to be much bigger...and much more entertaining.

The problem is that no one is interested in knowing how many Turks were killed during WW1. Turkey and its politicians has walked softly after the war of independence because we were a young republic and had to go through a bunch of tough times. We were at the mercy of the allies who could have decided any time to go at war against Turkey again (my point of view).

Later on politics got involved and we still didn't do anything to tell the world how many turks were killed during WW1. And now again, we're not doing anything to tell the world how many turks were killed during WW1, because Turkey says that it is up to historians to sort it out.

However Turkey should spend a billion USD or more to support writers and historians who wishes to publish books about turks who died during WW1. And publish a couple of billion copies and spread the word.

Yes, indeed. Whilst I only have superficial knowledge of Ottomon history I understand and empathise with what your saying. Lot's of things in life are all about perception and rarely about the reality. The Armenians have had a century to ensconce themselves in the West in particular the US.

In that time they have had head start in influencing and shaping Western world's perception of Ottomon Turkish history. Many Armenian's occupy positions of power in government, in media in the West. The sum result of the effort mounted by the Armenian community is being reflected in the push for the so called 'Armenian massacre' to be recognized.

The only way to overcome this is power. Your own power. I don't think I need to remind Turks of this. You yourself have stood alone and faced Western onslaught since and before Ottoman times. Turkey today is heading towards being a power house so I am sure in time your influence will at minimum negate if not overcome Armenian propaganda.

From Pakistan - We hope the best for Turkey
You should tag some Turkish members. They will really tell how much fear they got of this speech.
You should tag some Turkish members. They will really tell how much fear they got of this speech.

I give a shit about turkish members. I love it when this happens.

The only reaction that matters is Erdogan and he usually falls into the trap and reacts like an angry 6 year old stomping on the ground. Its priceless when his head gets red and its always same.

When france declared it a genocide. When netherlands did it. When the pope did it and when the european parliment did it. And evryone knows that it will happen next week again :D

It doesn´t matter what turkish members think because turkey is no democracy.
President Gauck is known to hold nothing back at his speeches. He does not care about diplomacy and names the things what they are

President Gauck is another idiot who does not know what he is talking about. He should concentrate on talking about German invasions of smaller European states and genocide of Jews. Germany is still home to Neo-Nazis and skinheads targeting Jews and non-Europeans.
President Gauck is another idiot who does not know what he is talking about. He should concentrate on talking about German invasions of smaller European states and genocide of Jews. Germany is still home to Neo-Nazis and skinheads targeting Jews and non-Europeans.

Germany, like evry country in the world will always have neo-nazis. Its not like foreigners are that welcome anywhere on the planet. We have a saying in germany: Guests are like fish. After 3 days they start to smell.

Beside that its a duty to label any genocide that happened in history. Including the armenian genocide.
Who cares what Gauck says? It's obvious he is more inclined to follow the pontiffs propaganda as he comes from a clerical background. Ultimately it doesn't carry any real weight.

What would matter is if Angie got the German government to pass an actual law concerning the so called genocide, then I would care.

I also sympathise with Mr. Gauck, he wants to do something memorable before his 75 year old body gives in and he ends up biting the dust...
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i think it was about time holocaust found her next perfect victim this time it's turkey ! do the math you'll find out both germany and turkey are being victimized and played !
i think it was about time holocaust found her next perfect victim this time it's turkey ! do the math you'll find out both germany and turkey are being victimized and played !

Exactly, many are naive enough to think that Armenia will be satisfied with a simple apology. The fact is they want compensation and land. After which many of them dream of putting a moral leash on Turkey (like the victors of WW2 have put on Germany) in order to directly influenceTurkey around. Although they seem to ignore the fact that this won't happen any time.
Exactly, many are naive enough to think that Armenia will be satisfied with a simple apology. The fact is they want compensation and land. After which many of them dream of putting a moral leash on Turkey (like the victors of WW2 have put on Germany) in order to directly influenceTurkey around. Although they seem to ignore the fact that this won't happen any time.

Whatever you say my turkish friend , my english is far from perfect , lol , and i needed to put it to the simplest of forms , but i think the jews do use the armenian so called lever from time to time , like you said , something that people need to remind @MarkusS of , from time to time

btw , do you have anything to do with mr. p from that godforsaken iranian forum ?
afraid of what? germany is no problem, they know the consequences of such thing.. and you clown.. come back here after his speech... btw if whole world + whole solar system would say it's a genocide, still we give no sht leave aside germany...

I wish turkey a good economy and and a nuke too , and i'm not being sarcastic

@SelfServeFive a Chinaman lamenting evil deeds...don't keep your hands on the keyboard for too long, the skeletons are about to burst out of your closet.

I don't know who that is. Why?

Just curious , you have the same avatar , he was some serious A-brat on that forum , maybe i'm being paranoid ..

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