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Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim

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I dont doubt a word you say about yourself, my self image is quite similar. Just that I wont trust myself being unbiased about things like belief or cases in which my feelings overcome my capability to see things straight.
Lot of people think being balanced is about going 'on one hand.. and on other' .. or admonishing both kids equally even if one of them was actually naughty and lied about other.

Not at all, in the context of this thread. Muhammad's life has many examples showing how to deal with non-Muslims, and none of them are radical, or unfair, or irrelevant in today's age.
Not at all, in the context of this thread. Muhammad's life has many examples showing how to deal with non-Muslims, and none of them are radical, or unfair, or irrelevant in today's age.
other assertions better left to professional historians, last one actually used to commit crimes.
Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim - islamqa.info

Praise be to Allaah.

The duty of the Muslim towards a non-Muslim includes a number of things:


Da‘wah or calling him to Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. He should call him to Allah and explain to him the reality of Islam when possible, with regard to whatever issues he has knowledge about, because this is the greatest kindness that he can give to his fellow-citizens and to those whom he meets of Jews, Christians and others who may be mushrikeen (polytheists), because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who guides others to goodness will have a reward like that of the one who does it.” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), when he sent him to Khaybar and instructed him to call the Jews to Islam: “By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man through you, that would be better for you than having red camels (the best kind).” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever calls others to right guidance will have a reward like that of those who follow him, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.”

So calling him (the non-Muslim) to Islam, conveying Islam to him and being sincere towards him in that are among the best means of drawing close to Allah.


He should not wrong him, with regard to his physical well being, his wealth or his honour. If he is a dhimmi (non-Muslim living under Muslim rule), musta’man (one who is granted security in a Muslim land) or mu‘aahid (one with whose country the Muslims have a peace deal), then he should give him his due rights, and not transgress against his wealth by stealing, betraying or deceiving, and he should not harm him physically by striking or killing him, because the fact that he is a mu‘aahid or dhimmi, or musta’man, means that he is protected by sharee‘ah.


There is no reason why we should not interact with him, buying, selling, renting, hiring and so on. It is narrated in saheeh reports that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) bought from kuffaar who were idol worshippers, and he bought from the Jews, and these are interactions. When he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) died, his shield was being held in pledge by a Jew for some food he had bought for his family (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).


With regard to greeting, the Muslim should not initiate the greeting, but he may return it, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not initiate the greeting of salaam with the Jews or Christians.” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If the people of the Book greet you with salaam (by saying al-salaamu ‘alaykum), say ‘Wa ‘alaykum.’” So the Muslim should not initiate the greeting to a kaafir, but if the kaafir initiates it, and the Jew or Christians etc. greets you with salaam, then you should say “wa ‘alaykum,” as the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said.

These are some of the rights between a Muslim and a kaafir.

Another right is being a good neighbour. So if he is a neighbour, be kind to him and do not annoy him; give charity to him if he is poor, give him gifts, give him beneficial advice, because these are things that will attract him to Islam and to become Muslim; and because the neighbour has rights. The Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Jibreel kept urging me to be kind to my neighbour until I thought that he would make him my heir.” Saheeh - agreed upon. If the neighbour is a kaafir, he still has the rights of a neighbour; if he is both a relative and a kaafir, then he has two rights: the rights of a neighbour and the rights of a relative.

One of the rights of the neighbour is that you should give him charity, but not zakaah, if he is poor, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allaah loves those who deal with equity” [al-Mumtahanah 60:8]. According to the saheeh hadeeth narrated from Asma’ bint Abi Bakr (may Allah be pleased with her), her mother, who was a mushrik, entered upon her during the truce between the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the people of Makkah, seeking help. Asma’ asked the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) for permission - should she uphold ties of kinship with her? The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Uphold ties of kinship with her.”

But with regard to celebrating their festivals, the Muslim should not take part in celebrating their festivals, but there is nothing wrong with offering them condolences if a loved one dies, such as saying “May Allah compensate you in your loss” and other kind words. But he should not say “May Allah forgive him” or “May Allah have mercy on him” if the deceased was a kaafir, and he should not pray for the deceased if he was a kaafir. But he may pray for the one who is alive to be guided and to be compensated and so on. End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him).

Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb, 1/289-291.


@monitor @extra terrestrial @khair_ctg @kalu_miah @Saiful Islam @kobiraaz @Bilal9 @aazidane @asad71 @idune @MBI Munshi @iajdani @Skallagrim @UKBengali @mb444 @fallstuff @the just @Khalid Newazi @Jay12345 @Loki @Al-zakir @Bengal.Tiger @Abdullah Bangladeshi @T-Rex @masud

@Akheilos @Armstrong @balixd @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Sedqal @Zarvan @Donatello @Pakistanisage @PWFI @S.U.R.B. @airmarshal @patriotpakistani @Abu Zolfiqar @aks18 @Horus @Chak Bamu @qamar1990 @Musalman @tesla @Arabian Legend @Saif al-Arab @al-Hasani @Al Bhatti @Falcon29 @karakoram @American Pakistani @Hakan @IbnTaymiyyah @TankMan @AXO4D @K-Xeroid @Pakistani sipahi @terry5

@Jamaal Yelmaaz @syedali73 @Rakan.SA @JUBA @DRaisinHerald @Umair Nawaz @Alienoz_TR @Oublious @Sage @DV RULES @farhan_9909 @SipahSalar @WebMaster @azzo @Arsalan @Azad-Kashmiri @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Psychic

@flamer84 @C130 @xenon54 @Koovie

Obey the laws of the countries in which you live in and that's what really matters.
other assertions better left to professional historians, last one actually used to commit crimes.

I have no idea what you just tried to say here. Please explain.
I have no idea what you just tried to say here. Please explain.
I was saying a lot of people try to emulate muhammed in today's world, some of them break law. Thinking 'what will jesus do' might make you compassionate, but the muslim equivalent could lead you to dangerous path.
Any more elaboration is invitation to banning, hope you understand. One of mods might already be scanning my posts for mistakes in grammar, they want to look tolerant and fair and balanced. We all got self image to protect. :pop:
I was saying a lot of people try to emulate muhammed in today's world, some of them break law. Thinking 'what will jesus do' might make you compassionate, but the muslim equivalent could lead you to dangerous path.
Any more elaboration is invitation to banning, hope you understand. One of mods might already be scanning my posts for mistakes in grammar, they want to look tolerant and fair and balanced. We all got self image to protect. :pop:

There are nutcases who would take WWJD to the same misguided extremes, not just in Islam.

(If you think you are being scanned, I must be under a microscope! :D )
Defence.pk is becoming cesspool of religious discussion . The time people spend here ( specially the religious type) nitpicking religion and sayings and quote if spent over actually doing something in life which really matters ( job , science even your family ) you guys will lead a much happier life here than one you hope to get in otherworld .
There are nutcases who would take WWJD to the same misguided extremes, not just in Islam.

(If you think you are being scanned, I must be under a microscope! :D )
lolz, no I am not that important. Nobody holds grudge here, I dont want to sound victim. Its just old trick of giving negative point in another thread because they dont want to appear odd here. So the trick is to scan some other thread and see if I made any silly comments. Offtopic comment is a good target, I make them all the time, mostly for fun.
Anyway, I leave this thread to more learned friends here.
I would recommend the people to read the 4th chapter of Quran titled 'Women'. Quran is the definitive text of Islam Allah (SWT) promised to preserve it's integrity.

The chapter starts with a verse which establishes the bonds of humanity among the mankind: People (O mankind), be mindful of your Lord, who created you from a single soul (Nafs) and from it created its mate, and from the pair of them spread countless men and women far and wide; be mindful of God, in whose name you make requests of one another. Beware of severing the ties of kinship: God is always watching over you. (4:1)

Then, it goes on the define the responsibilities of the believers on the basis of these bonds of humanity; bonds of humanity have been explored in the context of immediate family, relatives, community and broader social groups.

For example:

1. taking care of the orphans and the feeble-minded; taking care of their property and marriage
2. inheritance
3. unnatural sexual acts i.e. homosexuality to maintain a healthy natural balance of human relationships
4. women and marriage with an emphasis on having a respectful relationship
5. other people's property
6. sharing your wealth with the poor – charity
7. justice – basis of a healthy society
8. Fighting the aggression and oppression – maintain the peace
9. Husband-wife relationships
10. Murder and compensation

In all of the above topics, other than marriage – which is allowed with only the people of the Book – there is no distinction of the believers or non-believers. Non-believers have the same rights as the believers.

1. a believers is responsible for taking care of the orphans and the feeble-minded regardless of their faith
2. a believer is responsible for giving out share out of inheritance to inheritors regardless of their faith
3. there is same punishment for homosexual acts on the disbelievers as for believers

so on and so forth. There is no distinction in the Quran - it establishes the bonds of humanity and gives commandments to preserve them.
I opened this thread to tell non-muslims & islamophobes on PDF abt the islamic principles with regard to treating non-muslims well . History is testimony to the fact that muslims gave far more rights to non-muslims throughout history than what muslim have in the non-muslim world. Last i checked, niqab is banned in france, muslims r prevented from fasting in china , hindus ask muslims to do pagan rituals like yoga in India and muslims get labeled as extremist/terrorist for not conforming to non-muslim secular liberal values in UK and the west.

So essentially according to this narrative, Muslims need to openly discriminate against being nice to non-muslims, be rude to them and tend to isolate them in the community.
Good way to help the image of Islam.

This is a authentically sound narrative. Authentic hadith have been quoted & this answer was given by one of the foremost scholar of the 20th century , Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him). Unlike this post colonial era, muslims throughout past 1400 years, didn't find anything "discriminating" with such narratives .Can u point out what point is "discriminating" , "rude" or "isolationist ". If u didn't know, Islam is a holistic way of life with its own world view. We Muslims don't share the same definitions & beliefs of right & wrong like the liberal / secular /pagan non-muslim world.

Problem with intellectually colonized people like u is that, u people lack the basic knowledge abt islam and neither do u want to know. U view the world from a liberal secular POV and suffer from inferiority complex. And when one tells u what is Islam, it shocks u since it doesn't conform to your desires , secular indoctrinated beliefs and pre-conceived notions. But rather than trying to learn u people talk abt "narratives" .

The distinction between "us" and "them" is what makes religion so bigoted. My stomach had an awful feeling after reading this, and I'm quite sure that's due to the Kung Pao chicken I ate for lunch.

Honestly, time to move away from 7th century etiquettes.

I can't comprehend how anyone with commonsense find it awful. But then again commonsense is not very common now a days.

7th century ? That century saw the greatest society on the face of the earth and the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth- Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For mankind that 7th century Islamic society is the benchmark against which success of all societies to come is to be measured. The more u move away from the 7th century etiquettes, the more corrupt , immoral and dysfunctional society will become.

For academic reasons .. would some enlightened one explain to a dumbo like me the reason for this ?

Also, has anyone questioned this dictat ? If so were you satisfied with the answer ?

There r variety of reasons why muslims r forbidden in taking part in non-muslim festivals or even congratulating them in such festivals :

- Firstly , non-muslims in their festivals , celebrate their kufr & shirk i.e associating partners with Allah (swt) , which is the greatest sin that puts a person beyond the pale of islam and is the major difference between muslims & non-muslims. Festivals are the matter of religion and beliefs . SO i don't see how u expect a muslim to partake in your festivals like holi and Christmas.

- Secondly , partaking in non-muslim festivals involve imitating them which is forbidden. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) used to say: “Avoid the enemies of Allaah during their festivals.”

- Thirdly , it implies that the muslim is approving of the sin & transgression committed by non-muslims and kind of co-operating with them in falsehood.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment”[al-Maa'idah 5:2]

Its like congratulating and helping someone in eating pork & drinking wine which is clearly forbidden for muslims. SO how abt co-operating and congratulating in something that is even worse?

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his book Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem Mukhaalifat Ashaab al-Jaheem: Imitating them on some of their festivals implies that one is happy with the falsehood they are following, and that could make them (the non-Muslims) take this opportunity to mislead those who are weak in faith.

- Fourthly, “And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass it by with dignity” [al-Furqaan 25:72 – interpretation of the meaning]. The scholars interpreted this aayah was referring to the festivals of the mushrikeen. It is not permissible to give any of them cards for their festivals, or to sell them cards or any of the other things they need for their festivals such as lights, trees or food – including turkey, candy canes, etc.

Non-muslim festivals also include valentines day , thanksgiving and innovated occasions like mothers day etc etc.

And Allah (swt) knows best.

Muslims duty towards non Muslims is " live and let live". Plzzzzzzzz

Which point doesn't let u live ?

Non Muslims do much much more for Muslims in non Muslim countries than Muslims do for non Muslims in Muslim countries overall.

Like banning fasting in UK & china, banning niqab in france , giving labels like extremist/terrorist for rejecting non-muslim values of liberalism like they r doing in the UK and most of the western world and asking muslims to do pagan rituals like yoga in India.

Obey the laws of the countries in which you live in and that's what really matters.

Is this thread abt laws of countries ? U must be in the wrong section.
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7th century ? That century saw the greatest society on the face of the earth and the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth- Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For mankind that 7th century Islamic society is the benchmark against which success of all societies to come is to be measured. The more u move away from the 7th century etiquettes, the more corrupt , immoral and dysfunctional society will become.

What a perfect statement of "Back to the Future" syndrome!

What if the rest of mankind does not share this view?
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I can't comprehend how anyone with commonsense find it awful. But then again commonsense is not very common now a days.

7th century ? That century saw the greatest society on the face of the earth and the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth- Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For mankind that 7th century Islamic society is the benchmark against which success of all societies to come is to be measured. The more u move away from the 7th century etiquettes, the more corrupt , immoral and dysfunctional society will become.

This is the precise attitude that is holding all religiously motivated countries back, the fact that everything was perfect thousands of years back and now the world is crap. We have come a long way into exploring the universe, about evolution, physics, mathematics, astronomy (& pretty much every field in science) and are now awe struck at the possibilities of infinite beauty that await us that need further exploring. We have improved the lives of everyone in this world.

and you want to go back to 7th century where tribesmen killed each other over fictional entities.

There r variety of reasons why muslims r forbidden in taking part in non-muslim festivities or even congratulating them in such festivities ;

- Firstly non-muslims in their festivities celebrate their kufr & shirk i.e associating partners with Allah (swt) which is the greatest sin that puts a person beyond the pale of islam and is the major difference between muslims & non-muslims. Festivals are the matter of religion and beliefs . SO i don't see how u expect a muslim to partake in your festivities like holi and Christmas.

- Secondly , partaking in non-muslim festivities involve imitating them which is forbidden. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) used to say: “Avoid the enemies of Allaah during their festivals.”

- Thirdly , it implies that the muslim is approving of the sin & transgression committed by non-muslims and kind of co-operating with them in falsehood.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment”[al-Maa'idah 5:2]

Its like congratulating and helping someone in eating pork & drinking wine which is clearly forbidden for muslims. SO how abt co-operating and congratulating in something that is even worse?

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his book Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem Mukhaalifat Ashaab al-Jaheem: Imitating them on some of their festivals implies that one is happy with the falsehood they are following, and that could make them (the non-Muslims) take this opportunity to mislead those who are weak in faith.

- Fourthly, “And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass it by with dignity” [al-Furqaan 25:72 – interpretation of the meaning]. The scholars interpreted this aayah was referring to the festivals of the mushrikeen. It is not permissible to give any of them cards for their festivals, or to sell them cards or any of the other things they need for their festivals such as lights, trees or food – including turkey, candy canes, etc.

Non-muslim festivities also include valentines day , thanksgiving and innovated occasions like mothers day etc etc.

And Allah (swt) knows best.

Which point doesn't let u live ?

Like banning fasting in UK & china and the former USSR , giving labels like extremist/terrorist for rejecting non-muslim values of liberalism like they r doing in the UK and most of the western world and asking muslims to do pagan rituals like yoga in India.

Is this thread abt laws of countries ? U must be in the wrong section.

Please tell me you are trolling because you are not doing your fellow muslims any favour with this post.

What a perfect statement of "Back to the Future" syndrome!

What if the rest of mankind does not share this view?

Burn them, and punish their family for three generations - Kim Jong il style! - but also be kind to them.
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@Luffy 500 Yoga is pagan and unislamic and you can choose to avoid it easily for it's not a binding necessity. You can easily go to a gym, a present day concept of the predominantly Christian societies or the West.

Funny thing though, gym is an short for gymnasium, which is a greek word. If you dig a little further, more facts come out.
Gymnasium had various equipments for exercise and provided courses on gymnastica militaria, medica and athletica i.e. self-defense, healing and fitness. By the way, did you know, all these Greeks were, what you call, pagans ?

So, you cannot do Yoga that's a Hindu thing, you cannot go to the gym that's Christian as well as pagan. So, what will you do ? Probably you will run amok on the streets then ? May be that's the Muslim thing to do ?
Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim - islamqa.info
Praise be to Allaah.The duty of the Muslim towards a non-Muslim includes a number of things -
What appeal does a non-Muslim have if he feels a Muslim didn't follow these rules? I recall reading the debates of the Objectives Resolution, the bottom line, it appeared to me, was that non-Muslims in Pakistan would be entirely dependent on Muslims' goodwill - that is, these "duties" don't translate into any sort of rights of non-Muslims, they're more like a kind of boon that can be withdrawn any time - something to improve Islam's image, not its substance..
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