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Dyson engineer wins unfair dismissal claim after Sikh manager told her ‘I don’t like Muslims’

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Aug 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:

The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.
The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.
Indeed brother! Never forget! Sikhs are not our friends, Pakistanis definetly need to stop praising them like they are fellow Muslims. They are not!
Indeed brother! Never forget! Sikhs are not our friends, Pakistanis definetly need to stop praising them like they are fellow Muslims. They are not!

Out of all the races and communities on earth, sikhs hate Pakistanis and Muslims the most. Right now, they are by and large keeping quiet and behaving like good boys as they are a small, worthless, irrelevant, meaningless, pathetic and inferior group on the world stage who no-one gives a damn about. They are not capable of doing anything major. HOWEVER if a chance arrives to do ANYTHING anti-Muslim or anti-Pakistani however small, they will be the first jumping at the chance to do something.

For some reason, sikhs worship the white race and are very insecure and seek acceptance and validation from white people.
For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:

The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.

It's in our interests to pursue khalistan

But our emnity with Indians is eternal
Sikhs are dying out in India. Many are converting to Hinduism and they have low birth rates so they'll be replaced by Bihari/UP labourers.
For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:

The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.
Sikhs....so sad. They hate Muslims yet hindus violate their golden temple and they still talk shit
how was he allowed to keep the job - i dont understand.
At least he was honest. I was rejected on many places just because of my nationality. One lady in an interview told me that they are satisfied by my technical caliber, but as I am a Pakistani, so sorry, no job for me.
At least he was honest. I was rejected on many places just because of my nationality. One lady in an interview told me that they are satisfied by my technical caliber, but as I am a Pakistani, so sorry, no job for me.
I dont understand UK. why is it considered a liberal modern country when it tolerates things like this. I think the fact he belonged to conservative party may have helped his cause.
so what does "winning" do for her? she gets to work in the same company as that turd?

She left and now works for Whirlpool and earns more. The sickh racist basta*d left Dyson as the company decided not to pursue the electric car project any longer. They deemed the electric car project too risky.
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