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Eastern Anatolian Conflicts 1800's - 1920 | News & Discussions

The Ottoman Millet system preserved the local culture and religion during the Ottoman rule. When the European countries conquered Ottoman territories in Balkan they killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim monuments. The Hungarian town Buda (Budapest) had Muslim quarter whose inhabitants were massacred and Mosques destroyed. Same happened in most Balkan states. The 40% population of Bulgaria was Muslim under Ottoman rule but after Russian sponsored rebellion nearly all of them were forced to migrate to Turkey.

In those people eyes they only retook their lands and expelled a foreign enemy which,practically,is true.I believe that there is still a strong Turkish community in Bulgaria.

Anyway,as we're being honest,Turkey recognised that a strong Christian community will never be loyal to a Turkish state so they've dealt with the problem.Such was the case with the new Balkan states,they saw the Muslims as invaders and future trouble makers.Everybody dealt with this problem in a practical manner....expulsion and ethnic cleansing.
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We want be sure that TurKey never enters EU

mee and many others too.. I give a shit on Turkey entering a pseudo liberal christian club.. better we have best relations with known countries who are good to us.. specially South Korea :smitten:
I've heard that narrative too , they say all the blondes they have in turkey aren't turk at all ...

Many Slav Muslims from Bosnia and Albania have also migrated and settled in Turkey. There are blondes among the Kurds, Syrians and Lebanese too. In Pakistan we have blondes among the Nuristani people (Kalash) and they are not Europeans.
Many Slav Muslims from Bosnia and Albania have also migrated and settled in Turkey. There are blondes among the Kurds, Syrians and Lebanese too. In Pakistan we have blondes among the Nuristani people (Kalash) and they are not Europeans.
But you can always tell between a syrian blond and a european one , some turks looks simply european ! from what i've read they started to absorb people even arabs but then there was the young turks....
I heard they are Persians from aryan race...
This is an aryan :


not blond not white , simply aryan...
In those people eyes they only retook their lands and expelled a foreign enemy which,practically,is true.

Then this argument could also be applied to Eastern Anatolia where Turks have settled for a thousand years and they expelled/exiled Armenians who sided with the Russian invaders during the WW I.
Then this argument could also be applied to Eastern Anatolia where Turks have settled for a thousand years and they expelled/exiled Armenians who sided with the Russian invaders during the WW I.

Yes.I've edited my previous post to adress that.
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