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Eastern Anatolian Conflicts 1800's - 1920 | News & Discussions

I finished my university in Europe too. Look at their situation...being gradually replaced by immigrants as their own ethnic birth rate plummets. This can't happen in Turkey. There must be extremely meticulous procedures for immigration or else we may face problems in the future.
I also agree that immigration to Europe is too loose, Japan for exsample accepts only qualified migrants, something whole different than the mass immigration in Europe.

Exactly, take in people that will actually benefit the country. Deny entry or deport the rest.

And ofcourse assimilate the new comers within a generation.

Exactly, take in people that will actually benefit the country. Deny entry or deport the rest.
This would also make our lives here easier when there were no unemployed criminal immigrants en masse, its oly fueling the stereotypes about us.

Agreed. Europe has done the equivalent of a person giving themselves AIDS through a dirty needle and then blaming the drug dealer whereas it's the addicts fault that the needle wasn't clean to begin with.

Agreed. Europe has done the equivalent of a person giving themselves AIDS through a dirty needle and then blaming the drug dealer whereas it's the addicts fault that the needle wasn't clean to begin with.
Lol, this analogy is wrong on so many levels. :D
Armenian gangs killed more than 500,000 Turks: academic
  • Turkey-Armenia Relations Research Center, said that excavations in 1986 and archival research prove the alleged massacre of 519,000 Muslim Turks during that time.

    Kurkcuoglu said that 185 mass graves had been found in eastern and southeastern Anatolia. “Mass killings of civilians were carried out in the region, including in Diyarbakir, Mus, Bitlis, Van, Erzurum, Erzincan, Kars, Ardahan, Igdir, Trabzon, Kilis, Adana, Osmaniye, Antep, Bayburt, Unye, Maras.

    “In Erzurum, 50,000 civilians were massacre by Armenian gangs, while in Van 45,000, Kars 17,000, Igdir 15,000, Erzincan 13,000, Diyarbakir 12,000 and Mus 10,000,” he said.

    According to Kurkcuoglu, during World War I, Russians soldiers withdrew from the region (Eastern Anatolia) after the Bolshevik revolution. “As a result of this, there were Armenian gongs in the region, volunteer Armenian troops and their commanders,” he added.

    Kurkcuoglu said that a colonel in the Russian Army, Twerdo Khleov, mentioned in his memoirs: “There were massacres against the Muslim population in the region by Armenian gangs.”

    Turkey and Armenia disagree on what happened during the events between 1915 and 1923, with Armeniasaying that 1.5 million people were deliberately killed and Turkey saying the deaths were a result of relocations and civil strife.

    Armenia has demanded an apology and compensation, while Turkey has officially refuted Armenian allegations over the incidents saying that, although Armenians died during the relocations, many Turks also lost their lives in attacks carried out by Armenian gangs in Anatolia.

    Last year, Erdogan expressed his condolences for the Armenian deaths that occurred in 1915 – a first for a Turkish statesman.

    Pope Francis said last Sunday that “the first genocide of the 20th century struck Armenians," a statement which triggered criticism from Turkey and led to Ankara recalling its ambassador in the Vatican and also summoning Vatican's envoy in the Turkish capital.

    Also the European Parliament’s adaptation of a resolution that recognizes the 1915 events affecting Armenians as "genocide," triggered furry in Turkey as the country’s EU Minister Volkan Bozkir called the European Parliament "a circus" following its controversial decision.

    Armenian gangs killed more than 500,000 Turks: academic Anadolu Agency
A reaction on EP resolutions or is that something true? I mean the number of death.
A reaction on EP resolutions or is that something true? I mean the number of death.
It is even higher I think if you factor in the civilians deprived, starved and displaced because of Armenian insurgency. Those cities that are mentioned were taken over by Armenian bandits and all the muslim residents were massacred or driven out. This is not a matter of debate whether or not it happened. Turkish, Russian, British, French archives can all confirm this.
Almost a century later why is the Armenian issue still attracting such attention. As a Pakistani I can't understand why .....?
Is it the Armenian community in US behind this?
Almost a century later why is the Armenian issue still attracting such attention. As a Pakistani I can't understand why .....?
Is it the Armenian community in US behind this?

there is a lot of them living in western countries , so yes that is obviously the factor that influences the issue to be brought up
plus they spend a lot of money for it.
Almost a century later why is the Armenian issue still attracting such attention. As a Pakistani I can't understand why .....?
Is it the Armenian community in US behind this?
US and Europe(France),this year it is the 100th year and thats why all the fuss.
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Now imagine 10 times the BS

That's your "Xinjiang genocide". Except the people being "genocided" were actually Chinese Muslims and non-"Uyghur" Turks.

Glad you're getting a small taste of your medicine.
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