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Hope everyone is safe out there.

Did'nt feel anything here in New Delhi.
may be some biological changes disturbing underwater and tectonic plats
that was before the zalzala as its heavy raining here

Biological changes???????????

This means earthquake had its desired affect on you :lol:
Does there is any tech that quakes can be self made coz there is an attack on one alliance that is Iran, Pakistan & China.

Does Israel or US have any tech like rain can be possible by tech ?

Heard of "HAARP" technology and conspiracy theories attached to it? :whistle: I cant digest even basic physics so that is too much....anyone wanna explain to me?! :angel: in simple terms :pop:
Heard of "HAARP" technology and conspiracy theories attached to it? :whistle: I cant digest even basic physics so that is too much....anyone wanna explain to me?! :angel: in simple terms :pop:
heard of it! Although physics is one of my favourite subjects, still the only thing i understood properly is that conspiracists say that messing with the Ionosphere is BAD. :rofl:
§A Russian military
journal wrote that
ionospheric testing
would "trigger a
cascade of electrons
that could flip earth's
magnetic poles".[20]
§The European
Parliament and the
Alaska state legislature
held hearings about
HAARP, the former
citing "environmental
§Author of the self-
published Angels Don't
Play This HAARP, Nick
Begich has told lecture
audiences that HAARP
could trigger
earthquakes and turn
the upper atmosphere
into a giant lens so that
"the sky would literally
appear to burn".[20]
§Former Governor of
Minnesota and noted
conspiracy theorist
Jesse Ventura
questioned whether
the government is
using the site to
manipulate the
weather or to bombard
people with mind-
controlling radio
§ An Air Force
spokeswoman said
Ventura made an
official request to visit
the research station
but was rejected-"he
and his crew showed
up at HAARP anyway
and were denied
§Physicist Bernard
Eastlund claimed that
HAARP includes
technology based on
his own patents that
has the capability to
modify weather and
neutralize satellites.[3]
§Stanford University
professor Umran Inan
told Popular Science that
conspiracy theories
were “completely
uninformed,” explaining
that “there’s absolutely
nothing we can do to
disturb the Earth’s
[weather] systems. Even
though the power
HAARP radiates is very
large, it’s minuscule
compared with the
power of a lightning
flash—and there are 50
to 100 lightning flashes
every second. HAARP’s
intensity is very
Computer scientist David
Naiditch characterizes
HAARP as "a magnet for
conspiracy theorists",
saying that HAARP
attracts their attention
because "its purpose
seems deeply mysterious
to the scientifically
Journalist Sharon
Weinberger called HAARP
"the Moby Dick of
conspiracy theories" and
said the popularity of
conspiracy theories
often overshadows the
benefits HAARP may
provide to the scientific
Austin Baird writing in
the Alaska Dispatch said,
"What makes HAARP
susceptible to
conspiracy criticism is
simple. The facility
doesn't open its doors
in the same way as
other federally-funded
research facilities
around the country, and
it doesn't go to great
efforts to explain the
importance of its
research to the
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